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The Media Studies department has initiated the launch of a new space to study and socialise for students in building BG5: BuzzHouse.

The location is accessible to all Humanities students as a place to study as well as to unwind and meet fellow students. Media Studies students can work on their media or event-related productions in BuzzHouse. Students can also loan Buzzhouse’s equipment free of charge to create projects for class or for their own use. 

The location is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 until 17:00 except when the space is booked for an event. You can find Buzzhouse in the Round Room at BG5 (Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237). The entrance is located past coffee bar Prisma on the first floor. 

BG 5

Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237 (main entrance)
1012 DL Amsterdam