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Dr. K. (Katerina (Dohnalova)) Newell

Amsterdam University College
Amsterdam University College
Photographer: RG Newell

Visiting address
  • Science Park 113
  • Room number: 2.23
Postal address
  • Publications



    • Dohnalová, K., & Kůsová, K. (2021). Optical Properties of Si Nanocrystals Enhanced by Ligands. In D. J. Lockwood, & L. Pavesi (Eds.), Silicon Photonics IV: Innovative Frontiers (pp. 3-65). (Topics in Applied Physics; Vol. 139). Springer. [details]
    • Galář, P., Khun, J., Fučíková, A., Dohnalová, K., Popelář, T., Matulková, I., Valenta, J., Scholtz, V., & Kůsová, K. (2021). Non-thermal pulsed plasma activated water: Environmentally friendly way for efficient surface modification of semiconductor nanoparticles. Green Chemistry, 23(2), 898-911. [details]
    • Huang, C-C., Tang, Y., van der Laan, M., van de Groep, J., Koenderink, A. F., & Dohnalová, K. (2021). Band-Gap Tunability in Partially Amorphous Silicon Nanoparticles Using Single-Dot Correlative Microscopy. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4(1), 288-296. Advance online publication. [details]








    • Dohnalova, K., Saeed, S., Poddubny, A. N., Prokofiev, A. A., & Gregorkiewicz, T. (2013). Thermally activated emission from direct bandgap-like silicon quantum dots. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2(6), R97-R99. [details]
    • Dohnalová, K., Poddubny, A. N., Prokofiev, A. A., de Boer, W. D. A. M., Umesh, C. P., Paulusse, J. M. J., Zuilhof, H., & Gregorkiewicz, T. (2013). Surface brightens-up Si quantum dots: direct bandgap-like size-tunable emission. Light: Science & Applications, 2, e47. [details]
    • Doğan, I., Kramer, N. J., Westermann, R. H. J., Dohnalová, K., Smets, A. H. M., Verheijen, M. A., Gregorkiewicz, T., & Sanden, M. C. M. (2013). Ultrahigh throughput plasma processing of free standing silicon nanocrystals with lognormal size distribution. Journal of Applied Physics, 113(13), 134306. [details]
    • Svreck, V., Dohnalova, K., Mariotti, D., Trinh, M. T., Limpens, R., Mitra, S., Gregorkiewicz, T., Matsubara, K., & Kond, M. (2013). Dramatic Enhancement of Photoluminescence Quantum Yields for Surface-Engineered Si Nanocrystals within the Solar Spectrum. Advanced Functional Materials, 23(48), 6051-6058. [details]


    • Dohnalová, K., Fučiková, A., Umesh, C. P., Humpoličková, J., Paulusse, J. M. J., Valenta, J., Zuilhof, H., Hof, M., & Gregorkiewicz, T. (2012). Microscopic origin of the fast blue-green luminescence of chemically synthesized non-oxidized silicon quantum dots. Small, 8(20), 3185-3191. [details]


    • Ha, N. N., Cueff, S., Dohnalová, K., Trinh, M. T., Rizk, R., Labbé, C., Yassievich, I. N., & Gregorkiewicz, T. (2011). Photon cutting for excitation Er3+ions in SiO2 sensitized by Si qunatum dots. Physical Review B, 84(24). [details]
    • Ha, N. N., Dohnalová, K., & Gregorkiewicz, T. (2011). Evaluation of free carrier losses to 1.54 mu m emission in Si/Si: Er nanolayers on SOI substrate for optical gain observation. Optical Materials, 33(7), 1094-1096. [details]
    • Ondič, L., Dohnalová, K., Ledinský, M., Kromka, A., Babchenko, O., & Rezek, B. (2011). Effective Extraction of Photoluminescence from a Diamond Layer with a Photonic Crystal. ACS Nano, 5(1), 346-350. [details]
    • Ondič, L., Kůsová, K., Cibulka, O., Pelant, I., Dohnalová, K., Rezek, B., Babchenko, O., Kromka, A., & Ganesh, N. (2011). Enhanced photoluminescence extraction efficiency from a diamond photonic crystal via leaky modes. New Journal of Physics, 13(6), Article 063005. [details]
    • Timmerman, D., Valenta, J., Dohnalová, K., de Boer, W. D. A. M., & Gregorkiewicz, T. (2011). Step-like enhancement of luminescence quantum yield of silicon nanocrystals. Nature Nanotechnology, 6, 710-713. [details]
    • Wang, Y., Liu, K., Liu, X., Dohnalová, K., Gregorkiewicz, T., Kong, X., Aalders, M. C. G., Buma, W. J., & Zhang, H. (2011). Critical shell thickness of core/shell upconversion luminescence nanoplatform for FRET application. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2(17), 2083-2088. [details]


