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Please do join us! Feel welcome on an afternoon full of inspiring storytelling, co-creative workshops and nourishing connections at SPUI25 and TLC Central. Join the growing community that develops innovative ways to learn and collaborate with students at the UvA. It’s time to refresh your role as educator and foster more Fair, Resilient & Inclusive Societies (FRIS)!


Read more about the FRIS Festival and please register

The UvA is highly committed to promoting the development of Fair, Resilient & Inclusive Societies (FRIS), thus strengthening ensuring the well-being of all students, educators and citizens. Therefore, the Special Interest Group (SIG) FRIS exists! The FRIS community invites all interested teachers, students, support staff members, and other interested stakeholders at the UvA to join the first-ever FRIS Festival on 28 March. Let's inspire each other! Please regiser now.

The SIG FRIS is an initiative of TLC Central (UvA Teaching & Learning Centres) in collaboration with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS).