27 October 2021
A total of six UvA projects were awarded, including two from the Faculty of Humanities:
Giovanni Colavizza (Media Studies): Wikipedia is an essential component of the open science ecosystem, yet it is poorly integrated with academic open science initiatives. We propose to create WikipediaCitations: a FAIR dataset of citations from Wikipedia to all its sources. Citations will be enriched with permanent identifiers and citation statements and ingested as linked data in OpenCitations. WikipediaCitations will include a documented codebase to replicate and expand upon results. This project promises to advance the open science agenda by contributing high-quality citation data useful in ‘altmetrics’ and a variety of third-party applications, and in researching and improving the reliability of Wikipedia’s contents.
Jill Hilditch (Archaeology): New tools are urgently needed for 3D datasets to improve accessibility, facilitate engagement/interaction with the datasets and promote two-directional knowledge transfer. 3DWorkSpace will adapt the open source Voyager 3D digital museum curation tool suite (Smithsonian Institute) to promote interactive engagement with traditionally complex digital datasets. Embedded structured guidance/training for gaining competence and skills for interpreting 3D datasets will allow broader narratives to be generated and open up new avenues for knowledge publication through the creation of annotated personal 3D collections that can be tailored to specific learning goals or interests.
With the Open Science Fund, the NWO wants to take a step forward in the recognition and appreciation of Open Science practices by supporting projects from researchers who are (or want to be) forerunners in the movement. Part of the assessment was therefore also the open science track record of the applicants, which counted for 10% of the assessment. The Open Science Fund was launched last year by the NWO. A budget of over 1.2 million euros is available for this first round. There was a great deal of interest in this first round: a total of 167 admissible applications were assessed, of which 26 received awards. A second round will be opened in the second half of 2022.