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‘I aspire to move up the career ladder and make an impact with data’

‘I decided to enrol for this MBA, to make a shift in my career towards the field of big data and business analytics. In my search for MBA programmes, this MBA at the University of Amsterdam – Amsterdam Business School stood out because of its unique combination of business, leadership, big data and analytics. Also, I could maintain my full-time and demanding job in Amsterdam next to my study because the programme is part-time.

Many of my peer students already worked in the field of data science. I learned a lot from their unique professional experiences. On top of that, the diverse cohort offers the opportunity to build a great network.

During the Amsterdam Leadership Programme (ALP), I developed myself on a personal and professional level. We spent a weekend in a hotel with a small group of MBA students. We reflected upon our experiences and learned how to apply various leadership theories in real-life situations.

I would recommend this programme to anyone who is interested in big data and business analytics and wants to become an entrepreneur or grow towards a managerial role. To those people who are at a turning point and are looking for ways to boost their career, I would say: ‘Take the next step!’.  

The MBA journey can be demanding. Knowing how to balance your study with your personal and professional obligations is important. In this regard, the support of your close ones is of great importance.

After finishing this MBA, I aspire to gradually climb up the career ladder and make an impact with data.’