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Prof. Elsbeth Kalenderian, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), has announced that she will be stepping down from her post on 1 August 2022. Kalenderian is keen to spend more time with her family without leaving academia altogether. She will continue as professor of General Dentistry in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Amsterdam UMC. Her remit will encompass lecturing, research and supervising PhD candidates.

The Executive Boards of the UvA and VU respect Professor Kalenderian’s decision. In a response, Geert ten Dam and Mirjam van Praag, chairs of the Executive Boards, said the following: ‘We appreciate Elsbeth’s efforts in recent times and the work that she put in to prepare ACTA for the future.’

The Executive Boards of the UvA and VU have appointed Prof. Hans Romijn, former chair of the Board of Amsterdam UMC and former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam, as interim dean. He has been asked to ensure (administrative) calm and stability within ACTA. In addition, he has been tasked with exploring future perspectives for ACTA. Among other things, he will be examining possibilities for strengthening collaboration with Amsterdam UMC.

Because Kalenderian is currently recovering following an operation, Romijn will begin his role as interim dean on 1 July 2022 in the interests of continuity.