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The UvA’s Placemaking programme (taught at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies) has won the Dutch Education Award for outstanding innovations in higher education. The prize amount of €1.2 million was presented by the Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf.

Working together with municipality, residents and users

In the Placemaking programme, students work together with local stakeholders to improve UvA campus areas. Together with residents, users of these areas and other stakeholders, students tackle local issues. They pass on the lessons they learn to new student teams and to the local community. The Dutch Education Awards jury praised this transdisciplinary approach.

How will Placemaking be spending the prize amount of €1.2 million?

Coordinator Katusha Sol: ‘We would love to tackle issues at many more locations in collaboration with the municipality of Amsterdam, including outside of UvA campus areas. To this end, we want to invest in collaborations with students in senior secondary vocational education (MBO) and higher professional education (HBO). They have special skills to offer: they have engineering skills, can build things or have a creative perspective. Combined with UvA students’ analytical and conceptual skills, that will be a very valuable contribution.'