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Students and staff of multiple universities, including the UvA, have called on the Executive Boards of these universities to sever ties with the fossil fuel industry. In early February, the UvA announced that it would not enter into any new research partnerships with Shell or similar fossil fuel industry companies until the conclusion of a UvA-wide series of dialogues on the subject. The question at the heart of the series is who we cooperate with and how. The dialogue started on 29 March. The series will continue in May and June at Science Park, on the Roeterseiland Campus and in the University Quarter.

Cooperation with third parties

The dialogues showcase different perspectives on cooperation with the fossil fuel industry. In response to these dialogues, the UvA will evaluate its current policy on cooperation with third parties and may choose to make adjustments to bring the policy more into line with the UvA’s academic expertise and values.

Take part in the dialogues on campus

Further dialogues will take place on all campuses in May and June. Everyone who studies or works at the UvA is welcome to take part. Arno Kourula: ‘The goal of the online launch event was to shed light on the different perspectives on cooperation. The dialogues on campus will focus on determining the key questions and issues that must be addressed.’

The dates of the upcoming dialogues are shown below.

Looking back on first dialogue

The first session took place on 29 March. Ten students and members of staff gave a pitch in which they presented their viewpoints regarding the debate. The viewpoints were then discussed in smaller groups. Arno Kourula, academic coordinator and moderator of the dialogues: ‘We saw speakers and participants who are passionate about the energy transition and engaged with each other openly. We’re therefore looking forward to the upcoming dialogues, which will take place all across campus.’

If you missed the first session, you can review the pitches and presentations here.

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