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Prof. mr. P.B. (Bernt) Hugenholtz

Information law
Faculty of Law
Information Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15514
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Nevenfuncties

    Hoogleraar 0.2 (Professor 2), Rechtenfaculteit, Universiteit van Bergen, Noorwegen (B)

    Lid Commissie Auteursrecht, Ministerie van Justitie

    General Editor Information Law Series, Kluwer Law International

    Docent, Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (B)

    Plaatsvervangend raadsheer, Gerechtshof Arnhem (B)

    Vice-voorzitter Vaste Commissie Plagiaat, Buma-Stemra (B)

    Lid Programme Advisory Council, CREATe, the RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy

    Lid Advisory Committee, Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law, Cambridge University

    Lid IP Advisory Committee, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg

    General Editor Information Law Series (Kluwer Law International)

    Lid Board of Editors, Journal of World Intellectual Property

    Annotator (auteursrecht), Nederlandse Jurisprudentie

    Lid Adviesraad, Bits of Freedom

    Lid Adviesraad, Dutch Directors Guild 

    Lid Advisory Board, Electronic Frontier Foundation 

  • Publications


    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2024). Prompts tussen vorm en inhoud: de eerste rechtspraak over generatieve AI en het werk. Auteursrecht, (3), 129-134.


    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2023). Remuneration rights and national treatment. In S. Frankel, M. Chon, G. B. Dinwoodie, B. Lauriat, & J. Schovsbo (Eds.), Improving Intellectual Property: A Global Project (pp. 341-352). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication. [details]







    • Hugenholtz, B. (2017). Het einde van de Auteurswet nadert. Veertig jaar harmonisatie van het auteursrecht in Europa (1977-2017). AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 41(4), 177-181. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2017). Data property in the system of intellectual property law: Welcome guest or misfit? In S. Lohsse, R. Schulze, & D. Staudenmayer (Eds.), Trading data in the digital economy: Legal concepts and tools: Münster Colloquia on EU Law and the Digital Economy III (pp. 75-99). Nomos. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2017). Flexible Copyright: Can EU Author's Right Accommodate Fair Use? In R. L. Okediji (Ed.), Copyright Law in an Age of Limitations and Exceptions (pp. 275-291). Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Hugenholtz, B. (2016). De rechtspositie van de audiovisuele maker binnen de publieke omroep. Mediaforum, 28(4), 110-115. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2016). Flexible copyright: Can EU Author's Right Accommodate Fair Use? In I. A. Stamatoudi (Ed.), New Developments in EU and International Copyright Law (pp. 417-433). (Information Law Series; Vol. 35). Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2016). Making the Digital Single Market Work for Copyright. Extending the Satellite & Cable Directive to content services on line. In M. Franzosi, O. Pollicino, & G. Campus (Eds.), The Digital Single Market Copyright: Internet and Copyright Law in the European Perspective (pp. 51-65). Ariccia: Aracne.
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2016). NJ 2016/184-186. 184-186. Case note on: HR, 7/03/14, 12/03239, ECLI:NL:HR:2014:523 (Staat/Norma c.s.). Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2016(16/17), 2339-2388. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2016). NJ 2016/351. 351. Case note on: HvJ EU, 3/09/14, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2132 (Deckmyn/Vandersteen). Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2016(37), 4661-4667. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2016). NJ 2016/370. 370. Case note on: HvJ EU, 12/11/15, C-572/13, ECLI:EU:C:2015:750 (Reprobel). Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2016(38), 4951-4964. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2016). Something Completely Different: Europe’s Sui Generis Database Right. In S. Frankel, & D. Gervais (Eds.), The Internet and the Emerging Importance of New Forms of Intellectual Property (pp. 205-222). (Information Law Series; Vol. 37). Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2016). Towards Author's Paradise: The new Dutch Act on Authors' Contracts. In G. Karnell (Ed.), Liber Amicorum Jan Rosén (pp. 397-407). ab.
    • Hugenholtz, P. B., & van Velze, S. C. (2016). Communication to a New Public? Three Reasons Why EU Copyright Law Can Do Without a “New Public". IIC, 47(7), 797-816. [details]


    • van Gompel, S. J., & Hugenholtz, P. B. (2015). Op weg naar een wettelijk stelsel van extended collective licensing voor massadigitalisering? AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 39(4), 93-102. [details]


