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Prof. dr. J. (Jos) Oomens

Faculty of Science
Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences
Photographer: UvA Persvoorlichting, foto Jeroen Oerlemans

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 94157
    1090 GD Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications




    • Armentrout, P. B., Stevenson, B. C., Ghiassee, M., Boles, G. C., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2022). Infrared multiple-photon dissociation spectroscopy of cationized glycine: effects of alkali metal cation size on gas-phase conformation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(37), 22950-22959. [details]
    • He, C. C., Hamlow, L. A., Roy, H. A., Devereaux, Z. J., Hasan, M. A., Israel, E., Cunningham, N. A., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2022). Structural Determination of Lysine-Linked Cisplatin Complexes via IRMPD Action Spectroscopy: NNsand NO-Binding Modes of Lysine to Platinum Coexist. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126(45), 9246-9260. [details]
    • Jiang, Y., Indrajith, S., Perez Mellor, A. F., Bürgi, T., Lecouvey, M., Clavaguéra, C., Bodo, E., Houée-Levin, C., Loire, E., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Scuderi, D. (2022). Final Products of One-Electron Oxidation of Cyclic Dipeptides Containing Methionine Investigated by IRMPD Spectroscopy: Does the Free Radical Choose the Final Compound? Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126(48), 10055-10068. [details]
    • Palotás, J., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2022). Laboratory IR Spectra of the Ionic Oxidized Fullerenes C60O+and C60OH+. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126(19), 2928–2935. [details]




    • Boles, G. C., Hightower, R. L., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Armentrout, P. B. (2019). Zinc and Cadmium Complexation of L-Threonine: An Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy and Theoretical Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123(44), 9343-9354. [details]
    • Boles, G. C., Kempkes, L. J. M., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Armentrout, P. B. (2019). Ion spectroscopy and guided ion beam studies of protonated asparaginyl-threonine decomposition: Influence of a hydroxyl containing C-Terminal residue on deamidation processes. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 442, 64-82. [details]
    • Kempkes, L. J. M., Martens, J., Berden, G., Houthuijs, K. J., & Oomens, J. (2019). Investigation of the position of the radical in z3-ions resulting from electron transfer dissociation using infrared ion spectroscopy. Faraday Discussions, 217, 434-452. [details]
    • Munshi, M. U., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2019). Gas-Phase Infrared Ion Spectroscopy Characterization of Cu(II/I)Cyclam and Cu(II/I)2,2′-Bipyridine Redox Pairs. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 123(19), 4149-4157. [details]
    • Munshi, M. U., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2019). Protoisomerization of Indigo and Isoindigo Dyes Confirmed by Gas-Phase Infrared Ion Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123(38), 8226-8233. [details]
    • Oomens, J., Polfer, N. C., Berden, G., & Eyler, J. R. (2019). Gas-phase metal ion chelation investigated with IRMPD spectroscopy: A brief review of Robert Dunbar's contributions. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 25(1), 86-96. [details]
    • Owen, C. J., Boles, G. C., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Armentrout, P. B. (2019). Experimental and theoretical investigations of infrared multiple photon dissociation spectra of lysine complexes with Zn2+ and Cd2+. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 25(1), 97-111. [details]
    • Paul, M., Peckelsen, K., Thomulka, T., Neudörfl, J., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Berkessel, A., Meijer, A. J. H. M., & Schäfer, M. (2019). Hydrogen tunneling avoided: enol-formation from a charge-tagged phenyl pyruvic acid derivative evidenced by tandem-MS, IR ion spectroscopy and theory. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(30), 16591-16600. [details]
    • Perez, E., Corcovilos, T. A., Gibson, J. K., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Van Stipdonk, M. J. (2019). Isotope labeling and infrared multiple-photon photodissociation investigation of product ions generated by dissociation of [ZnNO3(CH3OH2]+: Conversion of methanol to formaldehyde. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 25(1), 58-72. [details]
    • Switzer, C., Martens, J., Kempkes, L. J. M., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Hellman Morton, T. (2019). Gas-phase vibrations of the anionic, hydrogen-bonded dimer of 9-methylguanine. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 446, Article 116211. [details]
    • Tatosian, I., Metzler, L., Graca, C., Bubas, A., Corcovilos, T., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Van Stipdonk, M. J. (2019). Measurement of the asymmetric UO22+ stretching frequency for [UVIO2(F)3]- using IRMPD spectroscopy. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 446, Article 116231. [details]
    • Walhout, E. Q., Dorn, S. E., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Cheong, PH-Y., Kroll, J. H., & O'Brien, R. E. (2019). Infrared Ion Spectroscopy of Environmental Organic Mixtures: Probing the Composition of a-Pinene Secondary Organic Aerosol. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(13), 7604-7612. [details]
    • van Outersterp, R. E., Houthuijs, K. J., Berden, G., Engelke, U. F., Kluijtmans, L. A. J., Wevers, R. A., Coene, K. L. M., Oomens, J., & Martens, J. (2019). Reference-standard free metabolite identification using infrared ion spectroscopy. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 443, 77-85. [details]


