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Dr D.R.A. (Dorian) Swarts

Faculty of Science
College of Life Sciences

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C3.141
Postal address
  • Postbus 94214
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publicaties

    1. Swarts D.R.A., Stewart E.R., Higgins G.S., Coverley D. ‘CIZ1-F, an alternatively spliced variant of the DNA replication protein CIZ1 with distinct expression and localisation, is overrepresented in early stage common solid tumours’; Cell Cycle 2018, 17(18):2268-83;

    2. Swarts D.R.A., Voorham Q.J.M., Sie D., Van Splunter A.P., Wilting S.M., Sie D., Pronk D., Van Beurden M., Heideman D.A.M., Snijders P.J.F., Meijer C.J.L.M., Steenbergen R.D.M., Bleeker M.C. ‘Molecular heterogeneity in human papillomavirus-dependent and - independent vulvar carcinogenesis’; Cancer Medicine 2018, 7:4542-53;

    3. Swarts D.R., Rudelius M., Claessen S.M., Cleutjens J.P., Seidl S., Volante M., Ramaekers F.C., Speel E.J. ‘Limited additive value of the Ki-67 proliferative index on patient survival in World Health Organization-classified pulmonary carcinoids’; Histopathology 2017, 70, p. 412-22;

    4. Swarts D.R., Ramaekers F.C., Speel E.J. ‘Gene expression profiling of pulmonary neuroendocrine neoplasms: A comprehensive overview’; Cancer Treat Commun 2015, 4, p. 148-60;

    5. Swarts D.R., Van Suylen R.J., Den Bakker M.A., Van Oosterhout M.F., Thunnissen F.B., Volante M., Dingemans A.M., Scheltinga M.R., Bootsma G.P., Pouwels H.M., Van den Borne B.E., Ramaekers F.C., Speel E.J. ‘Interobserver Variability for the WHO Classification of Pulmonary Carcinoids’; Am J Surg Pathol 2014, 38, p. 1429-36;

    6. Swarts D.R., Scarpa A., Corbo V., Van Criekinge W., Van Engeland M., Gatti G., Henfling M.E., Papotti M., Perren A., Ramaekers F.C., Speel E.J., Volante M. ‘MEN1 gene mutation and reduced gene expression are associated with poor prognosis in pulmonary carcinoids’; J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014, 99, p. E374-8;

    7. Swarts D.R., Van Neste L., Henfling M.E., Eijkenboom I., Eijk P.P., Van Velthuysen M.L., Vink A., Ylstra B., Van Criekinge W., Van Engeland M., Ramaekers F.C., Speel E.J. ‘An exploration of pathways involved in lung carcinoid progression using gene expression profiling’; Carcinogenesis 2013, 34, p. 2726-37;

    8. Swarts D.R., Henfling M.E., Van Neste L., Van Suylen R.J., Dingemans A.M., Dinjens W.N., Haesevoets A., Rudelius M., Thunnissen E., Volante M., Van Criekinge W., Van Engeland M., Ramaekers F.C., Speel E.J. ‘CD44 and OTP are strong prognostic markers for pulmonary carcinoids’; Clin Cancer Res 2013, 19, p. 2197-207;

    9. Swarts D.R., Ramaekers F.C., Speel E.J. ‘Molecular and Cellular Biology of Neuroendocrine Lung Tumors: Evidence for Separate Biological Entities’; BBA Rev Canc 2012, 1826, p. 255- 71;

    10. Swarts D.R., Claessen S.M., Jonkers Y.M., Van Suylen R.J., Dingemans A.M., De Herder W.W., De Krijger R.R., Smit E.F., Thunnissen F.B., Seldenrijk C.A., Vink A., Perren A., Ramaekers F.C., Speel E.J. ‘Deletions of 11q22.3–q25 are associated with atypical lung carcinoids and poor clinical outcome’; Am J Pathol 2011, 179, p. 1129-37;

  • Ancillary activities
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