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L.L.F. (Leila) Sauvage

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Conservering en Restauratie

Visiting address
  • Johannes Vermeerplein 1
Postal address
  • Postbus 94552
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Sauvage, L. L. F., Brejoux, J., Chazelle, P., Dumain, N., & Navarot, D. (in press). The handmade blue paper project. An interdisciplinary low-tech approach to studying material culture. In Venice in Blue: The Use of Carta azzurra in the Artist’s Studio and in the Printer’s Workshop, ca. 1500-50: University of St Andrews, International Online Conference, 2-3 September, 2021 Olschki.
    • Sauvage, L. L. F., Grison, M-N., Adam, E. (Ed.), & Sullivan, M. (Ed.) (2024). Making blue paper: innovations in the Dutch Republic (1650-1750). In Drawing on Blue: European Drawings on Blue Paper, 1400s–1700s (pp. 20-31). Getty Publications.


    • Brunel-Duverger, L., de Viguerie , L., Georges, V., Le Bellégo, J., Sauvage, L. L. F., & Pouyet, E. (2023). Toward spectral continuum: Multimodal non-invasive analysis of historical pastels. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 64, 49-57.
    • Sauvage, L. L. F., & Grison, M-N. (2023). The handmade blue paper project: Application of experimental archaeology methods to study the materiality of Dutch blue paper (1650-1750). In Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis (Vol. 30, pp. 64-90). Amsterdam University Press.


    • Couvrat Desvergnes, A., Sauvage, L., de Hond, J., D'Imporzano, P., & Alfeld, M. (2021). Dutch or Iranian? Technical study of a seventeenth-century painting on paper from Gesina Ter Bosch’s scrapbook. Heritage Science, 9, Article 119. [details]


    • de Hond, J., Couvrat-Desvergnes, A., Sauvage, L. L. F., d'Imporzano, P., & Sajadi, F. (2020). An Iranian Youth in an Album from Zwolle. The Rijksmuseum Bulletin, 68(3), 205-231.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Rijksmuseum
      Paper Conservator, Conservation Scientist (part time)