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Prof. dr. Rein Wesseling is Professor of European Competition Law at the University of Amsterdam. He is also a partner at the Dutch law firm Stibbe.

The expertise of Prof. dr. Rein Wesseling covers a wide range of competition law issues such as cartels, joint ventures, abuse of dominance or sector specific regulation such as pharmaceutical industry. In the academic year 2017/18 he teaches the compulsory core course of EU Competition Law and the elective course Globalization of Cartel Law.

‘The European Competition Law and Regulation Master’s track is about regulating businesses in Europe. Companies such as Google and Gazprom operate in the “free market”. 
But what are the limits to free markets within the EU? What is the balance between individual freedoms and public interests? Can consumers regulate markets and if so, what kind of legal tools are available for them to do so? What is the role of independent regulatory agencies in market regulation? These are the types of questions this track focuses on. As part of this programme, you will learn about the law, economics and politics surrounding EU competition law and economic regulation.’

Dhr. prof. dr. R. Wesseling [Rein]