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Former chair of the AMC board Marcel Levi has been appointed professor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Amsterdam (UvA-Amsterdam UMC), with effect from 1 April 2021. The appointment is for one day a week. Levi will combine his professorship with his new position as chair of the Dutch Research Council (NWO), which will also take effect on 1 April.
Marcel Levi (photo: Jeroen Oerlemans)
Marcel Levi (photo: Jeroen Oerlemans)

Levi specialises in internal medicine and his work focuses, among other things, on hemostasis, thrombosis and vascular medicine. He has published more than 750 articles in international scientific journals and holds various positions in national and international organisations in the field of research and health care. In addition to his administrative work at the NWO, he is now resuming part-time work in patient care and research within the Amsterdam UMC.

‘It is fantastic that I can continue to combine my administrative tasks with practical work in patient care and research. I am also happy that I can realise this in the familiar surroundings of the UvA and the Amsterdam UMC, with which I have always remained connected,’ says Levi.

‘Marcel Levi's career as a clinician, scientist, teacher and administrator is genuinely impressive,’ says Hans Romijn, chair of the board of the Amsterdam UMC. ‘Marcel not only has excellent scientific qualities and great enthusiasm for healthcare, he is also a talented administrator. He played a leading role in the process of joining the AMC and the VUmc, which eventually led to Amsterdam UMC.’

About Marcel Levi

Prof. M.M. Levi (1964) was appointed professor of Internal Medicine at the UvA in 2000. From that year until 2010, he headed the Medicine Department and the Medical Specialties Division of the AMC. In 2010, he became chair of the Executive Board of the AMC and dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the UvA. In early 2017, Levi left for the United Kingdom and became chair of the Board of University College London Hospitals and professor of Medicine and Clinical Dean at University College London.