    • Dohnalová, K., Kůsová, K., Cibulka, O., Ondic, L., & Pelant, I. (2010). Time-resolved measurements of optical gain and photoluminescence in silicon nanocrystals. Physica Scripta. T, 2010(T141), Article 014011. [details]
    • Ha, N. N., Dohnalová, K., Gregorkiewicz, T., & Valenta, J. (2010). Optical gain of the 1.54 μm emission in MBE-grown Si:Er nanolayers. Physical Review B, 81(19), 195206. [details]
    • Kůsová, K., Cibulka, O., Dohnalová, K., Pelant, I., Valenta, J., Fučiková, A., Žídek, K., Lang, J., Englich, J., Matějka, P., Štěpánek, P., & Bakardjieva, S. (2010). Brightly luminescent organically capped silicon nanocrystals fabricated at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. ACS Nano, 4(8), 4495-4504. [details]
    • Newell, K., Ondic, L., Kůsová, K., Pelant, I., Rehspringer, L., & Mafouana, RR. (2010). White-emitting oxidized silicon nanocrystals: Discontinuity in spectral development with reducing size. Journal of Applied Physics, 107(5), 0531402.
    • Ondič, L., Dohnalová, K., Pelant, I., Žídek, K., & de Boer, W. D. A. M. (2010). Data processing correction of the irising effect of a fast-gating intensified charge-coupled device on laser-pulse-excited luminescence spectra. Review of Scientific Instruments, 81(6), Article 063104. [details]
    • de Boer, W. D. A. M., Timmerman, D., Dohnalová, K., Yassievich, I. N., Zhang, H., Buma, W. J., & Gregorkiewicz, T. (2010). Red spectral shift and enhanced quantum efficiency in phonon-free photoluminescence from silicon nanocrystals. Nature Nanotechnology, 5(12), 878-884. [details]
    • Žídek, K., Trojánek, F., Malý, P., Ondič, L., Pelant, I., Dohnalová, K., Šiller, L., Little, R., & Horrocks, B. R. (2010). Femtosecond luminescence spectroscopy of core states in silicon nanocrystals. Optics Express, 18(24), 25241-25249. [details]


    • Frank, O., Kavan, L., Kůsová, K., Newell, K., Solovieva, N., Cibulka, O., & Pelant, I. (2009). Photoluminescence of nanoporous silicon grains in TiO2 matrices. Phys Status Solidi C, 6(7), 1713.
    • Kůsová, K., Cibulka, O., Newell, K., Pelant, I., Fučiková, A., & Valenta, J. (2009). Yellow-emitting colloidal suspensions of silicon nanocrystals: Fabrication technology, luminescence performance and application prospects. Physica E : Low-dimensial Systems & Nanostructures, 41, 982-985.
    • Newell, K., Kůsová, K., & Pelant, I. (2009). Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of the initial oxidation stage of small silicon nanocrystals. Applied Physics Letters, 94, 211903.
    • Newell, K., Zidek, K., Ondic, L., Kůsová, K., Cibulka, O., & Pelant, I. (2009). Optical gain at the F-band of oxidized silicon nanocrystals. Journal of physics. D, Applied physics, 42, 135102.


    • Newell, K., Pelant, I., Kůsová, K., Gilliot, P., Galart, M., Cregut, O., ... Bakardjieva, S. (2008). Closely packed luminescent silicon nanocrystals in a distributed-feedback laser cavity. New Journal of Physics, 10, [063014].
    • Valenta, J., Fučiková, A., Pelant, I., Kůsová, K., Newell, K., Aleknavicius, A., ... Kada, G. (2008). On the origin of the fast photoluminescence band in small silicon nanoparticles. New Journal of Physics, 10, 073022.
    • Valenta, J., Fučiková, A., Vacha, F., Adamec, F., Humpoličková, J., Hof, M., ... Linnros, J. (2008). Light-Emission Performance of Silicon Nanocrystals Deduced from Single Quantum Dot Spectroscopy. Advanced Functional Materials, 18, 2666.


