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Dr A.T.M. (Agnes) Schreiner

Faculty of Law
Dep. Jurisprudence
Photographer: Suzanne Dorrestein

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15654
    1001 ND Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Engels

    Welcome to the Home Page of Agnes T.M. Schreiner LL.M Ph D

    Agnes Schreiner is visiting researcher at the Paul Scholten Centre of the Jurisprudence Department of the UvA, since May 2019. She studied Law at Free University in Amsterdam in the 1970ties and received her Ph D at the UvA in 1990. She was assitant professor (tenured) at the Jurisprudence Department from September 1980 till May 2019. She is specialized in a series of subjects: Law & Arts, Law & Culture, Law & Media, Law & Rituals, Law & Semiotics and Law & Social Sciences. She now researches Legal Cultures of Australia and of Europe. With respect to the European Legal Cultures she is participating in the Common Core of European Private Law Project.


    According to Aboriginal Law ... / Volgens Aboriginal recht  ... (2019)

    Jurovisie, Twee traktaten over de europeanisering van het recht / Jurovision, Two Treatises on the Europeanisation of Law (2009)

  • ICT

    Agnes Schreiner was first adapter of ICT in teaching and learning. She was Course Administrator of Blackboard, the forrunner of Canvas, for the Law Faculty (1998-2008).

  • Tai Chi

    From 2006 Agnes Schreiner is Tai Chi teacher at  CREA and from 2014 also at USC Body & Mind.

  • Publications


    • Nio, M., Schreiner, A. T. M., (TRANS.), & Jansen, B., (TRANS.) (2024). Suspense of the Theory. In The Suspense of Architecture: The Necessity to Shine (pp. 281-401). Uitgeverij Duizend & Een.





    • Schreiner, A. T. M. (2019). According to Aboriginal law ... /Volgens Aboriginal recht ... Uitgeverij Duizend & Een.


    • Schreiner, A. T. M. (2012). Zonder theorie? In G. Drosterij (Ed.), Behulpzaam bij het creëren van orde en vrede (niet gerechtigheid): opstellen voor Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer (pp. 89-99). Digital Printing Partners. [details]



    • Schreiner, A. T. M. (2009). Jurovisie: twee traktaten over de europeanisering van het recht = Jurovision: two treatises on the Europeanisation of law. (I maestri del celare; No. 15). [Amsterdam]: Duizend & Een. [details]
    • Schreiner, A. T. M. (2009). De rol van derden op de scheidslijn der rechtsculturen. In I. Samoy (Ed.), Derden in het contractenrecht (pp. 217-232). (Ius Commune Europaeum; No. 81). Intersentia. [details]


    • Schreiner, A. (2019). Of beeld ertoe doet. In G. P. van Nifterik, J. de Vries, & M. de Wilde (Eds.), De Achterkant van Minerva: Opstellen aangeboden aan prof. Kees Cappon ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid van de Universiteit van Amsterdam (pp. 321-324). Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. [details]


    • Schreiner, A. (2017). Analyseren met behulp van Idealtypen. In B. van Beers, & I. van Domselaar (Eds.), Homo Duplex: de mens in recht, filosofie en sociologie : liber amicorum voor Dorien Pessers (pp. 93-102). Boom Juridisch. [details]
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
    • Recht der Werkelijkheid
      Lid van de Redactieraad
    • CREA
      Docent Tai Chi
    • Universitair Sportcentrum (USC)
      Docent Tai Chi
    • Working Group Boundaries of Property
      Active Participant