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Prof. dr. H. (Hessel) Oosterbeek

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Microeconomics
Photographer: FEB

Visiting address
  • Roetersstraat 11
  • Room number: 6.29
Postal address
  • Postbus 15867
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Professor of Economics of Education

    Research programme

    Human Capital

    Research interests

    Economics of education, impact evaluation, development economics 

    Dissertation title

    Essays on human capital theory

    My personal homepage

    Please visit my personal homepage

  • Teaching

    Teaching activities

    Current year

    Economics for Business Administration (first year bachelor)

    Policy Evaluation for Development and Public Policy (master)

    Research Seminar for Development Economics (master)

    Economics of Education (MPhil program Tinbergen Institute)

  • Publications


    • Avdeev, S., Ketel, N., Oosterbeek, H., & van der Klaauw, B. (2024). Spillovers in Fields of Study: Siblings, Cousins, and Neighbors. Journal of Public Economics, 238, Article 105193.


    • Oosterbeek, H., Ruijs, N., & de Wolf, I. (2023). Heterogeneous effects of comprehensive vs. single-track academic schools: Evidence from admission lotteries. Economics of Education Review, 93, Article 102363. [details]
    • de Haan, M., Gautier, P., Oosterbeek, H., & van der Klaauw, B. (2023). The performance of school assignment mechanisms in practice. Journal of Political Economy, 131(2), 388-455. Advance online publication.






    • Booij, A. S., Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (2017). Ability Peer Effects in University: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment. The Review of Economic Studies, 84(2), 547-578. [details]
    • Buser, T., Oosterbeek, H., Plug, E., Ponce, J., & Rosero, J. (2017). The impact of positive and negative income changes on the height and weight of young children. The World Bank Economic Review, 31(3), 786-808. Advance online publication. [details]










    • Hartog, J., & Oosterbeek, H. (2007). What should you know about the private returns to education? In J. Hartog, & H. Maassen van den Brink (Eds.), Human Capital: Advances in Theory and Evidence (pp. 7-20-Part I:1). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (2007). The effectiveness of human capital policies for disadvantaged groups in the Netherlands. In P. E. Peterson, & L. Woessmann (Eds.), Schools and the equal opportunity problem (pp. 3-28-I:1). (CESifo Seminar Series). MIT Press.
    • Leuven, E., Lindahl, C. M., Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, H. D. (2007). The Effect of Extra Funding for Disadvantaged Pupils on Achievement. Review of Economics and Statistics, 89(4), 721-736.
    • Oosterbeek, H. (2007). Using (quasi-)experiments to evaluate education interventions. In J. Hartog, & H. Maassen van den Brink (Eds.), Human Capital: Advances in Theory and Evidence (pp. 155-169-Part III:10). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, H. D. (2007). Wage effects of an extra year of basic vocational education. Economics of Education Review, 26(4), 408-419.
    • Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & Sonnemans, J. (2007). Who should invest in specific training? Journal of Population Economics, 20(2), 329-357. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & Sonnemans, J. H. (2007). Promotion rules and skill acquisition: an experimental study. Economica, 74, 259-297. [details]
    • Sloof, R., Oosterbeek, H., & Sonnemans, J. (2007). On the importance of default breach remedies. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 163(1), 5-22. [details]
    • Sloof, R., Oosterbeek, H., & Sonnemans, J. H. (2007). Does making specific investments unobservable boost investment incentives? Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 16(4), 911-942. [details]
    • Sloof, R., Sonnemans, J. H., & Oosterbeek, H. (2007). Underinvestment in training? In J. Hartog, & H. Maassen van den Brink (Eds.), Human Capital: Advances in Theory and Evidence (pp. 113-133-Part II:8). Cambridge University Press.






