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Professionals in the field of data science talk about their experiences and the future of data science.

Berent Daan - Master's programme - Data Science

Berent Daan

'You will never work in a team in which everyone thinks alike, so learning to deal with many different types of people is essential.' 

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Hinda Haned - Information Studies - Data Science

Dr Hinda Haned

'As a data scientist you are never in your comfort zone, as you will always be working on problems that are messy, and at first you often don’t even know what they mean.'

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Sander Klous

Prof. Sander Klous

'A Master’s degree is really just the beginning.'

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Dimitrios papadamis

Dimitrios Papadimas

'People from academia and the industry were always coming to the Science Park to give talks about their research or products, etc. It was really interesting to participate in these talks and then after the talks we could also go and talk to them, ask more questions and network.' 

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