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Dr. S. (Stefania) Grecea

Faculty of Science
Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C2.225
Postal address
  • Postbus 94157
    1090 GD Amsterdam
  • Stefania Grecea



    PhD in Chemistry from the University of Bucharest, Romania. PhD thesis: Cyanide-bridged supramolecular hetero-polymetallic architectures and their magnetic properties. Supervisor: Prof. Marius Andruh. During my PhD, I have spent 9 months at the University of Bordeaux, Institute of Condensed Matter Bordeaux, France. Supervisor: Olivier Kahn.

    Note that Romania has adopted the Bologna declaration after 1/01/2005. Before this date, Romania had a six years Extramural PhD programme. I was employed as teaching assistant and later as assistant professor during my PhD, carrying out the PhD research additionally to the education tasks and obtaining funding for the PhD through personal research grants.


    MSc degree in Advanced Inorganic Synthesis from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania. MSc thesis: Designed synthesis of copper polysulfide nanomaterials. Supervisors: Prof. Ioana Jitaru & Prof. Maria Brezeanu.


    BSc degree in chemistry & physics from the University of Bucharest, Romania. BSc thesis: Coordination compounds with thermochoromic properties. Supervisor: Prof. Marilena Ferbinteanu.

    Academic Employment


    Associate Professor and Group Leader, Functional Materials for Sustainable Applications at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    Assistant Professor (tenured) in heterogeneous catalysis and sustainable chemistry at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    Senior Postdoc at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 


    Guest researcher at Leiden University, The Netherlands.

    I was in sickness, maternity and childcare leave from December 2008 until August 2009.


    Veni fellow at Leiden University, The Netherlands.


    Postdoc at Pierre and Marie Curie University, France.


    Visiting researcher at University of Liege, Belgium.


    Postdoc at Leiden University, The Netherlands.


    Postdoc at Leiden University, The Netherlands.


    Assistant Professor (tenured) in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Bucharest, Romania.

    I resigned from the University of Bucharest at 30/09/2005 to accept the NWO Veni grant at Leiden University.


    Teaching Assistant in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Bucharest, Romania.

    Awards & Fellowships


    Japanese Materials Research Society Travel Award 


    Nomination Aspasia Award by NWO (based on the VIDI grant application).


    North American Catalysis Society Travel Award


    NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls Veni Grant


    Young Investigator Grant by Romanian Research Council.


    Fellowship by European Science Foundation.

    Research Fellowship by Romanian Research Council.

    Academic trainings & certificates


    Ambassador for STEM Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of university lecturers.  


    Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO)


    Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO)


    Junior Ambassador Class at the University of Amsterdam. Selection made by the Dean of the Faculty of Science.

    Professional trainings


    Confidential advisor; 2019-2022: Confidential Advisor, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam.

    Boards of professional societies and academic networks


    Chair of the Quality Standards in Teaching Standing Committee, European Chemistry Thematic Network


    Sounding board of the Dutch Network of Women Professors (Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren - LNVH)

    Research Funding


    SIA KIEM GoChem, Enhancing the functionality of recycled calcium carbonate.

    IXA POC, Proof-of-Concept grant for sustainable synthesis of core-shell nanoparticles.

    HRSMC postdoc fellowship, Metal-organic frameworks as electrocatalysts for ammonia conversion


    SIA KIEM GoChem, Smart synthesis of conductive core-shell nanoparticles.

    NWO ENW-XS, Enhancing ammonia sensing by nanostructures design.


    HRSMC postdoc fellowship, Selective detection and removal of heavy metal ions using porous materials.

    NWO-ZonMw IMDI, Low power, radio-frequency sensors for selective detection of glucose in sweat (with Dr. Elizabeth von Hauff at Vrij University Amsterdam).

    IXAnext Physics2Market, Engineering porous hybrid inorganic/organic materials for chemical sensing applications.


    NWO Mat4Sus, Materials for Sustainability programme, Novel Catalytic Materials for CO2 reduction (with Dr. Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt & Prof. Joost Reek at the University of Amsterdam and Dr. Dennis Hetterscheid at Leiden University).


    RAPIDD grants (for using XRD facilities at the Advanced Light Source, Berkley Laboratory.


    HRSMC postdoc fellowship, Understanding proton transfer in confined space.


    HRSMC postdoc fellowship, Photoelectron transfer in porous materials.


    Sustainable Chemistry Funding at the University of Amsterdam (4 months postdoc, Porous materials for sustainable molecular separations).


    HFML grant (for using HF EPR facilities at High Field Magnet Laboratory in Nijmegen).


    Cooperation and Exchange grant NWO - van Gogh (for exchange research visits between Leiden University and Institute of Condensed Matter Bordeaux, France), Multifunctional Materials.


    NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls Veni Grant, Multifunctional Materials.


    Young Investigator Grant by Romanian Research Council (funding for 2 years of PhD research).


    Research Fellowship by Romanian Research Council (funding for 2 years of PhD research and 7 months research visit at the University of Bordeaux, Institute of Condensed Matter Bordeaux, France).

    Education Funding


    Graasroots grant from the University of Amsterdam.


    Erasmus + Strategic Partnership grant, STEM Continuous Professional Development at European Universities.



  • Publications before 2011

    54. An oxide-centered trinuclear manganese(III) compound with a bulky phenol-pyrazolate ligand. M. Viciano-Chumillas, S. Tanase, O. Roubeau, S. J. Teat, L. J. de Jongh, J. Reedijk Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2010, 947-951.

    53. Coordination versatility of pyrazole-based ligands towards high-nuclearity transition-metal and rare-earth clusters. M. Viciano-Chumillas, S. Tanase, L. J. de Jongh, J. Reedijk Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2010, 3403-3418.

    52. High nuclearity manganese(III) compounds containing phenol-pyrazole ligands: the influence of the ligand on the core geometry. M. Viciano-Chumillas, G. de Ruiter, S. Tanase, J. M. M. Smits, R. de Gelder, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, L. J. de Jongh, J. Reedijk Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 4991-4998.

    51. Anion-induced assembly of hexacoordinate rare-earth(III) complexes. S. Tanase, S. Sottini, V. Marvaud, E. J. J. Groenen, L. M. Chamoreau Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2010, 3478-3483.

    50. Hydrocarbon oxidation with H2O2, catalyzed by iron complexes with a polydentate pyridine-based ligand. S. Tanase, J. Reedijk, R. Hage, G. Rothenberg Top. Catal., 2010, 53, 1039-1044.

    49. Manganese(III) compounds with phenol-pyrazole based-ligands: impact of the co-ligand and the carboxylate ligand on the trinuclear core [Mn3(m3-O)(phpzR)3(O2CR')n](1-n). M. Viciano-Chumillas, S. Tanase, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, L. J. de Jongh, J. Reedijk Dalton Trans., 2009, 7445-7453.

    48. Copper(II) and lanthanoid(III) complexes of a new beta-diketonate ligand with an appended non-coordinating phenol group. S. Tanase, M. Viciano-Chumillas, J. M. M. Smits, R. de Gelder, J. Reedijk Polyhedron, 2009, 28, 457-460.

    47. Cytotoxic activity and cellular processing in human ovarian carcinoma cell lines of a new platinum(II) compound containing a fluorescent substituted propylene diamine ligand. P. Marques-Gallego, H. den Dulk, J. Brouwer, S. Tanase, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, J. Reedijk Biochem. Pharmacol., 2009, 78, 365-373.

    46. Combined Mossbauer spectral and Density Functional Theory determination of the magnetic easy-axis in two high-spin iron(II) 2-pyrazinecarboxylate complexes. G. J. Long, S. Tanase, F. Remacle, G. Periyasamy, F. Grandjean Inorg. Chem., 2009, 48, 8173-8179.

    45. Mononuclear manganese(III) complexes as building blocks for the design of trinuclear manganese clusters: Study of the ligand influence on the magnetic properties of the [Mn3(m3-O)]7+ core. M. Viciano-Chumillas, S. Tanase, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, L. J. de Jongh, J. Reedijk Inorg. Chem., 2008, 47, 5919-5929.

    44. Manganese(III) compounds of phenol-pyrazole-based ligands: Synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic, and thermal properties. M. Viciano-Chumillas, M. Gimenez-Marques, S. Tanase, M. Evangelisti, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, J. M. M. Smits, R. de Gelder, L. J. de Jongh, J. Reedijk J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112, 20525-20534.

    43. Extended networks generated from the interaction of rare-earth(III) ions and pyridine-2-carboxamide-based ligands. M. G. van der Horst, G. A. van Albada, R. M. Ion, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, S. Tanase, J. Reedijk Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2008, 2170-2176.

    42. A bis(chlorido)-bridged linear-chain Cu(II) compound with 7-azaindole as an axial ligand; synthesis, structure, hydrogen bonding and magnetism. G. A. van Albada, S. Tanase, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, J. Reedijk Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2008, 361, 1463-1468.

    41. Mechanistic implications of the active species involved in the oxidation of hydrocarbons by iron complexes of pyrazine-2-carboxylic acid. S. Tanase, P. Marques-Gallego, W. R. Browne, R. Hage, E. Bouwman, B. L. Feringa, J. Reedijk Dalton Trans., 2008, 2026-2033.

    40. Crystal structure, magnetic and thermal properties of the one-dimensional complex Nd(pzam)3(H2O)Mo(CN)8.H2O. S. Tanase, M. Evangelisti, L. J. de Jongh, J. M. M. Smits, R. de Gelder Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2008, 361, 3548-3554.

    39. Ferrimagnetic Heisenberg chains derived from [M(CN)8]3- (M = MoV, WV) building-blocks. S. Tanase, L. J. de Jongh, F. Prins, M. Evangelisti ChemPhysChem, 2008, 9, 1975-1978.

    38. A Novel Ni4 complex exhibiting microsecond quantum tunneling of the magnetization. G. Aromi, E. Bouwman, E. Burzuri, C. Carbonera, J. Krzystek, F. Luis, C. Schlegel, J. van Slageren, S. Tanase, S. J. Teat Chem.-Eur. J., 2008, 14, 11158-11166.

    37. Coordination versatility of 5(3)-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3(5)-methylpyrazole: Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of CoIII, NiII and CuII complexes. M. Viciano-Chumillas, S. Tanase, G. Aromi, J. M. M. Smits, R. de Gelder, X. Solans, E. Bouwman, J. Reedijk Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2007, 2635-2640.

    36. Synthesis, crystal structure and photophysical properties of europium(III) and terbium(III) complexes with pyridine-2,6-dicarboxamide. S. Tanase, P. M. Gallego, R. de Gelder, W. T. Fu Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2007, 360, 102-108.

    35. Long-range magnetic ordering in a TbIII-MoV cyanido-bridged quasi-one-dimensional complex. F. Prins, E. Pasca, L. J. de Jongh, H. Kooijman, A. L. Spek, S. Tanase Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit., 2007, 46, 6081-6084.

    34. Changes in magnetic properties from solid state to solution in a trinuclear linear copper(II) complex. I. A. Koval, H. Akhideno, S. Tanase, C. Belle, C. Duboc, E. Saint-Aman, P. Gamez, D. M. Tooke, A. L. Spek, J. L. Pierre, J. Reedijk New J. Chem., 2007, 31, 512-518.

    33. Iron complexes of chiral phenol-oxazoline ligands: Structural studies and oxidation catalysis. M. D. Godbole, M. P. Puig, S. Tanase, H. Kooijman, A. L. Spek, E. Bouwman Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2007, 360, 1954-1960.

    32. Synthesis, structure and magnetism of two new polymeric double dicyanamido-bridged Mn(II) compounds. G. A. van Albada, S. Tanase, A. Mohamadou, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, J. Reedijk Polyhedron, 2006, 25, 2236-2240.

    31. Self-assembly of extended structures through non-coordination intermolecular forces: Synthesis, crystal structures, and properties of metal complexes with 5-methyl-2-pyrazinecarboxylate. S. Tanase, M. van Son, G. A. van Albada, R. de Gelder, E. Bouwman, J. Reedijk Polyhedron, 2006, 25, 2967-2975.

    30. Chemistry and magnetism of cyanido-bridged d-f assemblies. S. Tanase, J. Reedijk Coord. Chem. Rev., 2006, 250, 2501-2510.

    29. Three-dimensional LnIII-WIV complexes with cyanido and carboxylato bridges. S. Tanase, F. Prins, J. M. M. Smits, R. de Gelder Crystengcomm, 2006, 8, 863-865.

    28. Versatility in the binding of 2-pyrazinecarboxylate with iron. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of iron(II) and iron(III) complexes. S. Tanase, P. M. Gallego, E. Bouwman, G. J. Long, L. Rebbouh, F. Grandjean, R. de Gelder, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, J. Reedijk Dalton Trans., 2006, 1675-1684.

    27. Selective conversion of hydrocarbons with H2O2 using biomimetic non-heme iron and manganese oxidation catalysts. S. Tanase, E. Bouwman Adv. Inorg. Chem., 2006, 58, 29-75.

    26. Bis[bis(2-pyridylcarbonyl)aminato]iron(III) perchlorate acetonitrile disolvate. H. Kooijman, S. Tanase, E. Bouwman, J. Reedijk, A. L. Spek Acta Cryst. E, 2006, C62, m510-m512.

    25. Low-spin iron(III) Schiff-base complexes with symmetric hexadentate ligands: Synthesis, crystal structure, spectroscopic and magnetic properties. R. Kannappan, S. Tanase, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, J. Reedijk Polyhedron, 2006, 25, 1646-1654.