    • Dobbelsteen, S., Levin, J., & Oosterbeek, H. (2002). The causal effect of class size on scholastic achievement: Distinguishing the pure class size effect from the effect of changes in class composition. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 64(1), 17-38. [details]


    • Godfried, M., Oosterbeek, H., & van Tulder, F. (2001). Adverse selection and the demand for supplementary dental insurance. De Economist, 149(2), 177-190. [details]
    • Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (2001). Firm-Specific Human Capital as a Shared Investment: Comment. The American Economic Review, 91(1), 342-347. [details]
    • Sonnemans, J., Oosterbeek, H., & Sloof, R. (2001). On the relation between asset ownership and specific investments. Economic Journal, 111(474), 791-820. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H. (2000). Schooling choises: preferences, discount rates, and rates of return. Empirical Economics, 25, 15-34. [details]
    • van Ophem, J. C. M., & Oosterbeek, H. (2000). Schooling Choices: Preferences, Discount Rates and Rates of Return. Empirical Economics, (25), 15-34. [details]


    • Ashenfelter, O., Harmon, C., & Oosterbeek, H. (1999). A review of estimates of the schooling/earnings relationship, with tests for publication bias. Labour Economics, 6(4), 453-470. [details]
    • Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (1999). Demand and supply of work-related training: evidence from four countries. Research in Labor Economics, (18), 303-330. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1999). Reasons and Policies to stimulate lifelong learning. In G. Attwell, & F. van Wieringen (Eds.), Vocational and Adult Education in Europe (pp. 107-130). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Leuven, E. (1999). Veranderingen in de kwaliteit van nieuwe banen in Nederland, 1986 1996. In Jaarboek 1997/1998 van het Max Goote Kenniscentrum (pp. 93-102). Den Haag: Elsevier.


    • Hartog, J., & Oosterbeek, H. (1998). Health, wealth and happiness: why pursue a higher education? Economics of Education Review, 17(3), 245-256. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1998). An economic analysis of student financial aid schemes. European Journal of Education, 33, 21-29.
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1998). Innovative ways to finance education and their relation to lifelong learning. Education Economics, 6, 219-251.
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1998). Unravelling supply and demand factors in work-related training. Oxford Economic Papers, 50, 266-283.


    • Oosterbeek, H. (1997). Returns to computer use: a simple test on the productivity interpretation. Economics Letters, 55, 273-277. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Houtkoop, W. (1997). Demand and supply of adult education and training. In A. Tuijnman, & P. Bélanger (Eds.), New Patterns of Adult Learning: A six-country comparative study Amsterdam: Elsevier.
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, D. (1997). Is there a hidden technical potential? De Economist, 145(2), 159-177. [details]




    • Groot, W., & Oosterbeek, H. (1994). Earnings effects of different components of schooling: human capital versus screening. Review of Economics and Statistics, 76(2), 317-321.
    • Groot, W., & Oosterbeek, H. (1994). Stochastic reservation and offer wages. Labour Economics, 1(3-4), 383-390.
    • Groot, W., Hartog, J., & Oosterbeek, H. (1994). Costs and revenues of investment in enterprise-related schooling. Oxford Economic Papers, 46(4), 658-675.
    • Groot, W., Hartog, J., & Oosterbeek, H. (1994). Returns to within company schooling of employees: The case of the Netherlands. In L. M. Lynch (Ed.), and the private sector: international comparisons Chicago University Press.


    • Hartog, J., & Oosterbeek, H. (1993). Public and private sector wages in the Netherlands. European Economic Review, 37(1), 97-114. [details]
    • Hartog, J., Oosterbeek, H., & Teulings, C. (1993). Age, wage and education in the Netherlands. In P. Johnson, & K. F. Zimmerman (Eds.), Labour markets in an aging Europe Cambridge University Press.
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1993). Evidence on screening: a comment. Economics of Education Review, 12(1), 88-90.





    • van der Klaauw, B., Oosterbeek, H., & Sóvágó, S. (2019). Oorzaken van schoolsegregatie in Amsterdam. In H. van de Werfhorst, & E. van Hest (Eds.), Gelijke kansen in de stad (pp. 110-123). Amsterdam University Press. [details]




    • Oosterbeek, H., van Praag, M. C., & IJsselstein, A. (2008). The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepeneurship competencies and intentions: an evaluation of the Junior Achievement Student Mini-Company Program. (Tinbergen Institute discussion paper; No. 2008-038/3). Tinbergen Instituut. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., van Praag, M., & IJsselstein, A. (2008). The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship competencies and intentions: An evaluation of the Junior Achievement Student Mini-Company Program. (Tinbergen Institute discussion papers; No. TI 2008-038/3). Tinbergen Instituut. [details]



