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Every programme at the Graduate School of Humanities has its own entry requirements, application procedure and deadlines. Please be sure to carefully follow the steps below.

Please note: the Dual Master's in Curating Art and Cultures is a two-year programme comprising 120 ECTS. Only half of the programme is funded by the government. This may affect your study funding. There is a possibility for additional financial support through the Profiling Fund, but you should bear in mind that any relief from the fund is only granted after the end of the academic year.

Application deadline

The application deadline for this selective Master's programme is 1 March 2025, 23:59 CET (register in Studielink before 23 February, see step 2).

Application process

Please make sure to follow the steps of the application process carefully to ensure that your application can be processed.

  • 1. Check entry requirements

    Prior education

    • The Master's programme in Curating Art and Cultures is open for application to students with a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university in: art history, history, or cultural studies, or an equivalent humanities Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of one full semester (30 EC) in one of these disciplines, or the history of design or fashion (e.g. a minor).
    • For the specialisation Curating Art and Cultures we recommend in addition that you have followed courses in museum or curatorial studies (6 EC), and/or to have done a relevant internship (minimum of 3 EC).
    • The programme is not open to those with a higher vocational/professional degree or from a university of applied sciences (Dutch HBO), including art and technical academies, a degree from a faculty of social sciences (e.g. Sociology, Anthropology), or those with management or business degrees (e.g. in culture or heritage management). We do not offer a pre-Master's programme (schakelprogramma) for this Master's.

    Language requirements

    Master's students should be able to speak, read, write and understand English at an advanced academic level. Before starting your application in MyInfo,  make sure to check on the Graduate School of Humanities website whether you already meet the English language requirements or whether you may need to arrange to take an official English language test. In your MyInfo application, you may also need to upload an English language test score report which meets the English language requirements of the Graduate School Humanities.

    Additionally, the internship at a Netherlands-based museum or cultural institution is an integral component of the programme. Students applying to the programme should therefore also be able to demonstrate an understanding of Dutch before the start of the internship. We recommend non-native students take a Dutch course during the first six months of the programme in order to obtain an A1 or A2 certificate before commencing the internship. Please note that there are a limited number of English-only internships.

    Selection procedure

    The programme Curating Art and Cultures has two separate specialisations. Depending on which specialisation you wish to pursue, the application and selection procedure differs slightly.

    Specialisation Curating Art and Cultures

    The Dual Master’s in Curating Art and Cultures is a competitive and professional programme that includes a year-long curatorial internship. There are only a limited number of available internships; this applies even more so to internships that do not require command of Dutch. In the academic year 2023-2024, a total of 18 students were admitted to the programme. Due to the limited number of internships, a strict, three-round selection process is in place.  

    In the first round of the selection procedure, the student’s application (consisting of the standard application documents) will be evaluated by a selection committee comprising the programme coordinators from the UvA and the VU, as well as additional academic staff. Applicants who have reached the second round will be asked to write an opinion piece regarding one of the participating museums or cultural institutions in the Netherlands, or an equivalent institution in their own country. Applicants progressing through to the final round will be invited for a (online) interview with the coordinators and curators. During the interview, candidates will be asked to further explain their motivation, reply to questions about their opinion piece and indicate what type of internship they envision. After the three rounds, a final selection will be made.

    Specialisation Arts of the Netherlands
    Arts of the Netherlands is a competitive and selective research programme that offers entrance to a maximum of fifteen outstanding students per year. The selection is based on merit, which will be determined on the basis of grades, undergraduate degree, general suitability for the programme, references and motivation.

    Applicants must demonstrate outstanding preparation in their Bachelor's studies and extracurricular activities, excellent grades, a strong commitment to the programme’s mission and an ability to think and argue in clear, analytical and nuanced ways. In addition to the standard application documents, students are asked to submit a programme specific document (a writing sample).

  • 2. Register for the Master's in Heritage Studies in Studielink
  • 3. Pay the application fee (international prior education only)

    All students applying for a Master’s programme with a non-Dutch degree must pay a non-refundable application fee of €100.  The UvA cannot start processing your application until this fee has been paid. You can pay the application fee via SIS by credit card (Master or Visacard) or iDEAL.

    You do not have to pay the application fee:

    • If you have obtained or will obtain a Bachelor’s degree from a Dutch research university or university of applied sciences (HBO);
    • If you have already applied and paid the application fee for another Master’s programme at the UvA for the academic year 2024-2025;
    • If you have already applied and paid the application fee for a Master's programme at the Graduate School of Humanities for the academic year 2023-2024;
    • If you are applying through the Foundation for Refugee Students (UAF).