    24. A copper(II) chain compound with hydrogenphosphate bridges organized in a double-chain structure. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of [Cu(1,10-phenanthroline)(m-HPO4)(H2O)2]n. S. Youngme, P. Phuengphai, C. Pakawatchai, G. A. van Albada, S. Tanase, P. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, J. Reedijk Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2005, 8, 335-338.

    23. Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a polynuclear Cu(II) complex: catena-poly-aqua(di-2-pyridylamine)copper(II)(m-formato-O,O')nitrate. S. Youngme, P. Phuengphai, N. Chaichit, G. A. van Albada, S. Tanase, J. Reedijk Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2005, 358, 3267-3271.

    22. Crystal structure, magnetic properties and spectroscopic characterization of a rare syn-anti acetato-bridged zig-zag chain copper(II) complex. S. Tanase, G. A. van Albada, R. de Gelder, E. Bouwman, J. Reedijk Polyhedron, 2005, 24, 979-983.

    21. Ligand conformation enforces trigonal bipyramidal coordination geometry in a new dinuclear bis(pyrazolato)-bridged copper(II) complex: synthesis, crystal structure, and properties of Cu(Npy2pz)2(ClO4)2.2CH3CN. S. Tanase, I. A. Koval, E. Bouwman, R. de Gelder, J. Reedijk Inorg. Chem., 2005, 44, 7860-7865.

    20. A new polymeric copper(II) complex containing pyrazine-2-carboxyamide (pzca): Synthesis and crystal structure of {Cu(pzca)(CH3CN)3(ClO4)2.H2O}n. S. Tanase, P. M. Gallego, E. Bouwman, R. de Gelder, J. Reedijk Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2005, 8, 680-683.

    19. Control of the catalytic oxidations mediated by an oxo-bridged non-heme diiron complex: role of additives and reaction conditions. S. Tanase, C. Foltz, R. de Gelder, R. Hage, E. Bouwman, J. Reedijk J. Mol. Catal. A-Chem., 2005, 225, 161-167.

    18. Bis(m-alkoxo)-bridged dinuclear iron(III) complexes of pyrazole-based ligands as models for iron-oxo proteins. S. Tanase, E. Bouwman, G. J. Long, A. M. Shahin, R. de Gelder, A. M. Mills, A. L. Spek, J. Reedijk Polyhedron, 2005, 24, 41-48.

    17. New routes to manganese higher-nuclearity topologies: synthesis of the cluster Mn8(m4-O)4(phpz)8(thf)4. S. Tanase, G. Aromi, E. Bouwman, H. Kooijman, A. L. Spek, J. Reedijk Chem. Commun., 2005, 3147-3149.

    16. m-Oxo-bis{chloro N-(2-methoxyethyl)-N,N-bis(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amine-kappa(4)-N,N ',N '',O iron(III}bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate) acetonitrile disolvate. H. Kooijman, M. van Son, S. Tanase, E. Bouwman, J. Reedijk, A. L. Spek Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2005, 61, M1042-M1044.

    15. Square-planar copper(II) halide complexes of tridentate ligands with p-p stacking interactions and alternating short and long Cu...Cu distances. R. Kannappan, S. Tanase, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, J. Reedijk Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2005, 358, 383-388.

    14. A dinuclear Mn(II) chloro-bridged compound with a weak ferromagnetic Mn-Mn interaction - Synthesis, structure, EPR and magnetism of Mn(m-Cl)(2,2'-bis-imidazoline)2Cl2. G. A. van Albada, A. Mohamadou, W. L. Driessen, R. de Gelder, S. Tanase, J. Reedijk Polyhedron, 2004, 23, 2387-2391.

    13. Synthesis and structural studies of two new base adducts of bis(2,4-pentanedionato)cobalt(II). S. Tanase, E. Bouwman, J. Reedijk, W. L. Driessen, M. Ferbinteanu, M. Huber, A. M. Mills, A. L. Spek Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2004, 1963-1969.

    12. Role of additives in cobalt-mediated oxidative crosslinking of alkyd resins. S. Tanase, E. Bouwman, J. Reedijk Appl. Catal. A-Gen., 2004, 259, 101-107.

    11. Acid-base self-assembly chemistry and hydrogen bonding interactions resulting in the formation of a ‘tetranuclear cluster’ containing four non-equivalent Fe(III) centers. S. Tanase, E. Bouwman, G. J. Long, A. M. Shahin, J. Reedijk, A. M. Mills, A. L. Spek Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2004, 4572-4578.

    10. Separation of actinides and lanthanides: crystal and molecular structures of N,N '-bis(3,5-di-t-butylsalicylidene)-4,5-dimethyl-1,2-phenylenediamine and its uranium complex. R. Kannappan, S. Tanase, D. M. Tooke, A. L. Spek, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, J. Reedijk Polyhedron, 2004, 23, 2285-2291.

