Scarlett Slagter is a PhD candidate at the department developmental Psychology, and interested in the social learning strategies of adolescents; when and who do adolescent consult for behavioural guidance?
Peer influence plays a major role in the behaviour of adolescents, including in their tendency to take risks. Even though social influence is often associated with peer pressure and negative behavioural outcomes, such as risky-behaviour, teens can also learn from each other by observing their social environment. However, whether it is advantageous to look at others, depends on who and when adolescents consult others. I answer these questions in my research, to eventually increase the benefits and adaptiveness of social influence. I would like to help teens think about the social sources that guide their behaviour and challenge them to think about whether they can really learn from and profit from these social sources.
Adolescents seek social information under uncertainty
Here, we show that peer influence is also driven by the motivation of adolescents to observe and learn from others, when the face difficult or uncertain choices. Follow the link to read all about this project
Who to turn to? Evidence from a sampling paradigm
In this project I provide information about the type of peers adolescents consult for uncertain choices.
How observation influences the impact of popular peers and friends on adolescent’s risky decision-making
In this project we compare the impact of friends and popular peers on adolescent decision-making, and investigate how the impact of these source depend on peer observation.
Who do adolescents consult across age and decision domains?
Here, we investigate whether the type of peer that adolescents consult changes across age, and whether the type of source is domain-specific.