    • Leuven, E., Lindahl, M., Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, D. (2004). New evidence on the effect of time in school on early achievement. (Scholar Working Papers Series; No. WP 47/04). Unknown Publisher. [details]


    • Leuven, E., Lindahl, M., Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, D. (2003). The effect of extra funding for disadvantaged students on achievement. (Scholar Working Paper Series; No. WP 39/03). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • van der Klaauw, B., Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (2003). The effect of financial rewards on students' achievement: Evidence from a randomized experiment. (Scholar Working Paper Series; No. WP 38/03). University of Amsterdam. [details]


    • Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (2002). A new approach to estimate the wage returns to work-related training. (Scholar Working Paper Series; No. WP 27/02). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (2002). A new approach to estimate the wage returns to work-related training. (TI 2002-091/3). Tinbergen Institute. [details]
    • Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & van Klaveren, C. P. B. J. (2002). Worker reciprocity and employer investment in training. (Scholar Working Paper Series; No. WP 35/02). Unknown Publisher. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (2002). Waarom de fiscus zich niet met scholing moet bemoeien. In H. van Dalen, & F. Kalshoven (Eds.), Meesters van de welvaart. Top economen over Nederland Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans. [details]
    • Sloof, R., Oosterbeek, H., & Sonnemans, J. (2002). Does making specific investments unobservable boost investment incentives? (Scholar Working Paper Series; No. WP 37/02). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Sloof, R., Oosterbeek, H., Riedl, A., & Sonnemans, J. (2002). Breach remedies, reliance and negotiation. (Scholar Working Paper Series; No. WP28/02). University of Amsterdam. [details]


    • Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (2001). Evaluating the effect of tax deductions on training. Scholar Working Paper Series, 24(01). [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Leuven, E. (2001). Shorter Papers - Comment - Firm-Specific Human Capital as a Shared Investment. The American Economic Review, 91(1), 342-347. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, D. (2001). Een economische kijk op publieke indicatoren van schoolkwaliteit. Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, H. D. (2001). Risico's van indicatoren van schoolkwaliteit. In A. B. Dijkstra, S. Karsten, R. Veenstra, & A. J. Visscher (Eds.), Het oog der natie: Scholen op rapport Assen: Van Gorcum. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & Sonnemans, J. (2001). Promotion rules and skill acquisition: An experimental study. University of Amsterdam, Tinbergen Institute. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & Sonnemans, J. (2001). Who should invest in firm specific training? (Scholar Working Paper Series; No. WP 16/01). University of Amsterdam. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H. (2000). Ajut financer als estudiants d'ensenyament superior als Països Baixos. In J-G. Mora, F. Solà, & J. M. Vilalta (Eds.), Beques i ajuts als estudiants universitaris a Europa (pp. 79-94). UNESCO 2000. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (2000). Introduction to special issue on overschooling. Economics of Education Review, 19(2), 129-130. [details]


    • Dobbelsteen, S. H. A. M., Levin, J. D., & Oosterbeek, H. (1999). Waarom klassenverkleining niet helpt. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 84(4197), 250-252. [details]
    • Groot, W. J. N., Maassen van den Brink, H., Oosterbeek, H., Plug, E. J. S., & Webbink, H. D. (1999). Is er een tekort aan technisch opgeleiden? Den Haag: Welboom/Elseviers Bedrijfsinformatie. [details]
    • Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H., & van Hans van Ophem, H. (1999). Explaining international differences in male wage inequality by differences in demand and supply of skill. (Scholar Working Paper Series; No. WP 06/99). Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, H. D. (1999). Het verborgen technisch talent. In H. Maassen van der Brink, W. Groot, H. Oosterbeek, E. J. S. Plug, & H. D. Webbink (Eds.), Is er een tekort aan technisch opgeleiden? (pp. ?-?). Amsterdam: Nationaal Vakbondsmuseum, Serie wetenschappelijke public.. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., Ashenfelter, O., & Harmon, C. (1999). A review of estimates of the schooling/earnings relationship, with tests for publication bias. Labour Economics, 6(4), 453-470. [details]


