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MSc Business Administration Strategy Roeland van Noort, Amsterdam Business School, UvA

'You work in collaboration with well-known multinationals'

Roeland van Noort - Strategy

'Choosing the UvA to follow a Master’s in Business Administration was a clear decision for me. The programme has definitely met my expectations.'

'The theories we learn are challenging and give a multidimensional perspective on organisations. What I like in particular are the real-life business cases, which we work on in collaboration with well-known multinationals. Critical thinking is required to such solve complex issues.'

'This combination makes studying at the Amsterdam Business School very dynamic. After having followed a theoretical lecture in the morning, in the afternoon you may already use this new knowledge in a business case. Working together with students from all backgrounds and cultures also means aligning different ideas and perspectives, which can be quite challenging.'

'I think Amsterdam is a great place to fully enjoy student life. There is always something to do and you will most probably gather a group of (international) friends quickly.'

'There are also many ways to invest in personal and professional growth. By joining a student association or applying for an internship for example. For me, I think my future lies in management and strategy consulting. Eventually, I hope to find a niche practice in which I can specialise.'