    • Goldstein, P., & Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). International copyright: principles, law, and practice. - 3rd ed. New York [etc.]: Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, B. (2013). Het einde van het omroepbladenmonopolie nadert nog steeds (maar doet er weinig meer toe). In M. J. Geus, A. W. Hins, Q. R. Kroes, A. J. Nieuwenhuis, E. C. Pietermaat, C. J. Turner, & D. Voorhoof (Eds.), 25 jaar Mediaforum, een blik vooruit via de achteruitkijkspiegel: 25 jaar rechtspraak media- en communicatierecht (pp. 40-44). Otto Cramwinckel. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, B. (2013). Is harmonization a good thing? The case of the copyright acquis. In A. Ohly, & J. Pila (Eds.), The Europeanization of intellectual property law: towards a European legal methodology (pp. 57-73). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). Copyright in Europe: twenty years ago, today and what the future holds. Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, XXIII(2), 503-524. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). The dynamics of harmonization of copyright at the European level. In C. Geiger (Ed.), Constructing European intellectual property: achievements and new perspectives (pp. 273-291). (European intellectual property institute network series). Edward Elgar. [details]


    • Hugenholtz, B. (2012). Copyright and culinary creation. In J. F. Hovden, & K. Knapskog (Eds.), Hunting high and low: skriftfest til Jostein Gripsrud på 60-årsdagen (pp. 750-756). Scandinavian Academic Press. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, B. (2012). Copyright harmonisation in the digital age: looking ahead. In M-C. Janssens, & G. Van Overwalle (Eds.), Harmonisation of European IP law: from European rules to Belgian law and practice: contributions in honour of Frank Gotzen (pp. 55-71). (Reeks over intellectuele rechten = Series on intellectual property law = Collection sur les droits intellectuels; No. 23). Brussels: Larcier/Bruylant. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, B. (2012). Harmonization or unification of EU copyright law. In J. Axhamm (Ed.), Copyright in a borderless online environment (pp. 189-204). Stockholm: Norstedts juridik. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, B. (2012). Works of literature, science and art. In B. Hugenholtz, A. Quaedvlieg, & D. Visser (Eds.), A century of Dutch copyright law: auteurswet 1912-2012 (pp. 33-55). deLex. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2012). Harmonisation or unification of European Union copyright law. Monash University. Law Review, 38(1), 4-16. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2012). The Wittem Group's European Copyright Code. In T. Synodinou (Ed.), Codification of European copyright law: challenges and perspectives (pp. 339-354). (Information law series; No. 29). Kluwer Law International. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2012). The story of the tape recorder and the history of copyright levies. In B. Sherman, & L. Wiseman (Eds.), Copyright and the challenge of the new (pp. 179-196). (Information law series; No. 25). Kluwer Law International. [details]



    • Goldstein, P., & Hugenholtz, P. B. (2010). International copyright: principles, law, and practice. - 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2010). Audiovisual archives across borders: dealing with territorially restricted copyrights. In S. Nikoltchev (Ed.), Digitisation and online exploitation of broadcasters' archives (pp. 49-60). (IRIS special). Strasbourg: European Audiovisual Observatory. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2010). Chronicle of the Netherlands: Dutch copyright law, 2001-2010 = Chronique des Pays-Bas: droit d'auteur néerlandais, 2001-2010 = Crónica de Holanda: el derecho de autor holandés, 2001-2010. Revue Internationale du Droit d'Auteur, 226, 280-349. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2010). Codes of conduct and copyright enforcement in Cyberspace. In I. A. Stamatoudi (Ed.), Copyright enforcement and the internet (pp. 303-320). (Information law series; No. 21). Kluwer Law International. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2010). Limits, limitations and exceptions to copyright under the TRIPS Agreement. In C. M. Correa (Ed.), Research handbook on the protection of intellectual property under WTO rules (pp. 319-342). (Research handbooks on the WTO. Intellectual property in the WTO; No. 1). Edward Elgar. [details]
    • van Gompel, S., & Hugenholtz, P. B. (2010). The orphan works problem: the copyright conundrum of digitizing large-scale audiovisual archives, and how to solve it. Popular Communication, 8(1), 61-71. [details]


    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2009). Copyright without frontiers: the problem of territoriality in European copyright law. In E. Derclaye (Ed.), Research handbook on the future of EU copyright (pp. 12-26). (Research handbooks in intellectual property). Edward Elgar. [details]
    • van Eechoud, M., Hugenholtz, P. B., van Gompel, S., Guibault, L., & Helberger, N. (2009). Harmonizing European copyright law: the challenges of better lawmaking. (Information law series; No. 19). Kluwer Law International. [details]







