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The Sisters in Science (Noor Abdulhussain, Lotte Schreuders and Mimi den Uijl) have been awarded the Van Marumpenning 2022 of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society KNCV. The Sisters receive this award because of the way they use their personal experience to show something about their research and work in chemistry, including what it means to be a female scientist and also showing the less beautiful side of things.

The Sisters started the Instagram account SistersinScience_NL in January 2021. Abdulhussain and Den Uijl are PhD students at the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences at the UvA and Schreuders is a lecturer at the master's program in Chemistry, track Analytical Sciences. On their account they introduce their followers to their daily lives and work.

Going a step further

According to the jury, the way in which they show what it means to be a female scientist in chemistry is 'an innovative feature, going further than the usual forms of science communication in which the emphasis is on explaining complex research and the importance of science for society. The Sisters in Science make it personal and do not shy away from the less attractive aspects of a scientific career'.

Theatre shows and festivals

In addition to the Instagram account, the Sisters in Science have participated in a large number of activities in which children, young people and the general public are introduced to science, ranging from large-scale science festivals to performances in theatre shows, workshops and training sessions.

According to the jury, their accessible performance, their use of modern communication tools and their familiarity with a culturally diverse audience make them refreshing role models for young people. At the same time, precisely because of their personal approach, they are able to reach out to many different groups in society for whom science is often still unknown territory.

The Sisters in Science show that science and chemistry are accessible to everyone and thus make an undeniable contribution to making chemistry and life sciences more inclusive at all levels.