    9. Extended structures based on hydrogen bonding and p-p interactions: synthesis and characterization of two zinc complexes: Zn(dap)Cl2 and Zn(dap)2Cl2. C. de Cires-Mejias, S. Tanase, J. Reedijk, F. Gonzalez-Vilchez, R. Vilaplana, A. M. Mills, H. Kooijman, A. L. Spek Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2004, 357, 1494-1498.

    8. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of a linear-chain manganese(II) complex [Mn(m-Cl)2(mppma)]n, where mppma is N-(3-methoxypropyl)-N-(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amine. J. Z. Wu, S. Tanase, E. Bouwman, J. Reedijk, A. M. Mills, A. L. Spek Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2003, 351, 278-282.

    7. Substantial increase of the ordering temperature for {MnII/MoIII(CN)7}-based magnets as a function of the 3d ion site geometry: Example of two supramolecular materials with Tc=75 and 106 K. S. Tanase, F. Tuna, P. Guionneau, T. Maris, G. Rombaut, C. Mathoniere, M. Andruh, O. Kahn, J. P. Sutter Inorg. Chem., 2003, 42, 1625-1631.

    6. New insights on the anti-skinning effect of methyl ethyl ketoxime in alkyd paints. S. Tanase, J. C. Hierso, E. Bouwman, J. Reedijk, J. ter Borg, J. H. Bieleman, A. Schut New J. Chem., 2003, 27, 854-859.

    5. A new di-m-alkoxo-bridged dinuclear copper(II) complex of 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-pyrazole. Synthesis, spectroscopic and magnetic properties and crystal structure. S. Tanase, E. Bouwman, W. L. Driessen, J. Reedijk, R. de Gelder Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2003, 355, 458-461.

    4. A novel cyano-bridged pentanuclear complex: {Mn3(MAC)3(H2O)2}Fe(CN)6}2.6H2O.2CH3OH - synthesis, crystal structure and, magnetic properties (MAC=pentaaza macrocyclic ligand). S. Tanase, M. Andruh, N. Stanica, C. Mathoniere, G. Rombaut, S. Golhen, L. Ouahab Polyhedron, 2003, 22, 1315-1320.

    3. Construction of 3d-4f heterometallic coordination polymers by simultaneous use of hexacyanometalate building-blocks and exo-bidentate ligands. S. Tanase, M. Andruh, A. Muller, M. Schmidtmann, C. Mathoniere, G. Rombaut Chem. Commun., 2001, 1084-1085.

    2. Synthesis and characterization of a new molecular magnet, [Ni(ampy)2]3[Fe(CN)6]2.6H2O, and synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of its mononuclear precursor, trans-Ni(ampy)2(NO3)2 (ampy=2-aminomethylpyridine). S. Tanase, M. Ferbinteanu, M. Andruh, C. Mathoniere, I. Strenger, G. Rombaut Polyhedron, 2000, 19, 1967-1973.

    1. Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of the cyano-bridged heteropolynuclear complex {(Cu(dien))2Co(CN)6}nCu(dien)(H2O)Co(CN)6.5nH2O. M. Ferbinteanu, S. Tanase, M. Andruh, Y. Journaux, F. Cimpoesu, I. Strenger, E. Riviere Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 3019-3025.



  • Research

    Dr. Grecea's group has strong expertise in inorganic chemistry with an excellent know-how in the designed synthesis of functional molecular materials involving interplay and synergy between multiple physical properties. These materials are an ideal platform for designing molecular devices with application in molecular separations and sensing, proton membranes for fuel cells and catalysis. The research includes:

    • Materials design, characterisation and methodology development
    • Porous materials for molecular separation, molecular storage and catalysis
    • Molecular sensing and chemical detection
    • Proton conductive materials for fuel cell applications
    • Fundamental understanding of chemical transformations within confined space

    Our inspiration for research comes from the main challenges associated with the technologies of today’s society. We aim at achieving innovation which stems from two perspectives: (i) understanding the molecular chemistry effects at nanoscale and (ii) designing nanomaterials and developing catalysts and miniature devices that exploit nanoscale effects.

    Molecular separations

    The separation and purification steps cost a staggering amount of energy worldwide. The technology (mainly distillation) is mature and low-risk, and therefore companies keep on using it. However, distillation is unpractical when the boiling points are close or when the liquid mixtures are composed of reactive components. One alternative for distillation is adsorptive separation using porous solids. The driving forces are kinetic, enthalpy and, most promising, entropic factors.