    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2018). NJ 2018/109-110. 109-110. Case note on: HvJ EU, 27/03/14, C-314/12, ECLI:EU:C:2014:192 (UPC Telekabel Wien/Constantin). Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2018(13), 1577-1674. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2018). NJ 2018/111-114. 111-114. Case note on: HvJ EU, 13/02/14, ECLI:EU:C:2014:76 (Svensson e.a.). Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2018(13), 1675-1705. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (Ed.) (2018). Copyright Reconstructed: Rethinking Copyright's Economic Rights in a Time of Highly Dynamic Technological and Economic Change. (Information Law Series; Vol. 41). Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B., & Kretschmer, M. (2018). Reconstructing rights: Project Synthesis and Recommendations. In P. B. Hugenholtz (Ed.), Copyright Reconstructed: Rethinking Copyright's Economic Rights in a Time of Highly Dynamic Technological and Economic Change (pp. 1-10). (Information Law Series; Vol. 41). Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B., & Quintais, J. P. (2018). Towards a Universal Right of Remuneration: Legalizing the Non-commercial Online Use of Works. In P. B. Hugenholtz (Ed.), Copyright Reconstructed: Rethinking Copyright's Economic Rights in a Time of Highly Dynamic Technological and Economic Change (pp. 241-281). (Information Law Series; Vol. 41). Wolters Kluwer. [details]


    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2017). Data property: Unwelcome Guest in the house of IP. In J. Reda (Ed.), Better Regulation for Copyright : Academics meet Policy Makers: Wed 6 Sept 2017 15:00-18:30 : European Parliament, Room AP 1G3 : University of Southampton, MEP Julia Reda, The Greens|EFA (pp. 65-77). The Greens|EFA in the European Parliament. [details]


    • Dreier, T., & Hugenholtz, P. B. (Eds.) (2016). Concise European copyright law. (2 ed.) (Concise IP). Kluwer Law International. [details]



    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (Author), & Guibault, L. (Author). (2014). Kluwer IP Cases (copyright law). Web publication or website, Kluwer IP Law.
    • Hugenholtz, P. B., van Gompel, S. J., Guibault, L., & Obradović, R. (2014). Extended collective licensing: panacee voor massadigitalisering? Instituut voor Informatierecht, Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]
    • van Eijk, N., Roessler, B., Zuiderveen Borgesius, F., Oostveen, M., et al., U., van Son, R., Verkade, F., Vliek, M., Alberdingk Thijm, C., Apt, K., Böhler, B., den Boon, A., Breemen, K., Breemen, V., de Goede, M., van Gompel, S., Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Hins, A. W., ... Taylor, L. (2014). Academics Against Mass Surveillance. Web publication or website, Academics Against Mass Surveillance. [details]


    • Hargreaves, I., & Hugenholtz, B. (2013). Copyright reform for growth and jobs: modernising the European copyright framework. (Interactive policy brief; No. 13/2013). Lisbon Council. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). HR (zaaknr. 11/02739, LJN BY1529). 501-503. Case note on: HR, 22/02/13 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2013(46), 5731-5900. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). HR (zaaknr. 11/04472, LJN BX7484: SL/VOB). 381. Case note on: HR, 23/11/12, ECLI:NL:HR:2012:BX7484; ECLI:NL:PHR:2012:BX7484 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2013(32/33), 4206-4245. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). HR (zaaknr. 12/01003, LJN BY8661). 504. Case note on: HR, 29/03/13 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2013(46), 5900-5929. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-128/11, LJN BX1467: UsedSoft/Oracle). 118. Case note on: HvJ EU, 3/07/12, ECLI:NL:XX:2012:BX1467 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2013(11), 1337-1349. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-135/10, LJN BW2187: SCF/Marco Del Corso). 197-198. Case note on: HvJ EU, 15/03/12, ECLI:NL:XX:2012:BW2187; ECLI:NL:XX:2012:BW2188 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2013(16), 2258-2276. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-277/10, LJN BV6223: Luksan/Van der Let). 196. Case note on: HvJ EU, 9/02/12, ECLI:NL:XX:2012:BV6223 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2013(16), 2245-2258. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-406/10, LJN BW6074: SAS Institute/World Programming). 270. Case note on: HvJ EU, 2/05/12, ECLI:NL:XX:2012:BW6074 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2013(22), 3153-3161. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-446/09, C-495/09, LJN BU7493: Philips/Nokia). 408. Case note on: HvJ EU, 1/12/11, ECLI:NL:XX:2011:BU7493 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2013(38/39), 4605-4617. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-607/11, LJN BZ4617: ITV Broadcasting/TVCatchup). 444. Case note on: HvJ EU, 7/03/13, ECLI:NL:XX:2013:BZ4617 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2013(42), 5083-5089. [details]
    • de Boer, T. M., & Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-145/10, LJN BU7495: Painer/Standard Verlags GmbH). 66. Case note on: HvJ EU, 1/12/11, ECLI:NL:XX:2011:BU7495 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2013(7), 761-778. [details]


