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Dr. S. (Sander) van Splunter

Faculty of Science
Informatics Institute
Photographer: Kirsten Vestering

Visiting address
  • Science Park 900
  • Room number: L4.63
Postal address
  • Postbus 94323
    1090 GH Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Sedighi, M., Lukosch, S., van Splunter, S., Brazier, F. M. T., Hamedi, M., & van Beers, C. (2017). Employees’ participation in electronic networks of practice within a corporate group: perceived benefits and costs. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 15(3), 460-470. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Sedighi, M., Lukosch, S. G., Splunter, S. V., Brazier, F. M. T., & van Beers, C. (2016). Exploration Participants Engagement in Organisational Knowledge Sharing. In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 3: KMIS, Porto - Portugal, November 9-11, 2016 (pp. 148-155). SciTePress.
    • Sedighi, M., van Splunter, S., Brazier, F. M. T., van Beers, C., & Lukosch, S. G. (2016). Exploration of multi-layered knowledge sharing participation: the roles of perceived benefits and costs. Journal of Knowledge Management, 20(6), 1247-1267.


    • Gao, L., Warnier, M., van Splunter, S., Chen, L., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2015). Architectural Complexity Analysis for Large-scale Emergency Rescue Management Systems: A Preliminary Study. In proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Systems Engineering (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
    • Sedighi, M., van Splunter, S., Zand, F., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2015). Evaluating Critical Success Factors Model of Knowledge Management: An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach. International Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(3), 17-36.
    • van Splunter, S., Heidari, F., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2015). Enhancing Participation through Empowering Actor Autonomy in Workflow Management. In Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on IS Management and Evaluation (ECIME 2015) (pp. 224-230). Bristol, UK.
    • van Waas, R., Slinger, J. H., & van Splunter, S. (2015). Using a System Dynamics Model as a Boundary Object in an Integrative Approach to Regional Water Schemes in South Africa. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (Vol. 4, pp. 3212-3236)


    • Genc, Z., Heidari, F., Oey, M. A., van Splunter, S., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2013). Agent-Based Information Infrastructure for Disaster Management. In S. Zlatanova, R. Peters, A. Dilo, & H. Scholten (Eds.), Intelligent Systems for Crisis Management: Geo-information for Disaster Management (Gi4DM) 2012 (pp. 349-355). (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). Springer.
    • Genc, Z., van Splunter, S., Oey, M. A., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2013). Smart and Secure Sensor Data Sharing in Crisis Response and Management. In Proceedings of the WI-IAT 2013 First Workshop on Sensing, Perceiving, and Understanding Actions (SPUnd13) (pp. 96-99). IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS).
    • Wood, L., Buscher, M., van Veelen, B., & van Splunter, S. (2013). Agile Response and Collaborative Agile Workflows. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 5(3), Article 1.



    • van Splunter, S., Ogston, E. F. Y., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2011). Dynamic Resource Allocation through Semi-structured Adaptation. In ICAART 2011 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, - Agents, Rome, Italy, January 28-30 (Vol. 2, pp. 302-310)


    • Clark, K. P., van Splunter, S., Warnier, M., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2010). Expressing intervals in automated service negotiation. In P. Wieder, R. Yahyapour, & W. Ziegler (Eds.), Grids and Service-Oriented Architectures for Service Level Agreements (pp. 67-76). (CoreGRID). Springer Verlag.
    • Oey, M. A., van Splunter, S., Ogston, E. F. Y., Warnier, M., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2010). A Framework for Developing Agent-Based Distributed Applications. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT-10) (pp. 470-474). IEEE-Press.


    • van Splunter, S., Brazier, F. M. T., Padget, J., & Rana, O. (2009). Dynamic Service Reconfiguration and Enactment Using an Open Matching Architecure. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Porto, Portugal
    • van het Schip, R. C., van Splunter, S., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2009). Template evaluation and selection for WS-Agreement. In Service Level Agreements in Grids Workshop proceedings


    • van Splunter, S., van Langen, P. H. G., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2008). Decentralized performance-aware reconfiguration of complex service configurations. In Proceedings of the Performance for Peer-to-Peer Systems (P4P2P) workshop
    • van Veelen, J. B., van Splunter, S., Wijngaards, N. J. E., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2008). Reconfiguration Management of Crisis Management Services. In The 15th conference of the International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS 2008)


    • van Splunter, S., van Langen, P. H. G., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2005). The Role of Local Knowledge in Complex Web Service Reconfiguration. In The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence: proceedings : September 19-22, 2005, Compiègne University of Technology, France (pp. 495-499). IEEE Computer Society.


