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A. (Anastasia) Dikareva-Brugman

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Marketing

Postal address
Contact details
  • Profile

    Anastasia Dikareva-Brugman is a PhD candidate at the Amsterdam Business School since 2018.  Her research aims to provide a better understanding of multi-touchpoint customer behaviour and customer journeys in general. She is currently working on her first project, that investigates the behavioural and financial consequences of a forced/reinforced channel migration strategy of a large-scale Dutch insurance company from offline to mobile channel. Before joining the PhD programme Anastasia was a research assistant at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where she also earned a Master’s degree in Marketing (cum laude) in 2017.

  • Publications


    • Dikareva-Brugman, A., Guyt, J. Y., & Konus, U. (2024). The Impact of Forced and Reinforced Channel Migration Strategies on Churn: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 59(1), 19-41.


    • Dikareva-Brugman, A., Konus, U., & Guyt, J. Y. (2021). Steering Customers to Online Channels: An Empirical Analysis of Customer Needs and Marketing Interventions. In Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy: 50th Annual European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Madrid, Spain, 25-28 May 2021 (pp. 10-12). European Marketing Academy. [details]


    • Dikareva, A. (2024). Transforming customer care: Essays on channel migration strategies and predictive analytics. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
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