    • Breemen, J. M., Breemen, V. E., & Hugenholtz, P. B. (2012). Digitalisering van audiovisueel erfgoed: naar een wettelijke publieke taak. Instituut voor Informatierecht, Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, B., Quaedvlieg, A., & Visser, D. (Eds.) (2012). A century of Dutch copyright law: auteurswet 1912-2012. Amsterdam: deLex. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2012). HR (zaaknr. 10/00642, LJN BR3059: MAG/Edco c.s.). 604. Case note on: HR, 28/10/11, ECLI:NL:HR:2011:BR3059; ECLI:NL:PHR:2011:BR3059 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2012(45), 6795-6828. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2012). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-403/08, C-429/08, LJN BT8160: Football Association Premier League Ltd/QC Leisure). 164. Case note on: HvJ EU, 4/10/11, ECLI:NL:XX:2011:BT8160 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2012(13), 1737-1762. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2012). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-604/10, LJN: BV8463). 433. Case note on: HvJ EU, 1/03/12, ECLI:NL:XX:2012:BV8463 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2012(31), 4928-4937. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2012). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-70/10, LJN BU6683: Scarlet Extended/SABAM). 479-480. Case note on: HvJ EU, 24/11/12, ECLI:NL:XX:2011:BU6683; ECLI:NL:XX:2012:BV6918 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2012(37/38), 5387-5397. [details]
    • Jasserand, C., & Hugenholtz, P. B. (2012). Using copyright to promote access to public sector information: a comparative survey. Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • van der Noll, R., Breemen, K., Breemen, V., Hugenholtz, B., Brom, M., & Poort, J. (2012). Online uitlenen van e-books door bibliotheken: verkenning juridische mogelijkheden en economische effecten. (SEO-rapport; No. 2012-83). SEO Economisch Onderzoek/IViR. [details]



    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2010). HR (Buma/Chellomedia: [zaaknummer 07/12553]). 1. Case note on: HR, 19/06/09 AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 34(1), 12-18. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2010). Rb. Amsterdam (Vz.) (Neij c.s./Brein: [zaaknummer / rolnummer: 436360 / KG ZA 09-1809 WT/RV]). 2. Case note on: Rb. Amsterdam, 22/10/09 AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 34(1), 18-24. [details]




    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2024). NJ 2024/136. 136. Case note on: HR, 12/11/21, 19/04192, ECLI:NL:HR:2021:1668 (SENA/Organisatoren Dance Events). Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2024(14), 3199-3250. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2024). NJ 2024/314. 314. Case note on: Hoge Raad, 27/01/23, ECLI:NL:HR:2023:94 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, (34), 6726-6728.


    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2022). NJ 2022/126. 126. Case note on: HvJ EU, 8/09/20, C-265/19, ECLI:EU:C:2020:677 (Recorded Artists Actors Performers). Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2022(15), 2373-2386. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2022). NJ 2022/225. 225. Case note on: HR, 2/10/20, ECLI:NL:HR:2020:1548 (Lira/Ziggo c.s.). Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2022(30), 4108-4170. [details]




    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2019). AMI 2019/9. 9. Case note on: Rb. Noord-Nederland, 24/07/19, C/15/278329 / HA ZA 18-573 (Piet Hein Eek/Dudink). AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 43(5), 174-181. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2019). NJ 2019/182. 182. Case note on: HR, 6/10/17, ECLI:NL:HR:2017:2569 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2019(21/22), 3038-3070. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2019). NJ 2019/369-371. 369-371. Case note on: HvJ EU, 31/05/16, ECLI:EU:C:2016:379 (Reha Training). Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2019(43), 6125-6145. [details]
    • Kretschmer, M., Angelopoulos, C., Bently, L., van Eechoud, M., van Gompel, S., Hilty, R., Hugenholtz, P. B., Husovec, M., Kuczerawy, A., Margoni, T., Moscon, V., Quintais, J., Ricolfi, M., Senftleben, M., Stalla-Bourdillon, S., & Xalabarder, R. (2019). The Copyright Directive: Articles 11 and 13 must go, Statement from European Academics in advance of the Plenary Vote on 26 March 2019. CREATe. [details]
    • Poort, J., Hugenholtz, P. B., Lindhout, P., & van Til, G. (2019). Research for CULT Committee - Film Financing and the Digital Single Market: its Future, the Role of Territoriality and New Models of Financing. European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies. [details]
    • Quintais, J., Frosio, G., van Gompel, S., Hugenholtz, P. B., Husovec, M., Jütte, B. J., & Senftleben, M. (2019). Safeguarding User Freedoms in Implementing Article 17 of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive: Recommendations From European Academics. SSRN. [details]