    We develop synthetic strategies for making crystalline microporous materials and their corresponding composites membranes for removing the water from alcohol-water mixtures. This research is highly relevant for bio-fuels purification and air drying. We are also designing new materials for separating saturated, unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures. Using predictions from state-of-the-art molecular simulations (performed in the group of Dr. David Dubbeldam at the University of Amsterdam), we design and synthesise porous materials with tuneable pore geometries and network topologies. These materials are tested in separating C4 and C8 hydrocarbon mixtures under simulated industrial scenarios.

    Molecular sensing

    Sensor devices play a key role in industry and modern life, including process engineering and monitoring, medical technology, automotive and aerospace industry, and in safety and security technology. State-of-the-art sensing devices, using inorganic oxides or organic polymer materials, still lack advanced sensitivity and selectivity, therefore limiting key applications.

    We aim at developing nanostructured lanthanide-based microporous materials which can be used as optically responsive sensors. The host-guest interactions within these materials allow the pre-concentration of analyte molecules within the pores, which is responsible for highly sensitive detection. We control the selective detection by tuning the functionality of the pore walls. This promotes preferred analyte binding, affording selective molecular detection.

    We work on various projects in close collaboration with the Holst Center, Co van Ledden Hulsebosch Center (prof. Arian van Asten) and VU (Dr. Elizabeth von Hauff). 

    Proton conductive materials

    Proton exchange membranes fuel cells turn the chemical energy of fuel into electrical energy without fuel combustion. This is a promising technology for clean and efficient power generation. State-of-the-art cells use Nafion-type membranes. These, however, have two thorny limitations: First, they are prone to dehydration, losing their proton conductivity above 80 °C. Second, they are expensive, preventing large-scale commercial applications.

    We design porous materials for low-temperature exchange membranes fuel cells and we carry out studies to understand the mechanisms of the proton conductivity. We further process these materials as composite membranes and study their performances in conditions relevant to real-life applications. 

    Catalysis in confined space

    Asymmetric catalysis plays a key role in modern chemistry, especially in the field of pharmaceuticals. Homogenous catalysts are usually employed because of their excellent activities and selectivities. Using heterogenous catalysts has the main advantage of easy catalyst separation from the product stream. This would facilitate the implementation of continuous chemical processes.

    We aim at developing synthetic strategies for designing basic chiral MOF materials, which can be used as heterogeneous catalysts in aminocatalytic alkylations. Such materials offer great catalytic efficiency and economy in contrast to the bulky heterogeneous catalysts that have catalytically active sites only at the solid surface. The intrinsic porous structure of MOFs imposes a special confinement with the catalytic reaction taking place in a chemically and sterically tunable environment.

    We work in close collaboration with the Homogeneous, Supramolecular and Bio-inspired Catalysis group at HIMS (Prof. Joost Reek and Dr. Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt).

    BSc and MSc students wishing to carry out their research project in the inorganic materials team are welcome to discuss the opportunities with Dr. Stefania Grecea.

  • News

    21 October 2019

    18 September 2019

    Congratulations to Yiwen who succesfully defended his PhD thesis entitled Metal-organic frameworks and their composites for water-alcohol separation applications.

    2 July 2019

    Our work is highlighted in Chemisch2Weekblad!

    21 May 2019

    Two papers accepted in one day!

    Congratulations to Andreea for her article ‘Tuning the supramolecular isomerism of MOF-74 by controlling the synthesis conditions’ accepted in Dalton Transaction,  also in collaboration with the group of prof. Daniel Maspoch at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Barcelona) and Dr. Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt (Homogeneous, Supramolecular and Bio-inspired Catalysis Group) at HIMS.!divAbstract

    Congratulations to Yiwen for his article ‘"Efficient separation of ethanol-methanol and ethanol-water mixtures using ZIF-8 supported on a hierarchical porous mixed-oxide substrate"’ accepted in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, also in collaboration with Dr. Xingmei Guo at Jiangsu University of Science and Technology and Dr. David Dubbeldam (Computational Chemistry Group) at HIMS.

    7 March 2019

    Stefania has successfully completed the Senior Teaching Qualification programme.

    5 March 2019

    Congratulations to Andreea who gave a very nice presentation at NCCC on the design of chiral MOFs using chiral induction approaches.  

    8 January 2019

    Congratulations to Roelof for his MSc project, nicely concluded as a research article in Catalysis Communications. This work highlights our successful collaboration with Dr. Jurrian Boon (ECN) and Prof. Martin van Sint Annaland (Eindhoven University of Technology):

    14 December 2018

    Congratulations to Yuan who succesfully defended her PhD thesis entitled Designed synthesis of multifunctional cyanide-bridged molecular assemblies. In Feabruary 2019, Yuan will start as a junior lecturer at The China University of Mining and Technology in XuzHou, her home city. 

