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  • Learning sign language via an app

    More than 95% of deaf and hard of hearing children grow up in a family with hearing parents, of whom only a small percentage learn sign language. As a result, these children often have limited access to a rich and accessible language environment. This can lead to delays in their cognitive, emotional and social development. A new app supports parents in learning Dutch Sign Language.
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  • Combatting textile waste with new recycling methods

    How can we recycle the increasing number of fast fashion polycotton textiles? There is good news: a new method developed by a UvA research group dissolves the cotton to yield glucose, while the remaining polyester is reprocessed using available polyester recycling methods.
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  • Join the Master's Week: 10 - 14 February

    Interested in doing your Master's in Amsterdam? Explore the campuses, join our interactive sessions, ask questions, and find the right Master's for you.
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  • New exhibition: Call of the O'o

    Throughout history, humans have had enormous impact on nature, even to the point of animal extinction. A new exhibition at Allard Pierson displays a range of artworks that display the way humans look at nature.
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