    • Luterova, K., Newell, K., Trojanek, F., Neudert, K., Gilliot, P., Honerlage, B., ... Pelant, I. (2006). Porous silicon grains in SiO2 matrix: Ultrafast photoluminescence and optical gain. JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, 352, 3041.
    • Newell, K., Kůsová, K., Pelant, I., Valenta, J., Gilliot, P., Gallart, M., ... Honerlage, B. (2006). Emission properties of a distributed feedback laser cavity containing silicon nanocrystals. Journal of Luminescence, 121, 259.
    • Newell, K., Pelant, I., Gilliot, P., Cregut, O., & Honerlage, B. (2006). Si nanocrystals in a distributed feedback laser cavity. Applied Physics Letters, 88, 251105.
    • Trojanek, F., Neudert, K., Maly, P., Newell, K., & Pelant, I. (2006). Ultrafast photoluminescence in silicon nanocrystals studied by femtosecond up-conversion technique. Journal of Applied Physics, 99, 116108.
    • Trojanek, F., Neudert, K., Zidek, K., Newell, K., Pelant, I., & Maly, P. (2006). Femtosecond photoluminescence spectroscopy of silicon nanocrystals. Physica Status Solidi c, 3, 3873.


    • Luterova, K., Cazzanelli, M., Likforman, J. P., Navarro, D., Valenta, J., Ostatnicky, T., ... Pelant, I. (2005). Optical gain in nanocrystalline silicon: comparison of planar waveguide geometry with a non-waveguiding ensemble of nanocrystals. Optical Materials, 27, 750.
    • Valenta, J., Janda, P., Newell, K., Niznansky, D., Vacha, F., & Linnros, J. (2005). Colloidal suspensions of silicon nanocrystals: from single nanocrystals to photonic structures. Optical Materials, 27, 1046-1049.


    • Kocka, J., Fejfar, A., Mates, T., Fojtik, P., Newell, K., Luterova, K., ... Ito, M. (2004). The physics and technological aspects of the transition from amorphous to microcrystalline and polycrystalline silicon. Physica Status Solidi c, 1(5), 1097.
    • Luterova, K., Newell, K., Svrcek, V., Pelant, I., Likforman, J. P., Cregut, O., ... Honerlage, B. (2004). Optical gain in porous silicon grains embedded in sol-gel derived SiO2 matrix under femtosecond excitation. Applied Physics Letters, 84, 3280.
    • Newell, K., Luterova, K., Valenta, J., Bursik, J., Prochazka, M., Kresalek, V., ... Pelant, I. (2004). Grains of Porous Silicon Embedded in SiO 2 :Studies of Optical Gain and Electroluminescence. Solid State Phenomena, 99-100, 31.


    • Valenta, J., Luterova, K., Tomasiunas, R., Newell, K., Honerlage, B., & Pelant, I. (2003). Optical gain measurements with variable Stripe Length Technique. In NATO Science Series: Towards the first silicon laser (Vol. 93, pp. 223-242). NATO.


    • Fojtik, P., Newell, K., Mates, T., Stuchlik, J., Gregora, I., Chval, J., ... Pelant, I. (2002). Rapid crystallization of amorphous silicon at room temperature. Philosophical Magazine B, 82, 1785.


    • Newell, K., Fojtik, P., Mates, T., Stuchlik, J., Gregora, I., Kocka, J., & Pelant, I. (2001). Nova levna metoda Niklem Indukovane Krystalizace a-Si:H za pokojove teploty. In Sborník konference Juniormat´01 (pp. 154)


    • Ceroni, P., Crucho, C., Fucikova, A., Goyal, A., He, Y., Kamali, A. R., Kusova, K., Morselli, G., Dohnalova, K., Paulusse, J., Stephan, H., Sun, W., Tang, M. L., & Zuilof, H. (2020). Synthesis and functionalisation of silicon nanostructures: General discussion. Faraday Discussions, 222, 166-175. [details]


    • Van Dam, B., Bruhn, B., Dohnal, G., & Dohnalová, K. (2019). Response to "comment on 'Limits of emission quantum yield determination'" [AIP Advances 9, 039102 (2019)]. AIP advances, 9(3), Article 039102. [details]


    • Kůsová, K., & Dohnalová, K. (2017). Organically capped silicon nanocrystals. In K. D. Sattler (Ed.), Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook. - Volume 1: Low-Dimensional Structures, Quantum Dots, and Nanowires (pp. 367-398). (Series in materials science and engineering). CRC Press. [details]


    • Ha, N. N., Dohnalová, K., Gregorkiewicz, T., & Valenta, J. (2010). Publisher's note: Optical gain of the 1.54 μm emission in MBE-grown Si:Er nanolayers [Phys. Rev. B 81, 195206 (2010)]. Physical Review B, 81(23), Article 239902.


