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In collaboration with Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) the University of Amsterdam (UvA) launches a 4-year project entitled ‘A Safe Bet: design and evaluation of a player-tailored online responsible gambling promotion framework’. The researchers will develop and evaluate new tools for online Responsible Gambling (RG).

The project is part of a larger, mutually initiated research collaboration between academia and the gambling industry. The scientists will develop and test high-quality, evidence-based RG tools in a live setting with active gamblers of two international gambling operators: Holland Casino Online (NL) and Playtech PLC (UK). The collaboration effort is based on the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and resources towards a comprehensive RG promotion framework, where a range of existing and newly designed RG tools will be dynamically tailored to gamblers’ individual level of gambling risk and gambling behaviour patterns.

Read more about this project and Scientific integrity and funding in the UER press release