    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2018). AMI 2018/15. 15. Case note on: Geschillencommissie Auteurscontractenrecht, 27/07/18, 113462 (Soof 2). AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 42(5), 206-215. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2018). AMI 2018/7. 7. Case note on: HR, 7/07/17, ECLI:NL:HR:2017:1270 (Nanada/Golden Earring). AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 42(2), 79-86. [details]



    • Hugenholtz, B. (2015). Dirk en Pippi. Nederlands Juristenblad, 90(24), 1603. Article 1143. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2015). EHRM (zaaknummer 36769/08: Ashby Donald ea/Frankrijk). 121. Case note on: EHRM, 10/01/13, ECLI:NL:XX:2013:BZ9845 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2015(14), 1367-1373. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2015). HR (zaaknummer 12/01825, LJN CA2788: Cruijff/Tirion). 112. Case note on: HR, 14/06/13, ECLI:NL:HR:2013:CA2788; ECLI:NL:PHR:2013:CA2788 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2015(13), 1273-1308. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2015). HR (zaaknummer 12/03490: Norma/NLKabel). 365. Case note on: HR, 28/03/14, ECLI:NL:HR:2014:735; ECLI:NL:PHR:2013:1093 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2015(42), 4751-4825. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2015). HvJ EU (zaaknummer C-30/14: Ryanair). 303-304. Case note on: HvJ EU, 15/01/15 Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, 2015(34/35), 3619-3667. [details]


    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). Fair use in Europe: Examining the mismatch between copyright law and technology-influenced evolving social norms in the European Union. Communications of the ACM, 56(5), 26-28. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2013). Plagiarism and Copyright. 3rd Faculty Research Newsletter.



    • Hugenholtz, B. (2009). Guy Vandenberghe had gelijk. Computerrecht, 2009(3), 107. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2009). Hof Amsterdam (Intersong Basart/Hans van Hemert). 5. Case note on: Hof Amsterdam, 23/12/08 AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 33(2), 61-64. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2009). HvJ EG (Directmedia/Albert-Ludwigs-Universität). 22. Case note on: HvJEG, 9/10/08 AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 33(6), 229-233. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2009). RB Den Haag (Wegener/Innoweb ( 21. Case note on: RB Den Haag, 11/02/09 AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 33(5), 206-210. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2009). Rb Den Haag (vzr.) (Converse/Footwear). 3. Case note on: Rb Den Haag, 7/09/06 AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 33(1), 36-38. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2009). SatCab revisited: the past, present and future of the Satellite and Cable Directive. In S. Nikoltchev (Ed.), Convergence, copyrights and transfrontier television (pp. 7-19). (IRIS plus; No. 2009-8). European Audiovisual Observatory. [details]
    • Mom, G. J. H. M., & Hugenholtz, P. B. (2009). Rechtspraak in het kort, actualiteiten en agenda. AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 33(4), 170-172. [details]


    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2008). Gerechtshof ‘s-Gravenhage (Standaardcontract Sanoma). Case note on: Gerechtshof ‘s-Gravenhage, 28/09/06 AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht, 32(4), 99-103. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2008). HR (De Endstra-tapes: LJN: BC2153, C07/131HR). Case note on: HR, 30/05/08 Ars Aequi, 57(11), 819-822. [details]


    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (2017). Data Property: Unwelcome Guest in the House of IP. Paper presented at Trading Data in the Digital Economy: Legal Concepts and Tools, Münster, Germany.

    Prize / grant

    • Hugenholtz, B. (2018). Herschel Smith Visiting Fellow.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Hugenholtz, B. (2016-2017). Lid Advisory Board, Electronic Frontier Foundation.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (2016-2017). European Copyright Society.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (2016-2017). Lid Advisory Committee, Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law, Cambridge University.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (2016-2017). Vice-voorzitter, Vaste Commissie Plagiaat (Buma-Stemra).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (2016-2017). Lid Programme Advisory Council, CREATe, the RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (2016-2017). Lid Adviesraad, Dutch Directors Guild.