    • Groot, W. J. N., Maassen van den Brink, H., Oosterbeek, H., Webbink, D., & Hartog, J. (1998). Overscholing en verdringing op de arbeidsmarkt. (Serie wetenschappelijke publicaties; No. 20). Amsterdam: Welboom. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1998). An economic analysis of student financial aid schemes. European Journal of Education, 33, 21-29. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1998). Innovative ways to finance education and their relation to lifelong learning. Education Economics, 6(3), 219-251. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1998). Unravelling supply and demand factors in work-related training. Oxford Economic Papers, 50, 266-283. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, H. D. (1998). Overscholing en verdringing op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt. In H. Maassen van den Brink, W. Groot, H. Oosterbeek, H. D. Webbink, & J. Hartog (Eds.), Overscholing en verdringing op de arbeidsmarkt (Nationaal Vakbondsmuseum, Serie Wetenschap. Publicaties). Den Haag: DELWEL.


    • Houtkoop, W. A., & Oosterbeek, H. (1997). Vraag en aanbod van opleidingen. In W. J. Nijhoff, B. W. M. Hovels, A. M. L. Wieringen, & M. van Dyck (Eds.), Jaarboek 1996 van het Max Goote Kenniscentrum. (pp. 17-46). Den Haag: Vuga Uitgeverij. [details]
    • Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1997). International comparisons of male wage inequality. Discussion paper - Tinbergen Institute, 97-059/3. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H., & Levin, J. D. (1996). Economische aspecten van het duale systeem in Duitsland. In Jaarboek 1995 van het Max Goote Kenniscentrum (pp. 41-48). Den Haag: VUGA. [details]


    • Daudey, K. M., & Oosterbeek, H. (1995). The feasibility of cost-effectiveness analysis of programmes for students-at-risk. (Report to Sardes). Utrecht: Sardes. [details]
    • Groot, W. J. N., & Oosterbeek, H. (1995). Determinants and wage effects of participation in on- and off-the-job training. (TI Discussion paper; No. TI 95-122). Unknown Publisher. [details]
    • Groot, W. J. N., & Oosterbeek, H. (1995). The incidence and wage effects of incentive pay. (TI discussion paper; No. TI 95-83). Unknown Publisher. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1995). Innovative ways to finance education and their relation to lifelong learning. (Report to OECD). OECD. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1995). Commentaar bij onderwijsrendement: Methoden en data van A. Gelderblom. In OSA (Ed.), Rendement van opleiding en allocatie van arbeid, inleidingen op de conferentie (pp. 59-64). (OSA werkdocument; No. W133). Den Haag: OSA. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1995). Sociaal leenstelsel voor financiering van studie. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 80(4006), 376-379. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1995). Sociaal-democratisch hoger onderwijs. Socialisme en Democratie, 52, 419-428. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1995). Human capital technology and schooling choices. (TI discussion paper; No. 95-90). Tinbergen Instituut. [details]


    • Hartog, J., Groot, W. J. N., & Oosterbeek, H. (1994). Costs and revenues of investment in enterprise-related schooling. Oxford Economic Papers, 46(4), 658-675. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Groot, W. J. N. (1994). Earnings effects of different components of schooling: Human capital versus screening. Review of Economics and Statistics, 76(2), 317-321. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H. (1993). Evidence on Screening: A Comment. Economics of Education Review, 12(1), 89-90. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H., & Groot, W. J. N. (1992). Optimal Investment in Human Capital under Uncertainty. Economics of Education Review, 11(1), 41-49. [details]


    • Groot, W. J. N., Maassen van den Brink, H., & Oosterbeek, H. (1991). An empirical analysis of the determinants of child care arrangements in the Netherlands. (Research Memorandum, Leiden University, Center for Research in Public Economics; No. 91.09). Leiden University, Center for Research in Public Economics. [details]
    • Maassen van den Brink, H., Groot, W. J. N., & Oosterbeek, H. (1991). An empirical analysis of the determinants of child care arrangements in The Netherlands. In Women at work: conference papers for the third EALE conference, Madrid. Vol. 3 Madrid. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H. (1990). Education and Earnings in the Netherlands: An Empirical Analysis. Economics of Education Review, 34(7), 1375-1353. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H., & Hartog, J. (1988). Education, Allocation and Earnings in the Netherlands: Overschooling? Economics of Education Review, 7(2), 185-194. [details]




    • van der Klaauw, B., Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (2006). Financiele prikkels voor studenten. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 89, 156-157.


