2 February 2021
The MIND team consisting of Anne-Mieke Thieme, Josje Verhagen, Eva Vos, Suzanne Aalberse, Sible Andringa, Darlene Keydeniers and Folkert Kuiken investigates the effects of bilingual daycare on how children develop their languages. This research project is commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
The team will use the prize money to develop a toolbox on multilingualism based on the MIND research results so far. The toolbox is a digital environment for educational staff at daycare centers, offering general information about growing up with two or more languages, along with practical tips on how to deal with multilingual children at the daycare, and guidelines to answer parents’ questions about raising their children multilingually.
Every year the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT) awards a prize of 2500 euros for an individual or team’s ability to make results of linguistics research accessible to a broad audience. The prize goes to either a completed project or a project plan in alternate years. In 2020 project plans could be submitted for the prize. The envisaged product can take any shape: books, websites, radio or TV programs, course materials, articles, etc.
The prize is awarded during the annual Grote Taaldag.
Watch members of the MIND team talking about their project plan