    9 July 2018

    Stefania is promoted to Associate Professor!

    2 July 2018

    Congratulations to Yiwen on his work on coordination polymers from alkaline-earth nodes and pyrazine carboxylate linkers which is accepted in Dalton Transactions!!divAbstract

    19 June 2018

    Congratulations to Yuan on her paper on cyanide-bridged coordination polymers which is accepted in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers!!divAbstract

    7 June 2018

    Our research is highlighted in SciTech Europa Quarterly Publication, Issue 27:

    14 May 2018

    Maarten, Paul and Wouter have joined our team for their MSc research projects. Welcome!

    20 April 2018

    We were granted two HRSMC fellowships!

    20 April 2018

    Our work on alkaline-earth MOFs is highlighted in Chemisch2Weekblad!

    17 April 2018

    Yiwen’s work on water stable alkaline-erth MOFs is highlighted in the faculty’s newsletter. Congratulations!

    3 April 2018

    Congratulations to Andreea and Martijn on their review on chiral MOFs for asymmetric catalysis which is accepted in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers! This work is part of the theme issue Emerging Inorganic Materials for Energy, Catalysis and Bio-applications.!divAbstract

    3 April 2018

    Joris has joined our team for a BSc project. Welcome!

    13 March 2018

    First paper of Yiwen is published in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers! His work is featured on the inner cover of the issue 5 and it was carried out in collaboration with Dr. David Dubbeldam (HIMS-UvA), Prof. Anastasios Tasiopoulos (University of Cyprus) and Dr. Simon Teat (Advanced Light Source, Berkeley).!divAbstract

    9 March 2018

    Stefania gave an invited lecture at the ‘PAC symposium’ in Utrecht. This is the annual chemistry symposium for students organized by students.

    This year all prizes awarded by the jury went to Amsterdam!

    5-7 March 2018

    Our group participated at the NCCC XIX in Noordwijkerhout.

    Yuan and Yiwen gave oral presentations and Andreea participated with a poster. Stefania chaired the section on Zeolites, cages and MOFs.

    23 January 2018

    In collaboration with Prof. Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt (UvA), Prof. Joost Reek (UvA), and Dr. Dennis Hetterscheid (UL), we received a NWO Mat4Sus grant for research on converting CO2 to fuels.




  • Publications





    • Gheorghe, A., Lugier, O., Ye, B., & Tanase, S. (2021). Metal-organic framework based systems for CO2 sensing. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9(45), 16132-16142. [details]
    • Gheorghe, A., Reus, S., Koenis, M., Dubbeldam, D., Woutersen, S., & Tanase, S. (2021). Correction: Role of additives and solvents in the synthesis of chiral isoreticular MOF-74 topologies. Dalton Transactions, 50(35), 12332.










    • Ferbinteanu, M., Cimpoesu, F., Gîrtu, M. A., Enachescu, C., & Tanase, S. (2012). Structure and magnetism in Fe-Gd based dinuclear and chain systems: the interplay of weak exchange coupling and zero field splitting effects. Inorganic Chemistry, 51(1), 40-50. [details]
    • Grecea, M. L., Dimian, A. C., Tanase, S., Subbiah, V., & Rothenberg, G. (2012). Sulfated zirconia as a robust superacid catalyst for multiproduct fatty acid esterification. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2(7), 1500-1506. [details]
    • Pasca, E., Roscilde, T., Evangelisti, M., Burzurí, E., Luis, F., de Jongh, L. J., & Tanase, S. (2012). Realization of the one-dimensional anisotropic XY model in a Tb(III)-W(V) chain compound. Physical Review B, 85(18), 184434. [details]
    • Viciano-Chumillas, M., Giménez-Marqués, M., Tanase, S., Mutikainen, I., Turpeinen, U., Smits, J. M. M., van Gelder, R., de Jongh, L. J., & Reedijk, J. (2012). Mononuclear and dinuclear manganese compounds stabilized by supramolecular interactions. Dalton Transactions, 41(34), 10249-10257. [details]
    • Viciano-Chumillas, M., Tanase, S., Mutikainen, I., Turpeinen, U., de Jongh, L. J., & Reedijk, J. (2012). A dinuclear manganese(III) and a rare pentanuclear manganese(III) compound with a phenol-pyrazole ligand. Polyhedron, 38(1), 178-184. [details]



