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In early February, the UvA announced that it would not enter into any new research collaborations with Shell or other fossil fuel industry companies until there has been an UvA-wide dialogue with students and staff on the subject. In May and June, that dialogue took place. Based on those dialogues, a report has been presented to the Executive Board (CvB), which will make a decision on if and how UvA can work together with partners from the fossil fuel industry.

The aim of the dialogues was to gather a broad perspective on the matter from as many corners of the UvA as possible. This was done through dialogues but also through 1-on-1 interviews, short surveys on campus, an online helpdesk and consultations with student and advisory councils inside and outside the UvA.

What happens next?

Based on the report, the CvB will make a decision on whether or not to collaborate with partners from the fossil industry and under what conditions this is or is not possible. More information on this will follow via the UvA website and news channels.