16 February 2024
The purpose of the fund is twofold. It is aimed at UvA students from Palestine and Israel who are experiencing mental or financial issues due to the war between Israel and Hamas - because they are experiencing delays in their studies, for example. The fund is also intended for students and academics from Gaza who be given the opportunity to study or work at the UvA as soon as this is possible.
‘Due to the ongoing violence in Gaza, in addition to a humanitarian disaster, an academic disaster is unfolding,’ says UvA Executive Board president Geert ten Dam. ‘It is heartbreaking to see that the inhabitants currently lack everything: clean water, food and a safe roof over their heads. And there are hardly any university buildings left standing in the ruins. This means that thousands of students in the affected areas will not be able to receive education and academics will not be able to conduct research now and in the coming years.’
UvA professor Ihab Saloul is committed to a fund which will provide help from our academic community: ‘It is important that these connections also contribute to knowledge and understanding of war zones.’
Do you want to apply for the fund? You can find al the information on the studentwebsite