    • Leuven, E., Lindahl, C. M., Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, H. D. (2003). Onderwijssubsidie niet kosteneffectief. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, (4406), 276-277. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H. (2001). Voortschijdend inzicht. Amsterdam: Vossius UvA. [details]


    • Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (2000). Rendement van onderwijs stijgt. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 85(4262), 523-524. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H. (1998). De kwaliteit van het onderwijs. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 82(4167), 696-697. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H. (1997). Uit de vakliteratuur: Computerbezit en geld verdienen. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 82(4102), 311-311. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H. (1997). Uit de vakliteratuur: Prestatie-beloning. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 82(4101), 293-293. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, H. D. (1996). Over scholing, overscholing en inkomen. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 81, 240-241. [details]


    • Berkhout, E. (2023). Evaluations of education policies in Indonesia. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • Bloomfield Lescarbourá, J. (2023). Essays on early childhood interventions. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • ter Meulen, S. R. (2023). Grade retention, ability tracking, and selection in education. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Xiao, Y. (2022). Fertility, parental investments and intergenerational mobility. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Albrecht, S. (2018). Empirical studies in labour and migration economics. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Ketel, N. (2016). Empirical studies in labor and education economics. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • Péter, A. N. (2016). Essays in empirical microeconomics. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Ruijs, N. M. (2015). Empirical studies in the economics of education. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. TIER. [details]






    • Oosterbeek, H., & Ponce, J. (2009). The impact of computer use on wages in a developing country: evidence from Ecuador. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. [details]




    • Leuven, E., & Oosterbeek, H. (2006). The responsiveness of training participation to tax deductability. Department of Economics. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, H. D. (2006). Does studying abroad induce a brain drain? Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • Oosterbeek, H., & van den Broek, A. (2006). An empirical analysis of borrowing behaviour of higher education students in the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & Sonnemans, J. H. (2006). Rent-seeking versus productive activities in a multi-task experiment. University of Amsterdam.


    • Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, D. (2004). Wage effects of an extra year of lower vocational education: evidence from a simultaneous change of compulsory school leaving age and program length. (Scholar Working Paper Series; No. 44/04). University of Amsterdam. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & Sonnemans, J. H. (2001). Who should invest in firm specific training? (CREED Working Paper). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & Sonnemans, J. H. (2001). Who should invest in firm specific training? (SCHOLAR Working Paper; No. WP 16/01). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & van de Kuilen, G. (2001). Cultural differences in ultimatum game experiments: evidence from a meta-analysis. University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Sloof, R., Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H., & Sonnemans, J. H. (2001). An experimental comparison of reliance levels under alternative breach remedies. (SCHOLAR Working Paper; No. WP 21/01). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Sloof, R., Oosterbeek, H., Riedl, A., & Sonnemans, J. (2001). Breach remedies, reliance and renegotiation. (CREED Working Paper). University of Amsterdam. [details]


    • Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & Sonnemans, J. H. (1999). Promotion rules and skill acquisition: An experimental study. (CREED Working Paper). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., & Sonnemans, J. H. (1999). Promotion rules and skill acquisition: An experimental study. (SCHOLAR Working Paper; No. WP 07/00). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Sloof, R., Sonnemans, J. H., & Oosterbeek, H. (1999). Specific investments, hold-up, and the outside option principle: an experimental study. (CREED Working Paper). University of Amsterdam. [details]


    • Hartog, J., & Oosterbeek, H. (1997). Health, wealth and happiness. (TI 97; No. 034/3). Tinbergen Instituut.
    • Hartog, J., & Oosterbeek, H. (1997). Health, wealth, and happiness: Why pursue a higher eductation? (Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper; No. 97-034/3). Tinbergen Institute.


    • Artmann, E., Oosterbeek, H. & Van der Klaauw, B. (2022). Data and Code for: Do doctors improve the health care of their parents? Evidence from admission lotteries. ICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research.



    • Oosterbeek, H., van der Klaauw, B., Leuven, E. & Ketel, N. (2019). Replication data for: The Returns to Medical School: Evidence from Admission Lotteries. ICPSR.
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