    • Newell, K., Kůsová, K., & Pelant, I. (2009). Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of the initial oxidation stage of small silicon nanocrystals. Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 19(23).


    • Newell, K., Pelant, I., Kůsová, K., Gilliot, P., Galart, M., Cregut, O., ... Bakardjieva, S. (2008). Closely packed luminescent silicon nanocrystals in a distributed-feedback laser cavity. Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 18(16).


    • Newell, K., Pelant, I., Gilliot, P., Cregut, O., & Honerlage, B. (2006). Si nanocrystals in a distributed feedback laser cavity. Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 14(1).


    • Newell, K., Bruhn, B., & Brenny, B. (2017). IPC No. N2017437. White Emiting Silicon Quantum Dots. (Patent No. L23839-Vi/td).


    • Dohnalová, K., Bruhn, B., & Brenny, B. J. M. (2016). White emitting silicon nanocrystals – engineering emission by e-beam irradiation. (Patent No. N2017437).


    • Dohnalová, K., Kůsová, K., Zidek, K., Fučiková, A., Cibulka, O., & Pelant, I. (2009). Method for the preparation of optically clear solution of silicon nanocrystals with short-wavelength luminescence. (Patent No. EP 2279231 A1 ).


    • Dohnalová, K., Bruhn, B., Brenny, B. J. M., Dekker, S., & Schall, P. (2016). White emitting silicon nanocrystals – blue, green and red color centers. Poster session presented at E-MRS Spring 2016.
    • van Dam, B., Dohnalová, K., Marino, E., & Nie, H. (2016). Single quantum dot study of full-color carbon quantum dots. Poster session presented at Veldhoven 2016, .

    Prize / grant

    • Dohnalová, K. (2013). Minerva prize.
    • Dohnalová, K. (2012). Amsterdam Innovation and Science Award 2012.
    • Dohnalová, K. (2012). Young Scientist Award.
    • Dohnalová, K. (2011). Young Scientist Award.
    • Dohnalová, K. (2006). Young scientist award.
    • Dohnalová, K. (2003). Doctorat en Cotutelle.
    • Dohnalová, K. (2001). Young PhD Material Scientist.

    Talk / presentation

    • Dohnalová, K. (invited speaker) (2-5-2016). Optical properties of non-toxic quantum dots, E-MRS Fall 2016.
    • van Dam, B. (speaker), Dohnalová, K. (speaker), Osorio, C. I. (speaker), Muller, R. (speaker) & Koenderink, A. F. (speaker) (2-5-2016). Internal quantum efficiency of carbon passivated silicon quantum dots, E-MRS Spring 2016.
    • van Dam, B. (speaker), Dohnalová, K. (speaker), Nie, H. (speaker), Bo, J. (speaker), Zhihe, L. (speaker), Marino, E. (speaker), Paulusse, J. M. J. (speaker) & Schall, P. (speaker) (2-5-2016). Multi-color emission from single carbon dots, E-MRS Spring 2016.
    • Dohnalová, K. (invited speaker) (13-3-2016). Towards enhanced absorption and emission with silicon, Quantsol 2016.
    • Dohnalová, K. (invited speaker) (2016). Active role of surface in optical properties of nanoparticles, Academy of science of the Czech Republuc.
    • Dohnalová, K. (invited speaker) (2016). Surface engineering of indirect bandgap semiconductor nanoparticles for enhanced optical properties, AMOLF.


    • Dohnalová, K. (participant) (12-2-2020 - 14-2-2020). Faraday Discussion on Luminescent Silicon Nanostructures, York (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dohnalová, K. (participant) (12-2-2020 - 14-2-2020). Faraday Discussion on Luminescent Silicon Nanostructures, York (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dohnalová, K. (participant) (4-9-2016 - 9-9-2016). CMD 26. co-organizer of symposium (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dohnalová, K. (participant) (2-5-2016 - 6-5-2016). E-MRS Spring 2016. member of scientific committee for symposium K and M (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Huang, C.-C., Guillou, N., Elkaïm, E., Ledoux, G., Dohnalová, K., Demessence, A., Veselska, O. & Fateeva, A. (2019). CCDC 1952042: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities