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Complete the form as completely as possible and add scans.
The fields marked * are mandatory.

Only one document per application. Fill out this form again if more documents are needed.

Request an extract from the examination register

Do you want to request an extract of the exam register, fill out the following motivation and attach a scan of a valid ID card.


Copies of the examination register of diplomas executive masters obtained at the Faculty of Economics and Business (eg. Chartered accountant) can be obtained at the Amsterdam Business School. DIV has only a limited number of exam books of the Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA) and the Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA). If necessary your request is forwarded to the appropriate department.

Request a copy of transcript

If you have lost your transcript, and did graduate after 1995, we can provide a certified list of your grades. Unfortunately these lists are often incomplete.

Total file size maximum 10 MB.

By filling out this form I give the UvA permission to process data about me. The data will be deleted within six weeks after completion.