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  • How Rembrandt combined special pigments for golden details of The Night Watch

    Rembrandt intentionally combined pigments to create the golden luster of the threading in the doublet sleeves and embroidered buff coat worn by Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenburch.
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  • These UvA students and alumni are competing in the Paris Olympics

    The UvA helps Olympians by making it possible to combine studies with high-level competitive sports. Each year about 60 top-class athletes combine university studies at the UvA with their sports career.
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  • Using karaoke to examine blushing

    To evoke a blushing response in a controlled experimental setting participants were asked to sing difficult karaoke songs and then watch back recordings of their own singing while their brain activity and physiological responses were measured.
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  • Democracy, technology & social media

    Over the years, technology has revolutionised the media. Has the growing number of information sources led to increased distrust?
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The UvA belongs to Europe’s top universities. With over 40,000 students, 6,000 staff members and 3,000 PhDs we are a hub of academic research and education.