    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Grecea, S. (2022). Chair Quality Standards in Teaching Standing Committee, European Chemistry Thematic Network .
    • Grecea, S. (2022). member, ENW-M NWO grant selection committee.
    • Grecea, S. (2022-). Chair Quality Standards in Teaching Standing Committee, European Chemistry Thematic Network .
    • Grecea, S. (2020-). Member of Sounding Board LNVH, The Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH).
    • Grecea, S. (2020). Program committee member CHAINS, CHAINS 2020.
    • Grecea, S. (2020). ENW-Klein NWO grant selection committee.
    • Grecea, S. (2020-2023). at European Universities, Management Team Erasmus + Strategic Partnership STEM Continuous Professional Development .
    • Grecea, S. (2020-). member, Sounding Board LNVH, The Dutch Network of Women Professors .
    • Grecea, S. (2019-2020). member, NWO Rubicon grant selection committee.
    • Grecea, S. (2018-). member, Scientific advisory board of Spark904.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • Grecea, S. (editor) (2020). Molecular Systems Design & Engineering (Journal).


    • Grecea, S. (participant) (2-10-2022 - 8-10-2022). STEM-CPD Summer School, Naples. The summer schools develop the CPD-Ambassadors in three dimensions: competencies, attitudes and use of different types of CPD activities (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pirok, B. (participant), Grecea, S. (participant), Schreuders, L. (participant) & Brouwer, N. (participant) (10-10-2021 - 15-10-2021). STEM-CPD Summer School. To guarantee that teaching and learning opportunities provided to students are of high quality, the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) and (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Grecea, S. (other) & Reus, S. (other) (23-4-2021). Outreach: C02 opvangen m.b.v. poreuze materialen (other).
    • Grecea, S. (other) & Gheorghe, A. (other) (23-4-2021). Outreach: C02 opvangen m.b.v. poreuze materialen (other).
    • Grecea, S. (other) (2021). Coordinator education activities of the Amsterdam Center for Electrochemistry Research (AMCEL) (other).
    • Grecea, S. (participant) (2020). Outreach activity 2020. Guiding research projects (profielwerkstuk) on sustainability-related topics, Centrum Jongeren Communicatie Chemie (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Grecea, S. (host) (17-9-2019). Christian Serre (hosting a visitor).


    • Gheorghe, A., Maspoch, D., van der Vlugt, J., Imaz, I. & Grecea, S. (2019). CCDC 1884102: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Imaz, I., Grecea, S., Gheorghe, A., Maspoch, D. & van der Vlugt, J. (2019). CCDC 1884101: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.


    • Gao, Y., Ferbinteanu, M., Viciano-Chumillas, M., Grecea, S., Teat, S. J. & Toader, A. (2018). CCDC 1818714: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Gao, Y., Rothenberg, G., Soares, A., Tang, Y., Grecea, S. & Ferbinteanu, M. (2018). CCDC 1543822: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Tang, Y., Rothenberg, G., Ferbinteanu, M., Gao, Y., Grecea, S. & Soares, A. (2018). CCDC 1543809: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Cavaco Soares, A., Tang, Y., Grecea, S., Ferbinteanu, M., Gao, Y. & Rothenberg, G. (2018). CCDC 1543821: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Teat, S. J., Tang, Y., Tasiopoulos, A. J., Dubbeldam, D., Kourtellaris, A., Rothenberg, G. & Grecea, S. (2018). CCDC 1582902: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Teat, S. J., Rothenberg, G., Tang, Y., Grecea, S., Kourtellaris, A., Dubbeldam, D. & Tasiopoulos, A. J. (2018). CCDC 1582901: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Dubbeldam, D., Teat, S. J., Tasiopoulos, A. J., Grecea, S., Kourtellaris, A., Tang, Y. & Rothenberg, G. (2018). CCDC 1582903: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Ferbinteanu, M., Soares, A., Grecea, S., Rothenberg, G., Gao, Y. & Tang, Y. (2018). CCDC 1543819: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Rothenberg, G., Kourtellaris, A., Teat, S. J., Dubbeldam, D., Tang, Y., Tasiopoulos, A. J. & Grecea, S. (2018). CCDC 1586997: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Grecea, S., Gao, Y., Tang, Y., Rothenberg, G., Ferbinteanu, M. & Soares, A. (2018). CCDC 1543807: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Gao, Y., Soares, A., Grecea, S., Ferbinteanu, M., Rothenberg, G. & Tang, Y. (2018). CCDC 1543820: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.


    • Rothenberg, G., Geels, N., Mettraux, P., Eisenberg, D., Ferbinteanu, M., Grecea, S., Stroek, W., Yan, N. & Teat, S. J. (2016). CCDC 1470491: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Yan, N., Ferbinteanu, M., Geels, N., Rothenberg, G., Mettraux, P., Eisenberg, D., Teat, S. J., Grecea, S. & Stroek, W. (2016). CCDC 1470252: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
    • Nano Hybrids BV
      Co-founder and Scientific Advisor