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The Complaints Committee is an independent committee responsible for handling and advising on complaints.

The UvA has set up a Complaints Committee to handle complaints from UvA students and staff relating to the behaviour of and treatment from UvA staff members and/or bodies. This must pertain to conduct by a UvA staff member that took place in the exercise of their position. On the student website you can find out how to make a complaint about undesirable behaviour.

Committee members

The Complaints Committee consists of the following members:

  • M.A. Schneider (chair)
  • R. Wilders (deputy member on behalf of the Executive Board)
  • V. Arnaiz Rivas (deputy member on behalf of the COR)
  • C. Baart (member on behalf of the CSR)


The procedure is described in the following regulations:

Regulations for handling complaints from staff and students UvA 2021