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The renewed, extended assessment framework with which the UvA can assess its external collaborations is now its final preparatory phase. The framework is intended to prevent education and research from contributing to violations of human rights, the misuse of knowledge for unwanted military purposes or serious damage to the environment. Until now, the assessment framework only related to collaboration with the fossil fuel industry and to knowledge security.

The assessment framework contains an extensive questionnaire, in which the subject of the research or education, the application, the partner and the relevant geopolitical situation are taken into account. Collaborations that are assessed as potentially controversial on the basis of this questionnaire must be submitted to the Advisory Committee on Collaboration with Third Parties

The draft assessment framework that is now available is the result of a process that was initiated in May this year and can be completed in January after advice from the representative advisory bodies. Currently, no new research and education collaborations can be begun with countries at war and/or where human rights violations may be occurring, until the assessment framework has been established and can be applied.

Feedback and representative advisory bodies

The draft assessment framework has been discussed by the Executive Board and the deans of the UvA in the past weeks and months. The draft is now being sent to, among others, the central representative advisory body, the University Education Committee, the University Research Committee and the Senate.

The final draft will be adopted in mid-December and sent to the representative advisory bodies. From January 2025, all new collaborations will be assessed against the new framework. Existing collaborations that may be controversial will also be reassessed.

Case studies

The advisory committee focuses on institutional collaborations: research within consortia (such as Horizon 2020), student exchanges and collaborations with companies. A joint paper, presentation at a conference, guest lecturer or internship do not count as institutional collaborations.

The assessment framework is also the benchmark against which three current cases will be assessed. These are student exchanges with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, collaboration with the Chinese Scholarship Council and student exchanges with universities in Hungary. The advice on these three collaborations will be completed shortly.

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