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D.Z. (Daniel) Sloman MSc

PhD candidate
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Governance and Inclusive Development

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Daniel “Zach” Sloman is a PhD in the department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. His research is within the Political Economy and Transnational Governance research group as is his promotor Annette Freyberg-Inan. In addition, he is affiliated with the Governance, Law, and Social Justice research group at the International Institute of Social Studies at the Erasmus University where he receives the bulk of his supervision from Karim Knio.

    Expertise and research fields

    In his research and teaching, Daniel Zach Sloman focuses on:

    • Inclusive governance with a specialty in the history of multi-lateral inclusive governance.
    • Policy analysis
    • The adverse impacts of inclusive governance.
    • The Critical Realist paradigm of social science and the Immanent Causality Morphogenetic Approach to social change.
    • Ontology-based, (meta)theoretical comparison.
  • Research

    Expertise & research fields

    • Institutional analysis
    • Policy analysis
    • Inclusivity/Inclusivness/adverse inclusion
    • Good Governance
    • Capitalism
    • Neoliberalism

    Research methods

    • Immanent Causality Morphogenetic Approach (ICMA)
    • Surveys
    • Participant observation
    • Interviews

    Current research project

    • PhD project: Adverse impacts of inclusive governance

    Daniel Zach Sloman investigates the circumstances of adversely inclusive governance for the UN, EU, IMF, and WB. This means he asks ‘what is inclusive governance such that it could be adverse?’. In turn,  this research  traces the history of inclusivity as a normative benchmark for these multi-lateral institutions. This fleshes out what were the institutional pressupositions in terms of policy and the pressupositions therein such that inclusivity came to be a new norm of good governance. It follows that through the ICMA, Daniel Zach Sloman specifies key corporate agents, policies, and multi-lateral structures at play synchronically and diachronically motivating the emergence of the norm known as inclusivity.

    Relevant links

  • Publications


    • Dryhurst, A., Sloman, D. Z., & Zahda, Y. (2023). Morphogenetic Régulation in action: understanding inclusive governance, neoliberalizing processes in Palestine, and the political economy of the contemporary internet. Journal of Critical Realism, 22(5), 813-839. [details]
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