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The Executive Board of the UvA learned today from the press that the Central Student Council has withdrawn its confidence in the UvA board and demands their resignation. The reason given is that the board allegedly did not take their request for transparency regarding the UvA's collaborations with Israeli academic institutions seriously and because the board is held responsible for violence against students.

Response of the UvA

We regret that the CSR has withdrawn its confidence. Participation is of great importance, and especially in times of tension, it's crucial that we are able to find common ground. We will engage with them to understand how this trust can be restored.

As for openness about our collaborations with Israeli institutions, we made public on May 6 an overview of these collaborations. This openness about collaborations, by the way, had been given previously.

Regarding violence against students: we have house rules that allow for demonstration and protest in a safe manner. When a demonstration becomes unsafe or involves occupation and vandalism, we file a report. The consequent deployment of the police is not up to us. We have let it be known several times that we want to resolve issues with protesters through dialogue, without further escalation. We will continue these discussions in the coming period.

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