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For this coming Monday, actions have been announced in the form of a 'national walk-out.' This involves students and staff walking out of lectures in protest at 11:00 and gathering at Roeterseiland. To ensure this walk-out proceeds safely, we kindly request that everyone not to stay inside the building but to proceed outside. Students and staff are of course free to choose whether or not to participate.

Faculties will determine how to handle the potential class cancellations and options to make these classes up later. Further information on this will be provided later today. 

As long as the demonstration remains peaceful, we will naturally allow it on the university grounds. However, it is explicitly prohibited to set up a tent camp or erect barricades. We want to be able to continue to ensure the safety of our students and staff. As previously communicated, wearing face coverings, intimidation and hurtful slogans are not allowed either. 

​We call on everyone to make sure this national walk-out proceeds calmly and peaceably.  

Kind regards,

Geert ten Dam  
Jan Lintsen  
​Peter-Paul Verbeek  

More information

Check uva.nl for the latest updates and current information about the protests.