    • Bendo, J-A., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Morton, T. H. (2018). Gas phase vibrations of an anionic, hydrogen-bonded homodimer of a nucleobase analogue: Isocytosino-8-trifluoromethylquinolone. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 429, 206-211. [details]
    • Boles, G. C., Hightower, R. L., Coates, R. A., McNary, C. P., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Armentrout, P. B. (2018). Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectra of Aspartic Acid Complexes with Zn2+ and Cd2+. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122(14), 3836-3853. [details]
    • Bouwman, J., Horst, S., & Oomens, J. (2018). Spectroscopic Characterization of the Product Ions Formed by Electron Ionization of Adamantane. ChemPhysChem, 19(23), 3211-3218. [details]
    • Chakrabarty, S., DiTucci, M. J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Williams, E. R. (2018). Structural Investigation of the Hormone Melatonin and Its Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Complexes in the Gas Phase. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 29(9), 1835-1847. [details]
    • Chalifoux, A. M., Boles, G. C., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Armentrout, P. B. (2018). Experimental and theoretical investigations of infrared multiple photon dissociation spectra of arginine complexes with Zn2+ and Cd2+. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(31), 20712-20725. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2018). Binding of Divalent Metal Ions with Deprotonated Peptides: Do Gas-Phase Anions Parallel the Condensed Phase? The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 122(25), 5589-5596. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2018). Transition metal(II) complexes of histidine-containing tripeptides: Structures, and infrared spectroscopy by IRMPD. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 429, 198-205. [details]
    • Featherstone, J., Chong, T., Martens, J. K., Oomens, J., & McMahon, T. B. (2018). Inverse Sandwich Cyclopentadienyl Complexes of Sodium in the Gas Phase. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 122(43), 8659-8664. [details]
    • Gibson, J. K., de Jong, W. A., van Stipdonk, M. J., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2018). Equatorial coordination of uranyl: Correlating ligand charge donation with the Oyl-U-Oyl asymmetric stretch frequency. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 857, 94-100. [details]
    • Heiles, S., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Williams, E. R. (2018). Competition between salt bridge and non-zwitterionic structures in deprotonated amino acid dimers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(23), 15641-15652. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Jian, J., Hu, S-X., Li, W-L., van Stipdonk, M. J., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Li, J., & Gibson, J. K. (2018). Uranyl/12-crown-4 Ether Complexes and Derivatives: Structural Characterization and Isomeric Differentiation. Inorganic Chemistry, 57(7), 4125-4134. [details]
    • Kempkes, L. J. M., Boles, G. C., Martens, J., Berden, G., Armentrout, P. B., & Oomens, J. (2018). Deamidation of Protonated Asparagine-Valine Investigated by a Combined Spectroscopic, Guided Ion Beam, and Theoretical Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 122(9), 2424-2436. [details]
    • Kempkes, L. J. M., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2018). w‐Type ions formed by electron transfer dissociation of Cys‐containing peptides investigated by infrared ion spectroscopy. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 53(12), 1207-1213. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Kempkes, L. J. M., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2018). Dehydration reactions of protonated dipeptides containing asparagine or glutamine investigated by infrared ion spectroscopy. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 429, 90-100. [details]
    • Kempkes, L. J. M., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2018). Spectroscopic Characterization of an Extensive Set of c-Type Peptide Fragment Ions Formed by Electron Transfer Dissociation Suggests Exclusive Formation of Amide Isomers. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9(22), 6404-6411. [details]
    • Mackie, C. J., Candian, A., Huang, X., Maltseva, E., Petrignani, A., Oomens, J., Buma, W. J., Lee, T. J., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2018). The anharmonic quartic force field infrared spectra of hydrogenated and methylated PAHs. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(2), 1189-1197. [details]
    • Maltseva, E., Mackie, C. J., Candian, A., Petrignani, A., Huang, X., Lee, T. J., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Oomens, J., & Buma, W. J. (2018). High-resolution IR absorption spectroscopy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the 3 μm region: role of hydrogenation and alkylation. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 610, Article A65. [details]
    • Martens, J., Berden, G., Bentlage, H., Coene, K. L. M., Engelke, U. F., Wishart, D., van Scherpenzeel, M., Kluijtmans, L. A. J., Wevers, R. A., & Oomens, J. (2018). Unraveling the unknown areas of the human metabolome: the role of infrared ion spectroscopy. Journal of inherited metabolic disease, 41(3), 367-377. [details]
    • Martin-Somer, A., Martens, J., Grzetic, J., Hase, W. L., Oomens, J., & Spezia, R. (2018). Unimolecular Fragmentation of Deprotonated Diproline [Pro2-H] Studied by Chemical Dynamics Simulations and IRMPD Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 122(10), 2612-2625. [details]
    • Smith, Z. M., Steinmetz, V., Martens, J., Oomens, J., & Poutsma, J. C. (2018). Infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of cationized canavanine: Side-chain substitution influences gas-phase zwitterion formation. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 429, 158-173. [details]
    • van Outersterp, R. E., Martens, J., Berden, G., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., & Rijs, A. M. (2018). Structural characterization of nucleotide 5′-triphosphates by infrared ion spectroscopy and theoretical studies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(44), 28319-28330. [details]


