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After about 1.5 years, we will return to campus on 6 September. Celebrate this special moment with us and let us know what you are looking forward to for the Academic Year 2021-2022.

Who would you like to meet again on the UvA campus and what are you most looking forward to when you can work or study on the UvA campus again? Share your nicest, funniest or sweetest message with us and let the city of Amsterdam know what you are looking forward to! You might find your message on the (digital) advertising screens in Amsterdam from September 1!

Your submission may be an anonymous or a personal message of no more than 150 characters. You can submit your entry until 19 July. 

Sam, Last year we became online study budies. I can’t wait to finaly meet you IRL. James
Dear Cecile, I can’t wait to work together in real life again!! Xoxo Lisa