    Please note that the application fee is non-refundable. You are not entitled to a refund even if you do not submit your application form, if you submit an application form after the deadline (which will not be taken into consideration) or if you submit an incomplete application.

  • 4. Submit your application form in MyInfo

    After enrolling in Studielink, you will automatically receive an email with a link to your MyInfo UvA application form. To log in to MyInfo you need your UvAnetID. Please fill out the application form, upload the required documents and submit your MyInfo application form before the application deadline.

    Application documents

    Make sure you are well prepared before you start your application, and you have all necessary documents ready. You are asked to upload the following documents:

    • curriculum vitae;
    • proof of language proficiency (if required, see language requirements);
    • transcript of records, up-to-date and issued by your home institution;
    • diploma (if already obtained)* or list of courses yet to complete;
    • translation of your diploma and transcript of records (if they are not in English, Dutch, German or French);
    • motivation form (PDF) Important: the programme Curating Art and Cultures has two separate specialisations. Please indicate on the motivation form which specialisation you intend to pursue. As an answer to question 1, please fill in either "Curating Art and Cultures - specialisation Curating Art and Cultures" or "Curating Art and Cultures - specialisation Arts of the Netherlands".
    • programme specific documents (see below). 

    *Please note: If you have not yet obtained your diploma but are in possession of all other application documents, you may proceed with your application - as long as you obtain your Bachelor's degree before 1 September. If you have a non-Dutch prior education, please bear in mind that you must submit your certified documents before 1 August.

    Programme-specific documents

    Specialisation Curating Art and Cultures
    In the first round, you do not yet need to upload a programme-specific document in MyInfo. Only applicants who reach the second round will be asked to hand in a programme-specific document (an opinion piece). These applicants will receive additional information after the first selection round.

    Specialisation Arts of the Netherlands
    Your application will be evaluated by a selection committee comprising the programme coordinator as well as additional academic staff. Applicants are asked to submit a recent academic writing sample (no older than one year), in English, and no more than 2.500 words, excluding footnotes and bibliography. Writing samples will be assessed on the basis of research question, argumentation, analysis, language use and evidence of research skills. Students will be informed of the final application decision by 15 May.

    Please collect and prepare all necessary documents before starting your application. You can find detailed information and guidelines on the Graduate School of Humanities website:

After submitting your application

Because this is a selective programme, applications will be evaluated by the Admissions Board after the application deadline has passed. You will be notified of whether you have been admitted to the programme after this time.

If you are admitted to the programme, you will receive a letter of conditional acceptance. In order to proceed with your enrolment, you must accept this offer at your earliest convenience. Read more about the steps you need to take after (conditional) acceptance on the website of the Graduate School of Humanities:

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What knowledge, insight and skills should I have?

    As a student in the Master’s programme Curating Art and Cultures you will be expected to have the following knowledge, insight and skills:

    • You are interested in combining academic reflection with practice in the museum and curatorial fields.
    • You are interested in objects and museums; in research into museum collections; in exhibitions; and in the issues facing museums and other institutions involved in the collection and display of cultural artefacts today.
    • For students in Arts of the Netherlands: you are interested in Dutch and Flemish art in the period from 1200 to the present in its international context.
    • You have the basic skills to conduct research independently, to formulate consistent and functional research questions, to collect material and apply theory, to present research results in formal presentations, and to write papers and a thesis.
    • You are ambitious and have well-developed social skills.
    • You are willing to learn Dutch to a conversational level. This will allow you to more easily integrate into the museum or cultural institution where you will do your internship and will help with conducting research.
  • Can I apply for more than one Master's programme?

    Yes, you can apply for up to a maximum of four Master’s programmes. Some Master’s programmes offer different tracks. You may apply for a maximum of two tracks within the same Master's. If you wish to do so, you can select a second track in the MyInfo application form. Note that we will start by processing the track of your first choice. Only if you are not conditionally admitted to your first track will we continue to process your second track. If you are conditionally admitted to your first track, your application to the second track will be cancelled.

    Please note that it is not possible to choose a selective track as your second choice option. If you are interested in a selective track or programme, be sure to put that as your first choice.

  • Can I apply before having completed my Bachelor's?

    Many applicants to Master's programmes have not finished their previous education when they apply. If this applies to you, then you can upload a transcript of records with the courses and grades obtained so far. Make sure to also include a list of courses from your Bachelor's that you still need to complete. This applies to the scholarship applications as well.