    • Abergel, R. J., de Jong, W. A., Deblonde, GJ-P., Dau, P. D., Captain, I., Eaton, T. M., Jian, J., van Stipdonk, M. J., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Gibson, J. K. (2017). Cleaving Off Uranyl Oxygens through Chelation: A Mechanistic Study in the Gas Phase. Inorganic Chemistry, 56(21), 12930-12937. [details]
    • Akinyemi, T. E., Wu, R. R., Nei, Y.-W., Cunningham, N. A., Roy, H. A., Steill, J. D., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2017). Influence of Transition Metal Cationization versus Sodium Cationization and Protonation on the Gas-Phase Tautomeric Conformations and Stability of Uracil: Application to [Ura+Cu]+ and [Ura+Ag]+. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 28(11), 2438-2453. [details]
    • Bendo, J-A., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Morton, T. H. (2017). Hydrogen Liberation from Gaseous 2-Bora-1,3-diazacycloalkanium Cations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 121(41), 7910-7916. [details]
    • Boles, G. C., Owen, C. J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Armentrout, P. B. (2017). Experimental and theoretical investigations of infrared multiple photon dissociation spectra of glutamic acid complexes with Zn2+ and Cd2+. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(19), 12394-12406. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2017). Water Microsolvation Can Switch the Binding Mode of Ni(II) with Small Peptides. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8(12), 2634-2638. [details]
    • Martens, J., Berden, G., van Outersterp, R. E., Kluijtmans, L. A. J., Engelke, U. F., van Karnebeek, C. D. M., Wevers, R. A., & Oomens, J. (2017). Molecular identification in metabolomics using infrared ion spectroscopy. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 3363. [details]
    • Martens, J., Koppen, V., Berden, G., Cuyckens, F., & Oomens, J. (2017). Combined Liquid Chromatography-Infrared Ion Spectroscopy for Identification of Regioisomeric Drug Metabolites. Analytical Chemistry, 89(8), 4359-4362. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Munshi, M. U., Berden, G., Martens, J., & Oomens, J. (2017). Gas-phase vibrational spectroscopy of triphenylamine: the effect of charge on structure and spectra. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(30), 19881-19889. [details]
    • Munshi, M. U., Craig, S. M., Berden, G., Martens, J., DeBlase, A. F., Foreman, D. J., McLuckey, S. A., Oomens, J., & Johnson, M. A. (2017). Preparation of Labile Ni+(cyclam) Cations in the Gas Phase Using Electron-Transfer Reduction through Ion-Ion Recombination in an Ion Trap and Structural Characterization with Vibrational Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8(20), 5047-5052. [details]
    • Oomens, J., Berden, G., & Morton, T. H. (2017). Low-Frequency CH Stretch Vibrations of Free Alkoxide Ions. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 56(1), 217-220. Advance online publication., [details]
    • Oomens, J., Berden, G., & Morton, T. H. (2017). Low-Frequency CH Stretch Vibrations of Free Alkoxide Ions. Angewandte Chemie, 129(1), 223-226. Advance online publication., [details]
    • Peckelsen, K., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Dunbar, R. C., Meijer, A. J. H. M., & Schäfer, M. (2017). Gas-phase complexes of Ni2+ and Ca2+ with deprotonated histidylhistidine (HisHis): A model case for polyhistidyl-metal binding motifs. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 332, 38-44. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Peckelsen, K., Martens, J., Czympiel, L., Oomens, J., Berden, G., Gründemann, D., Meijer, A. J. H. M., & Schäfer, M. (2017). Ergothioneine and related histidine derivatives in the gas phase: tautomer structures determined by IRMPD spectroscopy and theory. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(34), 23362-23372. [details]
    • Poutsma, J. C., Martens, J., Oomens, J., Maitre, P., Steinmetz, V., Bernier, M., Jia, M., & Wysocki, V. (2017). Infrared Multiple-Photon Dissociation Action Spectroscopy of the b2 + Ion from PPG: Evidence of Third Residue Affecting b2 + Fragment Structure. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 28(7), 1482-1488. [details]
    • Schaefer, M., Peckelsen, K., Paul, M., Martens, J., Oomens, J., Berden, G., Berkessel, A., & Meijer, A. J. H. M. (2017). Hydrogen Tunneling above Room Temperature Evidenced by Infrared Ion Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(16), 5779-5786. [details]
    • Schindler, B., Barnes, L., Gray, C. J., Chambert, S., Flitsch, S. L., Oomens, J., Daniel, R., Allouche, A. R., & Compagnon, I. (2017). IRMPD Spectroscopy Sheds New (Infrared) Light on the Sulfate Pattern of Carbohydrates. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 121(10), 2114-2120. [details]
    • Wu, R. R., Hamlow, L. A., He, C. C., Nei, Y., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2017). N3 and O2 Protonated Conformers of the Cytosine Mononucleotides Coexist in the Gas Phase. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 28(8), 1638-1646. [details]
    • de Haas, A. J., Oomens, J., & Bouwman, J. (2017). Facile pentagon formation in the dissociation of polyaromatics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(4), 2974-2980. [details]
    • de Jong, W. A., Dau, P. D., Wilson, R. E., Marçalo, J., Van Stipdonk, M. J., Corcovilos, T. A., Berden, G., Martens, J., Oomens, J., & Gibson, J. K. (2017). Revealing Disparate Chemistries of Protactinium and Uranium. Synthesis of the Molecular Uranium Tetroxide Anion, UO4-. Inorganic Chemistry, 56(6), 3686-3694. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Bouwman, J., de Haas, A. J., & Oomens, J. (2016). Spectroscopic evidence for the formation of pentalene(+) in the dissociative ionization of naphthalene. Chemical Communications, 52(12), 2636-2638. [details]
    • Dau, P. D., Rios, D., Gong, Y., Michelini, M. C., Marçalo, J., Shuh, D. K., Mogannam, M., Van Stipdonk, M. J., Corcovilos, T. A., Martens, J. K., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Redlich, B., & Gibson, J. K. (2016). Synthesis and Hydrolysis of Uranyl, Neptunyl, and Plutonyl Gas Phase Complexes Exhibiting Discrete Actinide-Carbon Bonds. Organometallics, 35(9), 1228-1240.
    • Dunbar, R. C., Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2016). Complexes of Ni(II) and Cu(II) with small peptides: deciding whether to deprotonate. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(38), 26923-26932. [details]
    • Gao, J., Berden, G., Rodgers, M. T., & Oomens, J. (2016). Interaction of Cu+ with cytosine and formation of i-motif-like C-M+-C complexes: alkali versus coinage metals. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(10), 7269-7277. [details]
    • Gao, J., Bouwman, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2016). The Influence of Metal Ion Binding on the IR Spectra of Nitrogen-Containing PAHs. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 120(40), 7800-7809.
    • Hu, S-X., Gibson, J. K., Li, W-L., Van Stipdonk, M. J., Martens, J., Berden, G., Redlich, B., Oomens, J., & Li, J. (2016). Electronic structure and characterization of a uranyl di-15-crown-5 complex with an unprecedented sandwich structure. Chemical Communications, 52(86), 12761-12764. [details]
    • Kempkes, L. J. M., Martens, J. K., Grzetic, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2016). Deamidation reactions of protonated asparagine and glutamine investigated by ion spectroscopy. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 30(4), 483-490. [details]
    • Kempkes, L. J. M., Martens, J., Grzetic, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2016). Deamidation Reactions of Asparagine- and Glutamine-Containing Dipeptides Investigated by Ion Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 27(11), 1855-1869. [details]
    • Kiawi, D. M., Chernyy, V., Oomens, J., Buma, W. J., Jamshidi, Z., Visscher, L., Waters, L. B. F. M., & Bakker, J. M. (2016). Water Dissociation upon Adsorption onto Free Iron Clusters Is Size Dependent. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7(13), 2381-2387.
    • Lesslie, M., Lau, JK-C., Lawler, J. T., Siu, K. W. M., Oomens, J., Berden, G., Hopkinson, A. C., & Ryzhov, V. (2016). Alkali-Metal-Ion-Assisted Hydrogen Atom Transfer in the Homocysteine Radical. Chemistry-A European Journal, 22(7), 2243-2246. [details]
    • Mackie, C. J., Candian, A., Huang, X., Maltseva, E., Petrignani-Taube, A., Oomens, J., Mattioda, A. L., Buma, W. J., Lee, T. J., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2016). The anharmonic quartic force field infrared spectra of five non-linear polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Benz[a]anthracene, chrysene, phenanthrene, pyrene, and triphenylene. Journal of Chemical Physics, 145(8).
    • Maltseva, E., Petrignani-Taube, A., Candian, A., Mackie, C. J., Huang, X., Lee, T. J., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Oomens, J., & Buma, W. J. (2016). Erratum: HIGH-RESOLUTION IR ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS: THE REALM OF ANHARMONICITY (vol 814, 23, 2015). Astrophysical Journal, 820(1).
    • Maltseva, E., Petrignani-Taube, A., Candian, A., Mackie, C. J., Huang, X., Lee, T. J., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Oomens, J., & Buma, W. J. (2016). HIGH-RESOLUTION IR ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN THE 3 mu m REGION: ROLE OF PERIPHERY. Astrophysical Journal, 831(1).
    • Martens, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2016). Structures of Fluoranthene Reagent Anions Used in Electron Transfer Dissociation and Proton Transfer Reaction Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 88(12), 6126-6129.
    • Martens, J., Berden, G., Gebhardt, C. R., & Oomens, J. (2016). Infrared ion spectroscopy in a modified quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer at the FELIX free electron laser laboratory. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(10).
    • Martens, J., Grzetic, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2016). Structural identification of electron transfer dissociation products in mass spectrometry using infrared ion spectroscopy. Nature Communications, 7, Article 11754. [details]
    • Nieto, P., Guenther, A., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Dopfer, O. (2016). IRMPD Spectroscopy of Metalated Flavins: Structure and Bonding of Lumiflavin Complexes with Alkali and Coinage Metal Ions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 120(42), 8297-8308.
    • Petrignani, A., Vala, M., Eyler, J. R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Berden, G., van der Meer, A. F. G., Redlich, B., & Oomens, J. (2016). Breakdown Products of Gaseous Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Investigated with Infrared Ion Spectroscopy. Astrophysical Journal, 826(1), Article 33. [details]
    • Shaffer, C. J., Martens, J., Marek, A., Oomens, J., & Turecek, F. (2016). Photoleucine Survives Backbone Cleavage by Electron Transfer Dissociation. A Near-UV Photodissociation and Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Action Spectroscopy Study. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 27(7), 1176-1185.
    • Wu, R. R., He, C. C., Hamlow, L. A., Nei, Y. ., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2016). Protonation induces base rotation of purine nucleotides pdGuo and pGuo. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(22), 15081-15090.
    • Wu, R. R., He, C. C., Hamlow, L. A., Nei, Y. .-W., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2016). N3 Protonation Induces Base Rotation of 2 '-Deoxyadenosine-5 '-monophosphate and Adenosine-5 '-monophosphate. The journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 120(20), 4616-4624.
    • Wu, R. R., Yang, B., Frieler, C. E., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2016). 2,4-Dihydroxy and O2 Protonated Tautomers of dThd and Thd Coexist in the Gas Phase: Methylation Alters Protonation Preferences versus dUrd and Urd. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 27(3), 410-421. [details]
    • Álvaro Galué, H., Oomens, J., Buma, W. J., & Redlich, B. (2016). Electron-​flux infrared response to varying π-​bond topology in charged aromatic monomers. Nature Communications, 7, Article 12633. [details]



    • Gao, J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2014). Laboratory Infrared Spectroscopy of Gaseous Negatively Charged Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons. Astrophysical Journal, 787(2). [details]
    • Günther, A., Nieto, P., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Dopfer, O. (2014). IRMPD spectroscopy of metalated flavins: structure and bonding of Mq+-lumichrome complexes (Mq+ = Li+-Cs+, Ag+, Mg2+). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(27), 14161-14171. [details]
    • Holland, M. C., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Schäfer, M., & Gilmour, R. (2014). Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Spectroscopic Analysis of Noncovalent Interactions in Organocatalysis. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014(26), 5675-5680. [details]
    • Langer, J., Günther, A., Seidenbecher, S., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Dopfer, O. (2014). Probing Protonation Sites of Isolated Flavins Using IR Spectroscopy: From Lumichrome to the Cofactor Flavin Mononucleotide. ChemPhysChem, 15(12), 2550-2562. [details]
    • Morsa, D., Gabelica, V., Rosu, F., Oomens, J., & De Pauw, E. (2014). Dissociation Pathways of Benzylpyridinium "Thermometer" Ions Depend on the Activation Regime: An IRMPD Spectroscopy Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5(21), 3787-3791. [details]
    • Steill, J. D., May, A. L., Campagna, S. R., Oomens, J., & Compton, R. N. (2014). Structure and Stability of Phenoxide and Fluorophenoxide Anions Investigated with Infrared Multiple-Photon Dissociation and Detachment Spectroscopy and Tandem Mass Spectrometry. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 118(37), 8597-8605. [details]
    • van Stipdonk, M. J., Basu, P., Dille, S. A., Gibson, J. K., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2014). Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy of a Gas-Phase Oxo-Molybdenum Complex with 1,2-Dithiolene Ligands. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 118(29), 5407-5418. [details]
    • van Stipdonk, M. J., Kullman, M. J., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2014). Infrared multiple-photon dissociation spectroscopy of deprotonated 6-hydroxynicotinic acid. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 28(7), 691-698. [details]


    • Austin, C. A., Chen, Y., Kaczan, C. M., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2013). Infrared multiple photon dissociation action spectroscopy of alkali metal cation-cyclen complexes: Effects of alkali metal cation size on gas-phase conformation. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 354-355, 346-355. [details]
    • Dain, R. P., Gresham, G., Groenewold, G. S., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., & Van Stipdonk, M. J. (2013). Infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of group I and group II metal complexes with Boc-hydroxylamine. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 27(16), 1867-1872. [details]
    • Demireva, M., Oomens, J., Berden, G., & Williams, E. R. (2013). The Ionic Hydrogen/Deuterium Bonds between Diammoniumalkane Dications and Halide Anions. ChemPlusChem, 78(9), 995-1004. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2013). How does a small peptide choose how to bind a metal ion? IRMPD and computational survey of CS versus Iminol binding preferences. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 354-355, 356-364. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Oomens, J., Berden, G., Lau, J. K. C., Verkerk, U. H., Hopkinson, A. C., & Siu, K. W. M. (2013). Metal Ion Complexes with HisGly: Comparison with PhePhe and PheGly. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117(25), 5335-5343. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Steill, J. D., Polfer, N. C., & Oomens, J. (2013). Metal Cation Binding to Gas-Phase Pentaalanine: Divalent Ions Restructure the Complex. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117(6), 1094-1101. [details]
    • Grzetic, J., & Oomens, J. (2013). Effect of the Asn side chain on the dissociation of deprotonated peptides elucidated by IRMPD spectroscopy. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 354-355, 70-77. [details]
    • Grzetic, J., & Oomens, J. (2013). Spectroscopic Identification of Cyclic Imide b2-Ions from Peptides Containing Gln and Asn Residues. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 24(8), 1228-1241. [details]
    • Gámez, F., Hurtado, P., Hortal, A. R., Martínez-Haya, B., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2013). Cations in a Molecular Funnel: Vibrational Spectroscopy of Isolated Cyclodextrin Complexes with Alkali Metals. ChemPhysChem, 14(2), 400-407. [details]
    • Jaeqx, S., Du, W., Meijer, E. J., Oomens, J., & Rijs, A. M. (2013). Conformational Study of Z-Glu-OH and Z-Arg-OH: Dispersion Interactions versus Conventional Hydrogen Bonding. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117(6), 1216-1227. [details]
    • Jaeqx, S., Oomens, J., & Rijs, A. M. (2013). Gas-phase salt bridge interactions between glutamic acid and arginine. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(38), 16341-16352. [details]
    • Lapoutre, V. J. F., Redlich, B., Meer, A. F. G., Oomens, J., Bakker, J. M., Sweeney, A., Mookherjee, A., & Armentrout, P. B. (2013). Structures of the Dehydrogenation Products of Methane Activation by 5d Transition Metal Cations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117(20), 4115-4126. [details]
    • Nei, Y. W., Crampton, K. T., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2013). Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Action Spectroscopy of Deprotonated RNA Mononucleotides: Gas-Phase Conformations and Energetics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117(41), 10634-10649. [details]
    • Nei, Y. W., Hallowita, N., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2013). Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Action Spectroscopy of Deprotonated DNA Mononucleotides: Gas-Phase Conformations and Energetics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117(6), 1319-1335. [details]
    • Nieckarz, R. J., Oomens, J., Berden, G., Sagulenko, P., & Zenobi, R. (2013). Infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy of oxazine dyes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(14), 5049-5056. [details]
    • Osburn, S., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Gulyuz, K., Polfer, N. C., O'Hair, R. A. J., & Ryzhov, V. (2013). Structure and Reactivity of the Glutathione Radical Cation: Radical Rearrangement from the Cysteine Sulfur to the Glutamic Acid alpha-Carbon Atom. ChemPlusChem, 78(9), 970-978. [details]
    • Osburn, S., Burgie, T., Berden, G., Oomens, J., O'Hair, R. A. J., & Ryzhov, V. (2013). Structure and Reactivity of Homocysteine Radical Cation in the Gas Phase Studied by Ion-Molecule Reactions and Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117(6), 1144-1150. [details]
    • Piatkivskyi, A., Osburn, S., Jaderberg, K., Grzetic, J., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., Zhao, J., Lau, J. K. C., Verkerk, U. H., Hopkinson, A. C., Siu, K. W. M., & Ryzhov, V. (2013). Structure and Reactivity of the Distonic and Aromatic Radical Cations of Tryptophan. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 24(4), 513-523. [details]
    • Ung, H. U., Moehlig, A. R., Khodagholian, S., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Morton, T. H. (2013). Proton-Bridge Motions in Amine Conjugate Acid Ions Having Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds to Hydroxyl and Amine Groups. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117(6), 1360-1369. [details]
    • Ung, H. U., Moehlig, A. R., Kudla, R. A., Mueller, L. J., Oomens, J., Berden, G., & Morton, T. H. (2013). Proton-bound dimers of 1-methylcytosine and its derivatives: vibrational and NMR spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(43), 19001-19012. [details]
    • Yang, B., Wu, R. R., Polfer, N. C., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2013). IRMPD Action Spectroscopy of Alkali Metal Cation-Cytosine Complexes: Effects of Alkali Metal Cation Size on Gas Phase Conformation. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 24(10), 1523-1533. [details]


    • Almasian, M., Grzetic, J., Berden, G., Bakker, B., Buma, W. J., & Oomens, J. (2012). Gas-phase infrared spectrum of the anionic GFP-chromophore. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 330-332, 118-123. [details]
    • Almasian, M., Grzetic, J., van Maurik, J., Steill, J. D., Berden, G., Ingemann, S., Buma, W. J., & Oomens, J. (2012). Non-equilibrium isomer distribution of the gas-phase photoactive yellow protein chromophore. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 3(16), 2259-2263. [details]
    • Brueckmann, L., Tyrra, W., Mathur, S., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Meijer, A. J. H. M., & Schaefer, M. (2012). Examination of the coordination sphere of AlIII in trifluoromethyl-heteroarylalkenolato complex ions by gas-phase IRMPD spectroscopy and computational modelling. ChemPhysChem, 13(8), 2037-2045. [details]
    • Citir, M., Hinton, C. S., Oomens, J., Steill, J. D., & Armentrout, P. B. (2012). Infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of cationized histidine: effects of metal cation size on gas-phase conformation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 116(6), 1532-1541. [details]
    • Contreras, C. S., Polfer, N. C., Oomens, J., Steill, J. D., Bendiak, B., & Eyler, J. R. (2012). On the path to glycan conformer identification: Gas-phase study of the anomers of methyl glycosides of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 330-332, 285-294. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Crampton, K. T., Rathur, A. I., Nei, Y., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2012). Protonation preferentially stabilizes minor tautomers of the halouracils: IRMPD action spectroscopy and theoretical studies. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 23(9), 1469-1478. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Polfer, N. C., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2012). Metal ion binding to peptides: oxygen or nitrogen sites? International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 330-332, 71-77. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Steill, J. D., Polfer, N. C., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2012). Peptide bond tautomerization induced by divalent metal ions: characterization of the iminol configuration. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 51(19), 4591-4593., [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Steill, J. D., Polfer, N. C., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2012). Peptide bond tautomerization induced by divalent metal ions: characterization of the iminol configuration. Angewandte Chemie, 124(19), 4669-4671., [details]
    • Galué, H. A., & Oomens, J. (2012). On the electronic structure of isolated mono-dehydrogenated polyaromatic hydrocarbon ions and their astrophysical relevance. Astrophysical Journal, 746(1), Article 83. [details]
    • Grzetic, J., & Oomens, J. (2012). Spectroscopic evidence for an oxazolone structure in anionic b-type peptide fragments. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 23(2), 290-300. [details]
    • Grzetic, J., & Oomens, J. (2012). Structure of anionic c-type peptide fragments elucidated by IRMPD spectroscopy. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 316, 216-226. [details]
    • Gámez, F., Hurtado, P., Hamad, S., Martínez-Haya, B., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2012). Tweezer-like complexes of crown ethers with divalent metals: probing cation-size-dependent conformations by vibrational spectroscopy in the gas phase. ChemPlusChem, 77(2), 118-123. [details]
    • Hurtado, P., Gámez, F., Hamad, S., Martínez-Haya, B., Steill, J. D., & Oomens, J. (2012). Multipodal coordination of a tetracarboxylic crown ether with NH4+: a vibrational spectroscopy and computational study. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136(11), 114301. [details]
    • Kullman, M. J., Molesworth, S., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & van Stipdonk, M. (2012). IRMPD spectroscopy b(2) ions from protonated tripeptides with 4-aminomethyl benzoic acid residues. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 316-318, 174-181. [details]
    • Osburn, S., Berden, G., Oomens, J., O'Hair, R. A. J., & Ryzhov, V. (2012). S-to-alpha C radical migration in the radical cations of Gly-Cys and Cys-Gly. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 23(6), 1019-1023. [details]
    • Pirali, O., Boudon, V., Oomens, J., & Vervloet, M. (2012). Rotationally resolved infrared spectroscopy of adamantane. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136(2), Article 024310. [details]
    • Shek, P. Y. I., Lau, JK-C., Zhao, J., Grzetic, J., Verkerk, U. H., Oomens, J., Hopkinson, A. C., & Siu, K. W. M. (2012). Fragmentations of protonated cyclic-glycylglycine and cyclic-alanylalanine. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 316-318, 199-205. [details]
    • Thevis, M., Beuck, S., Hoeppner, S., Thomas, A., Held, J., Schaefer, M., Oomens, J., & Schaenzer, W. (2012). Structure elucidation of the diagnostic product ion at m/z 97 derived from androst-4-en-3-one-based steroids by ESI-CID and IRMPD spectroscopy. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 23(3), 537-546. [details]
    • Tirado, M., Rutters, J., Chen, X., Yeung, A., van Maarseveen, J., Eyler, J. R., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Polfer, N. C. (2012). Disfavoring macrocycle b fragments by constraining torsional freedom: the "twisted" case of QWFGLM b(6). Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 23(3), 475-482. [details]
    • Tonner, R., Schwerdtfeger, P., May, A. L., Steill, J. D., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Campagna, S. R., & Compton, R. N. (2012). Stability of gas-phase tartaric acid anions investigated by quantum chemistry, mass spectrometry, and infrared spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 116(19), 4789-4800. [details]
    • Van Stipdonk, M., Kullman, M., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2012). IRMPD and DFT study of the loss of water from protonated 2-hydroxynicotinic acid. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 330-332, 134-143. [details]
    • Verkerk, U. H., Zhao, J., Lau, JK-C., Lam, T-W., Hao, Q., Steill, J. D., Siu, C. K., Oomens, J., Hopkinson, A. C., & Siu, K. W. M. (2012). Structures of the a2 ions of Ala-Ala-Ala and Phe-Phe-Phe. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 330-332, 254-261. [details]
    • Verkerk, U. H., Zhao, J., Saminathan, I. S., Lau, JK-C., Oomens, J., Hopkinson, A. C., & Siu, K. W. M. (2012). Infrared multiple-photon dissociation spectroscopy of tripositive ions: lanthanum-tryptophan complexes. Inorganic Chemistry, 51(8), 4707-4710. [details]
    • Zou, S., Oomens, J., & Polfer, N. C. (2012). Competition between diketopiperazine and oxazolone formation in water loss products from protonated ArgGly and GlyArg. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 316-318, 12-17. [details]


