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The UvA is in 60th place worldwide in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2022-2023, which were published on Wednesday, 12 October. This is an increase of five places compared to last year, when the UvA was in 65th place.

Dutch universities are once again strongly represented in the rankings: in total, seven Dutch universities have a place in the top 100. The UvA is the second highest ranked Dutch university. As with last year, Wageningen University & Research is the highest placed Dutch institution at 59.

The UvA's position in the THE Rankings in recent years.
The UvA's position in the THE Rankings in recent years.

The top three worldwide are University of Oxford, Harvard University and University of Cambridge.

Performance indicators

Times Higher Education bases the rankings on a total of thirteen performance indicators in five different categories: Teaching (30%), Research (30%), Citations (30%), International outlook (7.5%) and Industry income (2.5%). The UvA’s strongest category, compared to all of the ranked universities, was in the Research category.

Comparison with all ranked institutions; the position of the UvA is indicated by a black dot for each assessment category.
Comparison with all ranked institutions; the position of the UvA is indicated by a black dot for each assessment category.