    • Richards, D., van Splunter, S., Brazier, F. M. T., & Sabou, M. (2004). Composing Web Services Using an Agent Factory. In L. Cavedon, Z. Maamar, D. Martin, & B. Benatallah (Eds.), Extending Web Services Technologies: The Use of Multi-Agent Approaches (pp. 229-251). Springer.
    • van Splunter, S., Wijngaards, N. J. E., Brazier, F. M. T., & Richards, D. (2004). Automated Component-Based Configuration: Promises and Fallacies. In Proceedings of the Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems workshop at the AISB 2004 Symposium (pp. 130-135)


    • Richards, D., Sabou, M., van Splunter, S., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2003). Artificial Intelligence: A Promised Land for Web Services. In The Proceedings of The 8th Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference (ANZIIS2003), Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (pp. 205-210). Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
    • Richards, D., van Splunter, S., Brazier, F. M. T., & Sabou, M. (2003). Composing Web Services using an Agent Factory. In Proceedings of AAMAS Workshop on Web Services and Agent-Based Engineering(WSABE), Melbourne, Australia (pp. 57-66)
    • Richards, D., van Splunter, S., Brazier, F. M. T., & Sabou, M. (2003). The Adaptation of Agent Configurations using Web Services as Components. In The Proceedings of The 8th Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference (ANZIIS2003), Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (pp. 339-344). Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
    • Sabou, M., Richards, D., & van Splunter, S. (2003). An experience report on using DAML-S. In Proceedings of WWW 2003 Workshop on E-Services and the Semantic Web (ESSW'03), Budapest, Hungary
    • van Splunter, S., Sabou, M., Brazier, F. M. T., & Richards, D. (2003). Configuring Web Service, using Structurings and Techniques from Agent Configuration. In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2003) (pp. 153-160). Halifax, Canada.
    • van Splunter, S., Wijngaards, N. J. E., & Brazier, F. M. T. (2003). Structuring Agents for Adaptation. In E. Alonso (Ed.), Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Adaptation and Multi-Agent Learning (pp. 174-186). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 2636), (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer.


    • Brazier, F. M. T., Mobach, D. G. A., Overeinder, B. J., van Splunter, S., van Steen, M., & Wijngaards, N. J. E. (2002). AgentScape: Middleware, Resource Management, and Services. In Proceedings of the 3rd International SANE Conference (SANE 2002) (pp. 403-404). Maastricht, The Netherlands.
    • Brazier, F. M. T., van Splunter, S., & Wijngaards, N. J. E. (2002). Knowledge-Based Design and Evolutionary Design: Adversaries or Compatriots? In Proceedings of the Intelligent Agents in Design Workshop at AID'02 (pp. 35-38)


    • Brazier, F. M. T., van Splunter, S., & Wijngaards, N. J. E. (2001). Strategies for integrating multiple viewpoints and levels of detail. In J. S. Gero (Ed.), Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation III (pp. 103-128). Key Centre of Design, Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney.


    • Richards, D., van Splunter, S., Brazier, F. M. T., & Sabou, M. (2003). Demonstration of Web Services Configuration. In T. Heskes (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fifthteenth Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC2003) (pp. 461-462)


    • Brazier, F. M. T., Mobach, D. G. A., Overeinder, B. J., Posthumus, E., van Splunter, S., van Steen, M., & Wijngaards, N. J. E. (2002). AgentScape Demonstration. In H. Blockeel, & M. Denecker (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourteenth Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC2002) (pp. 513-514)


    • van der Meulen, A., Kwisthout, J., ten Teije, A., Schlobach, S., van Splunter, S., Winands, M., van Netten, S., Visser, A., van Someren, M., Dastani, M., & Dignum, F. (2018). Frame of Reference - Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes in Artificial Intelligence: The Dutch Perspective. Kunstmatige Intelligentie Opleidingen Nederland (KION). [details]


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