    • Alvaro Galué, H., & Oomens, J. (2011). Spectroscopic evidence for a triplet ground state in the naphthyl cation. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 50(31), 7004-7007., [details]
    • Alvaro Galué, H., & Oomens, J. (2011). Spectroscopic evidence for a triplet ground state in the naphthyl cation. Angewandte Chemie, 123(31), 7142-7145., [details]
    • Alvaro Galué, H., Rice, C. A., Steill, J. D., & Oomens, J. (2011). Infrared spectroscopy of ionized corannulene in the gas phase. Journal of Chemical Physics, 134(5), 054310. [details]
    • Bakker, J. M., Redlich, B., Meer, A. F. G., & Oomens, J. (2011). Infrared spectroscopy of gas-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon cations in the 10-50 m spectral range. Astrophysical Journal, 741(74), 1-9. [details]
    • Beran, G. J. O., Chronister, E. L., Daemen, L. L., Moehlig, A. R., Mueller, L. J., Oomens, J., Rice, A., Santiago-Dieppa, D. R., Tham, F. S., Theel, K., Yaghmaei, S., & Morton, T. H. (2011). Vibrations of a chelated proton in a protonated tertiary diamine. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(45), 20380-20392. [details]
    • Brown, D. J., Stefan, S. E., Berden, G., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., Eyler, J. R., & Bendiak, B. (2011). Direct evidence for the ring opening of monosaccharide anions in the gas phase: photodissociation of aldohexoses and aldohexoses derived from disaccharides using variable-wavelength infrared irradiation in the carbonyl stretch region. Carbohydrate Research, 346(15), 2469-2481. [details]
    • Chen, X., Tirado, M., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., & Polfer, N. C. (2011). Cyclic peptide as reference system for b ion structural analysis in the gas phase. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 46(10), 1011-1015. [details]
    • Cooper, T. E., Carl, D. R., Oomens, J., Steill, J. D., & Armentrout, P. B. (2011). Infrared spectroscopy of divalent zinc and cadmium crown ether systems. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 115(21), 5408-5422. [details]
    • Dain, R. P., Gresham, G., Groenewold, G. S., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., & van Stipdonk, M. J. (2011). Infrared multiple-photon dissociation spectroscopy of group II metal complexes with salicylate. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25(13), 1837-1846. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Steill, J. D., & Oomens, J. (2011). Chirality-induced conformational preferences in peptide-metal ion binding revealed by IR spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(5), 1212-1215. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Steill, J. D., & Oomens, J. (2011). Encapsulation of metal cations by the PhePhe ligand: a cation-pi ion cage. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(24), 9376-9386. [details]
    • Fales, B. S., Fujamade, N. O., Nei, Y. W., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2011). Infrared multiple photon dissociation action spectroscopy and theoretical studies of diethyl phosphate complexes: effects of protonation and sodium cationization on structure. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 22(1), 81-92. [details]
    • Fales, B. S., Fujamade, N. O., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2011). Infrared multiple photon dissociation action spectroscopy and theoretical studies of triethyl phosphate complexes: effects of protonation and sodium cationization on structure. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 22(10), 1862-1871. [details]
    • Giorgi, G., Ceraulo, L., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Turco Liveri, V. (2011). Gas phase infrared multiple photon dissociation spectra of positively charged sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate reverse micelle-like aggregates. The journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 115(10), 2282-2286. [details]
    • Groenewold, G. S., van Stipdonk, M. J., Oomens, J., de Jong, W. A., & McIlwain, M. E. (2011). The gas-phase bis-uranyl nitrate complex [(UO2)2(NO3)5]-: Infrared spectrum and structure. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 308(2-3), 175-180. [details]
    • Gámez, F., Hurtado, P., Martínez-Haya, B., Berden, G., & Oomens, J. (2011). Vibrational study of isolated 18-crown-6 ether complexes with alkaline-earth metal cations. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 308, 217-224. [details]
    • Hofstetter, T. E., Howder, C., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Armentrout, P. B. (2011). Structural elucidation of biological and toxicological complexes: investigation of monomeric and dimeric complexes of histidine with multiply charged transition metal (Zn and Cd) cations using IR action spectroscopy. The journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 115(43), 12648-12661. [details]
    • Hurtado, P., Gámez, F., Hamad, S., Martínez-Haya, B., Steill, J. D., & Oomens, J. (2011). Crown ether complexes with H(3)O(+) and NH(4)(+): proton localization and proton bridge formation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 115(25), 7275-7282. [details]
    • Lagutschenkov, A., Langer, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Dopfer, O. (2011). Infrared spectra of protonated neurotransmitters: dopamine. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(7), 2815-2823. [details]
    • Lagutschenkov, A., Langer, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Dopfer, O. (2011). Infrared spectra of the protonated neurotransmitter histamine: competition between imidazolium and ammonium isomers in the gas phase. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(34), 15644-15656. [details]
    • Massah, A. R., Dreiocker, F., Jackson, R. F. W., Pickup, B. T., Oomens, J., Meijer, A. J. H. M., & Schaefer, M. (2011). Gas-phase study of new organozinc reagents by IRMPD-spectroscopy, computational modelling and tandem-MS. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(29), 13255-13267. [details]
    • Nei, Y. W., Akinyemi, T. E., Kaczan, C. M., Steill, J. D., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2011). Infrared multiple photon dissociation action spectroscopy of sodiated uracil and thiouracils: effects of thioketo-substitution on gas-phase conformation. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 308(2-3), 191-202. [details]
    • Oomens, J., & Morton, T. H. (2011). Aldehyde and ketone adducts of the gaseous trifluoromethyl cation. Organic Letters, 13(9), 2176-2179. [details]
    • Oomens, J., & Morton, T. H. (2011). Fluoronium metathesis and rearrangements of fluorine stabilized carbocations. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 308(2-3), 232-238. [details]
    • Osburn, S., Berden, G., Oomens, J., O'Hair, R. A. J., & Ryzhov, V. (2011). Structure and reactivity of the N-acetyl-cysteine radical cation and anion: does radical migration occur? Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 22(10), 1794-1803. [details]
    • Osburn, S., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., O'Hair, R. A. J., van Stipdonk, M., & Ryzhov, V. (2011). Structure and reactivity of the cysteine methyl ester radical cation. Chemistry - A European Journal, 17(3), 873-879. [details]
    • Prell, J. S., Chang, T. M., Biles, J. A., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Williams, E. R. (2011). Isomer population analysis of gaseous ions from infrared multiple photon dissociation kinetics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 115(13), 2745-2751. [details]
    • Ross, A. J., Dreiocker, F., Schäfer, M., Oomens, J., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Pickup, B. T., & Jackson, R. F. W. (2011). Evidence for the role of tetramethylethylenediamine in aqueous Negishi cross-coupling: synthesis of nonproteinogenic phenylalanine derivatives on water. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 76(6), 1727-1734. [details]
    • Rummel, J. L., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., Contreras, C. S., Pearson, W. L., Szczepanski, J., Powell, D. H., & Eyler, J. R. (2011). Structural elucidation of direct analysis in real time ionized nerve agent simulants with infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry, 83(11), 4045-4052. [details]
    • Steill, J. D., & Oomens, J. (2011). Spectroscopically resolved competition between dissociation and detachment from nitrobenzene radical anion. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 308(2-3), 239-252. [details]
    • Steill, J. D., Szczepanski, J., Oomens, J., Eyler, J. R., & Brajter-Toth, A. (2011). Structural characterization by infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of protonated gas-phase ions obtained by electrospray ionization of cysteine and dopamine. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 399(7), 2463-2473. [details]
    • Szczepanski, J., Oomens, J., Steill, J. D., & Vala, M. T. (2011). H2 ejection from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: infrared multiphoton dissociation study of protonated acenaphthene and 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene. Astrophysical Journal, 727(1), 12. [details]
    • Vala, M., Szczepanski, J., & Oomens, J. (2011). Formation of molecular hydrogen from protonated 9,10-dihydroanthracene: is the ejected H2 rotationally and vibrationally excited? International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 308, 181-190. [details]
    • Verkerk, U. H., Zhao, J., van Stipdonk, M. J., Bythell, B. J., Oomens, J., Hopkinson, A. C., & Siu, K. W. M. (2011). Structure of the [M + H - H2O]+ ion from tetraglycine: a revisit by means of density functional theory and isotope labeling. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 115(24), 6683-6687. [details]
    • Yao, H., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., & Jockusch, R. A. (2011). Infrared multiple photon dissociation action spectroscopy and computational studies of mass-selected gas-phase fluorescein and 2 ',7 '-dichlorofluorescein ions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 115(34), 9739-9747. [details]
    • van Zundert, G. C. P., Jaeqx, S., Berden, G., Bakker, J. M., Kleinermanns, K., Oomens, J., & Rijs, A. M. (2011). IR spectroscopy of isolated neutral and protonated adenine and 9-methyladenine. ChemPhysChem, 12(10), 1921-1927. [details]