    Journal editor

    • Hugenholtz, B. (member of editorial board) (2016-2017). Journal of World Intellectual Property (Journal).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (editor) (2016-2017). Nederlandse Jurisprudentie (Journal).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (editor in chief) (2016-2017). Kluwer Law International (Publisher).

    Talk / presentation

    • Hugenholtz, P. B. (speaker) & Quintais, J. (speaker) (5-9-2017). Towards a universal right of remuneration: legalizing the non-commercial use of works, EPIP 2012, 12th Annual Conference (Bordeaux), Bordeaux.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (28-12-2016). European Copyright Law: the EU’s Digital Agenda, Munich Intellectual Property Law Center.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (3-11-2016). Current Issues in EU Copyright Law, Católica Global School of Law, Lisbon (Portugal).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (29-9-2016). Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market. The EC’s Autumn Surprise, International Olympic Committee.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (28-9-2016). Towards Trade Deals as a Guarantor of Access to Knowledge?, WTO Public Forum, Genève.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (26-9-2016). Reconstructing Rights: Common Ground, Reconstructing Rights Symposium, Brussels.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (26-9-2016). Legalizing the Non-Commercial Online Use of Works: Towards a Universal Right of Remuneration, Reconstructing Rights Symposium, Brussels.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (21-9-2016). Money in the Bank or Pie in the Sky? Remuneration Rights as an Alternative to Copyright Enforcement Online, ETH Zurich.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (20-9-2016). Hyperlinking after GS Media: is the World Wide Web coming to an end in the EU?, Universiteit van Zurich.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (26-6-2016). The unification of copyright law in the EU, ATRIP Conference, Krakau.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (20-5-2016). Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market. Towards Unification?, European Copyright Society Conference, Barcelona.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (18-5-2016). Current Issues in EU Copyright Law, Magister Lvcentinvs, Universiteit van Alicante.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (12-5-2016). Money in the bank or pie in the sky? Remuneration rights as an alternative to copyright enforcement online, British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association (BLACA).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (28-4-2016). Copyright and the Digital Single Market. Europe’s Agenda for Copyright Reform, Dansk Selskab for Ophavsret, Copenhagen.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (10-3-2016). Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market. The End of Territoriality?, Oxford University.
    • Hugenholtz, B. (speaker) (16-2-2016). Portability of content in the Digital Single Market, European Internet Forum, Brussels.


    • van Gompel, S. (organiser) & Hugenholtz, P. B. (organiser) (3-7-2017 - 7-7-2017). IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law, Amsterdam, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gompel, S. (organiser), Angelopoulos, C. J. (organiser) & Hugenholtz, P. B. (organiser) (14-1-2017). Academic Symposium: Harmonizing European Intermediary Liability in Copyright, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (advisor) (19-10-2016). Advising legislation, European Parliament Workshop on the academic evaluation of the Copyright reform proposal, Brussels (consultancy).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (chair) (26-9-2016). Reconstructing Rights Symposium, Brussels (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (organiser) (4-7-2016 - 8-7-2016). Summer Course International Copyright Law, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gompel, S. (organiser) & Hugenholtz, P. B. (organiser) (4-7-2016 - 8-7-2016). IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law, Amsterdam, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (other) (2-6-2016). Pre-promotie S. Schewemer, Universiteit van Kopenhagen (other).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (other) (2016 - 2017). Plaatsvervangend raadsheer, Gerechtshof Arnhem (other).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (other) (2016 - 2017). Docent, Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (other).
    • Hugenholtz, B. (other) (2016 - 2017). Promoter C.J. Angelopoulos, Universiteit van Amsterdam (other).
    • van Gompel, S. (organiser), Angelopoulos, C. J. (organiser) & Hugenholtz, P. B. (organiser) (13-4-2015). Intermediary Liability Roundtable, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Universiteit van Bergen (Noorwegen)
      Professor II, Faculteit der rechtsgeleerdheid
    • Max Planck Institut (Munchen)
      Docent, Munich Intellectual Property Law Centre LLM program
    • Universidade Católica, Lissabon
      Docent, Católica Global School of Law
    • Buma-Stemra
      Voorzitter, Vaste Commissie Plagiaat
    • Karelsuniversiteit, Praag
      Honorair hoogleraar, Faculteit der rechtsgeleerdheid