Lara Talsma is a PhD Candidate at the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) and the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG). Lara's research deals with the UN Women, Peace and Security Agenda and explores in which way the EU gives effect to and contributes to the development of the WPS Agenda in its external action.
Lara graduated cum laude from the Vrije University in Amsterdam for her Master’s Degree in International & European Law and Constitutional & Administrative Law (2005). She also holds an LL.M degree from Harvard Law School (2011), which she attended with a Huygens and Fulbright Fellowship.
Among other things, Lara has worked as an advocacy officer for the Dutch Council for Refugees (VluchtelingenWerk) and for Amnesty International in Mexico (with a Henigson Fellowship from the Harvard Human Rights Program). In 2016, Lara completed her bar training (advocaat-stage) at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek. Throughout her professional life, she continued researching and writing and she has published in several Dutch and US journals.
In the summer of 2018, Lara joined the University of Amsterdam and used her practical experience in human rights advocacy and commercial legal practice, to help establish the Amsterdam Law Clinics at the University of Amsterdam Faculty of Law. She served as its Director and Clinical Lecturer from September 2018 until February 2020, during which she developed the clinical programme and course.
Lara Talsma, ‘U.N. Human Rights Fact-Finding: Establishing Individual Criminal Responsibility?’, Florida Journal of International Law, August 2012, Volume XXIV number 2, p. 383-428.
Lara Talsma, ‘Human Trafficking in Mexico and neighbouring countries: a review of protection approaches’, UN High Commissioner for Refugees New Issues in Refugee Research, Research Paper No. 229, June 2012, available at:
Lara Talsma, Book Note of “Law of Asylum in the United States, 2011 ed. Deborah E. Anker. Eagan, Minn.: Thomson West, 2011. Pp. 732”, in Harvard Human Rights Journal Vol. 25, 2012, p. 241-244.
Lara Talsma, ‘UN Human Rights Fact-Finding: Protecting a Protection Mechanism’, ILSA Quarterly Vol. 20:3, February 2012, p. 29-35.
Y. Bonroy, S. Rafi & L. Talsma, ‘Tot prejudiciële verwijzing nopende twijfel’, A&MR 2010, nr. 5&6, p. 301-309 (about asking preliminary questions to the EU Court of Justice).
O.L.H.W.I. Korte & L.C. Talsma, ‘Over de EG-Richtlijn voor langdurig ingezetenen. Enkele onjuistheden in de implementatie van de voorwaarde van langdurig legaal verblijf’, JNVR 2009-1, p. 4-12 (about the European Council Directive on long-term residents).
S. Ouchan & L.C. Talsma, ‘Persoonsgericht verstoren. Een disproportionele maatregel in de strijd tegen het terrorisme’, NJCM-Bulletin 2007-7, p. 984-998 (about a counter-terrorism measure previously used in the Netherlands)
Annotation to the Preliminary Ruling of the EC Court of Justice of 29 January 2009 (Petrosian), C-19/08, p. 332-341, in Rechtspraak Vreemdelingenrecht (RV) 2009, nr. 56 (about the period for transfer of asylum seekers to first European country of arrival under the Dublin Regulation).
Annotation to the judgment of the President of the Hague District Court (Vzr. Den Haag) of 16 November 2009, 347002/KG ZA 09-1192, in Rechtspraak Vreemdelingenrecht (RV) 2009, 88 (about counterchecks on language analyses in asylum cases).
Annotation to the judgment of the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State (ABRvS) of 21 July 2009 in Nieuwsbrief Asiel- en Vluchtelingenrecht (NAV) 2009/31 (about Article 3 ECHR and asylum applications of vulnerable minority groups).
Annotation to the judgment of the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State (ABRvS) of 25 February 2009 in Nieuwsbrief Asiel- en Vluchtelingenrecht (NAV) 2009/219 (about language analyses and the burden of proof in the Dutch asylum procedure).