    • Ard, S., Mirsaleh-Kohan, N., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., Nielsen, S. B., & Compton, R. N. (2010). Dissociation of dicarboxylate and disulfonate dianions. Journal of Chemical Physics, 132(9), 094301. [details]
    • Chen, X., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., & Polfer, N. C. (2010). Oxazolone versus macrocycle structures for Leu-enkephalin b2-b4: Insights from infrared multiple-photon dissociation spectroscopy and gas-phase hydrogen/deuterium exchange. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 21(8), 1313-1321. [details]
    • Citir, M., Stennett, E. M. S., Oomens, J., Steill, J. D., Rodgers, M. T., & Armentrout, P. B. (2010). Infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of cationized cysteine: Effects of metal cation size on gas-phase conformation. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 297(1-3), 9-17. [details]
    • Drayß, M. K., Armentrout, P. B., Oomens, J., & Schäfer, M. (2010). IR spectroscopy of cationized aliphatic amino acids: Stability of charge-solvated structure increases with metal cation size. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 297(1-3), 18-27. [details]
    • Dreiocker, F., Oomens, J., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Pickup, B. T., Jackson, R. F. W., & Schäfer, M. (2010). Structure elucidation of dimethylformamide-solvated alkylzinc cations in the gas phase. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 75(4), 1203-1213. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Steill, J. D., & Oomens, J. (2010). Cationized phenylalanine conformations characterized by IRMPD and computation for singly and doubly charged ions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12(41), 13383-13393. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Steill, J. D., & Oomens, J. (2010). Conformations and vibrational spectroscopy of metal-ion/polylalanine complexes. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 297(1-3), 107-115. [details]
    • Galué, H. A., Pirali, O., & Oomens, J. (2010). Gas-phase infrared spectra of cationized nitrogen-substituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 517, A15. [details]
    • Groenewold, G. S., de Jong, W. A., Oomens, J., & van Stipdonk, M. J. (2010). Variable denticity in carboxylate binding to the uranyl coordination complexes. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 21(5), 719-727. [details]
    • Lagutschenkov, A., Langer, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Dopfer, O. (2010). Infrared spectra of protonated neurotransmitters: serotonin. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 114(50), 13268-13276. [details]
    • Martínez-Haya, B., Hurtado, P., Hortal, A. R., Hamad, S., Steill, J. D., & Oomens, J. (2010). Emergence of symmetry and chirality in crown ether complexes with alkali metal cations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 114(26), 7048-7054. [details]
    • Nei, Y. W., Akinyemi, T. E., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., & Rodgers, M. T. (2010). Infrared multiple photon dissociation action spectroscopy of protonated uracil and thiouracils: Effects of thioketo-substitution on gas-phase conformation. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 297(1-3), 139-151. [details]
    • O'Brien, J. T., Prell, J. S., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Williams, E. R. (2010). Effects of anions on the zwitterion stability of Glu, His and Arg investigated by IRMPD spectroscopy and theory. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 297(1-3), 116-123. [details]
    • Oomens, J., & Morton, T. H. (2010). Structures of products from positive ion-molecule reactions by means of vibrational spectroscopy. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 16(3), 313-319. [details]
    • Oomens, J., & Steill, J. D. (2010). The structure of deprotonated tri-alanine and its a(3)(-) fragment anion by IR spectroscopy. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 21(5), 698-706. [details]
    • Oomens, J., Moehlig, A. R., & Morton, T. H. (2010). Infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy of the proton-bound dimer of 1-methylcytosine in the gas phase. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 1(19), 2891-2897. [details]
    • Oomens, J., Steill, J. D., & Morton, T. H. (2010). IR spectra of boron-stabilized anions in the gas phase. Inorganic Chemistry, 49(15), 6781-6783. [details]
    • Palii, S. P., Contreras, C. S., Steill, J. D., Palii, S. S., Oomens, J., & Eyler, J. R. (2010). Triuret as a potential hypokalemic agent: Structure characterization of triuret and triuret-alkali metal adducts by mass spectrometric techniques. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 498(1), 23-34. [details]
    • Pirali, O., Galué, H. A., Dahl, J. E., Carlson, R. M. K., & Oomens, J. (2010). Infrared spectra and structures of diamantyl and triamantyl carbocations. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 297(1-3), 55-62. [details]
    • Rijs, A. M., Sändig, N., Blom, M. N., Oomens, J., Hannam, J. S., Leigh, D. A., Zerbetto, F., & Buma, W. J. (2010). Controlled Hydrogen‐Bond Breaking in a Rotaxane by Discrete Solvation. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 49(23), 3896-3900., [details]
    • Rijs, A. M., Sändig, N., Blom, M. N., Oomens, J., Hannam, J. S., Leigh, D. A., Zerbetto, F., & Buma, W. J. (2010). Controlled Hydrogen‐Bond Breaking in a Rotaxane by Discrete Solvation. Angewandte Chemie, 122(23), 3988-3992., [details]
    • Verkerk, U. H., Siu, C. K., Steill, J. D., El Aribi, H., Zhao, J., Rodriquez, C. F., Oomens, J., Hopkinson, A. C., & Siu, K. W. M. (2010). a2 ion derived from triglycine: an N1-protonated 4-imidazolidinone. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 1(5), 868-872. [details]


