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After two turbulent weeks, this week has been marked by dozens of constructive conversations: the administration (deans and Executive Board) with students and staff, staff in team meetings or department meetings, for example, and students with student advisers. Sometimes these were emotional conversations with colleagues who are worried, and sometimes intense discussions took place. It was encouraging to see that the route to discussion has been restored.

This week was also the first meeting in a series of ‘Campus Dialogue lunch sessions’, organised by the Central Diversity Office. The next session is on Thursday, 30 May, for which you can still register.

Many more conversations will take place at the faculties in the near future, in particular after the exam week. If you would like to take part in a conversation yourself, please check how you can do this with your study programme or faculty. Students and staff can also participate in an online walk-in hour to talk about the impact of the events on work and study. The schedule of roundtable discussions on the ‘ethical framework for collaboration with third parties’ will follow.

Peaceful protests

In recent days, students protested at the Faculty of Science (FNWI) and Amsterdam University College (AUC). A tent and some banners were set up at Science Park. The protests were calm and peaceful and the dean and vice-dean of the FNWI faculty also spoke to students during this protest. By mutual agreement, the students left at the end of the day. 


In many of the conversations held, questions were asked about the course of events. At you can find more information about the demonstrations and the current situation on campus.