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Princess Amalia will start at the University of Amsterdam in the upcoming academic year, studying for a bachelor's degree in Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE). We are proud that she has opted to follow this challenging and versatile study programme at the University of Amsterdam.
Photo: RVD - Frank Ruiter

PPLE combines law, economics, political science and psychology. It is an English-taught programme, with a mix of Dutch and foreign students. Radboud Winkels, dean of the programme: ‘We teach students to work together and to look at subjects from different angles. The corona crisis, for example: it was not just about health, but also about the interests of entrepreneurs, about loneliness and about fundamental rights. All these disciplines are dealt with together in PPLE.’ 

In order to be admitted to PPLE, Princess Amalia completed the regular selection procedure for the programme in its entirety and with good results. She will start in September, along with the 220 others in her year. 

We wish her, and all the other first years, a lot of fun and success in their education.