    • Chen, X., Yu, L., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., & Polfer, N. C. (2009). Effect of peptide fragment size on the propensity of cyclization in collision-induced dissociation: Oligoglycine b2-b8. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(51), 18272-18282. [details]
    • Drayß, M. K., Blunk, D., Oomens, J., Gao, B., Wyttenbach, T., Bowers, M. T., & Schäfer, M. (2009). Systematic study of the structures of potassiated tertiary amino acids: salt bridge structures dominate. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 113(34), 9543-9550. [details]
    • Dunbar, R. C., Steill, J. D., Polfer, N. C., & Oomens, J. (2009). Peptide length, steric effects, and ion solvation govern zwitterion stabilization in barium-chelated di- and tripeptides. The journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 113(31), 10552-10554. [details]
    • Knorke, H., Langer, J., Oomens, J., & Dopfer, O. (2009). Infrared spectra of isolated protonated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 706(1), L66-L70. [details]
    • Rijs, A. M., Compagnon, I., Oomens, J., Hannam, J. S., Leigh, D. A., & Buma, W. J. (2009). Stiff, and sticky in the right places: Binding interactions in isolated mechanically interlocked molecules probed by mid-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(7), 2428-2429. [details]
    • Steill, J. D., & Oomens, J. (2009). Gas-phase deprotonation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid investigated by IR spectroscopy: Solution-phase structure is retained upon ESI. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(38), 13570-13571. [details]
    • Zhao, D., Langer, J., Oomens, J., & Dopfer, O. (2009). Infrared spectra of protonated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules: Azulene. Journal of Chemical Physics, 131(18), 184307. [details]


    • Boles, G. C., Owen, C. J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Armentrout, P. B. (2017). Correction: Experimental and theoretical investigations of infrared multiple photon dissociation spectra of glutamic acid complexes with Zn2+ and Cd2+. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(28), 18774-18776.
    • Coates, R. A., Boles, G. C., McNary, C. P., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Armentrout, P. B. (2017). Correction: Zn2+ and Cd2+ cationized serine complexes: infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy and density functional theory investigations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(27), 18100-18101.
    • Coates, R. A., McNary, C. P., Boles, G. C., Berden, G., Oomens, J., & Armentrout, P. B. (2017). Correction: Structural characterization of gas-phase cysteine and cysteine methyl ester complexes with zinc and cadmium dications by infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(28), 18777-18778.


    • Oomens, J. (2011). Laboratory infrared spectroscopy of PAHs. In C. Joblin, & A. G. G. M. Tielens (Eds.), PAHs and the Universe (pp. 61-73). (EAS Publication Series; No. Vol. 46.). EDP Sciences. [details]


    • Piatkivskyi, A., Osburn, S., Jaderberg, K., Grzetic, J., Steill, J. D., Oomens, J., Zhao, J., Lau, J. K. C., Verkerk, U. H., Hopkinson, A. C., Siu, K. W. M., & Ryzhov, V. (2013). Erratum to: Structure and reactivity of the distonic and aromatic radical cations of tryptophan. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 24(10), 1620.

    Prize / grant

    • Oomens, J. (2016). MSCA-ITN-ETN network “EUROPAH”.


    • Finazzi, L., Martens, J., Berden, G. & Oomens, J. (2023). Probing radical versus proton migration in the aniline cation with IRMPD spectroscopy. Taylor & Francis.
    • Paul, M., Thomulka, T., Harnying, W., Neudörfl, J.-M., Adams, C. R., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Berkessel, A. & Schäfer, M. (2023). CCDC 2220667: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.
    • Paul, M., Thomulka, T., Harnying, W., Neudörfl, J.-M., Adams, C. R., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Berkessel, A. & Schäfer, M. (2023). CCDC 2220666: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.
    • Paul, M., Thomulka, T., Harnying, W., Neudörfl, J.-M., Adams, C. R., Martens, J., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Berkessel, A. & Schäfer, M. (2023). CCDC 2220665: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.


    • Breugst, M., Berkessel, A., Martens, J., Berden, G., Neudörfl, J.-M., Thomulka, T., Oomens, J., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Schäfer, M., Paul, M. & Peckelsen, K. (2020). CCDC 2006542: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Schäfer, M., Peckelsen, K., Neudörfl, J.-M., Breugst, M., Paul, M., Berkessel, A., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Berden, G., Oomens, J., Thomulka, T. & Martens, J. (2020). CCDC 1824032: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Meijer, A. J. H. M., Berkessel, A., Neudörfl, J.-M., Schäfer, M., Berden, G., Breugst, M., Peckelsen, K., Martens, J., Thomulka, T., Oomens, J. & Paul, M. (2020). CCDC 1824031: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Paul, M., Neudörfl, J.-M., Oomens, J., Berden, G., Breugst, M., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Peckelsen, K., Schäfer, M., Thomulka, T., Berkessel, A. & Martens, J. (2020). CCDC 2006541: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Oomens, J., Breugst, M., Paul, M., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Berkessel, A., Schäfer, M., Peckelsen, K., Thomulka, T., Martens, J., Berden, G. & Neudörfl, J.-M. (2020). CCDC 1824033: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Thomulka, T., Berkessel, A., Oomens, J., Martens, J., Schäfer, M., Neudörfl, J.-M., Berden, G., Peckelsen, K., Paul, M., Meijer, A. J. H. M. & Breugst, M. (2020). CCDC 1588473: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.


    • Schäfer, M., Berden, G., Berkessel, A., Oomens, J., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Neudörfl, J., Paul, M., Peckelsen, K., Thomulka, T. & Martens, J. (2019). CCDC 1825830: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Meijer, A. J. H. M., Paul, M., Peckelsen, K., Berkessel, A., Oomens, J., Thomulka, T., Berden, G., Neudörfl, J., Martens, J. & Schäfer, M. (2019). CCDC 1911879: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.


    • Paul, M., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Berkessel, A., Martens, J., Oomens, J., Peckelsen, K., Berden, G. & Schäfer, M. (2017). CCDC 1469243: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
    • Oomens, J., Martens, J., Schäfer, M., Peckelsen, K., Berden, G., Meijer, A. J. H. M., Paul, M. & Berkessel, A. (2017). CCDC 1469242: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
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