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Sergio Dankerlui

'I would recommend my colleagues in risk management to follow this masterclass in order to get a more theoretical background on sustainability and to get a better view on how to incorporate sustainability in strategy and risk management.'

Sergio Dankerlui - Risk Specialist at Financial Services Industry

'I decided to sign up for the Revitalising Your Sustainability Strategy masterclass, because I wanted to gain more knowledge about sustainability from a risk management perspective.'

'During the masterclass, I have learned more about the theories that form the basis of the Sustainable Developments Goals. We also discussed the ESG requirements and how those can be put into practice in different organisations.'

'The teachers of the masterclass have a lot of knowledge about the scientific background of sustainability topics. During the sessions, they combined this knowledge with practical cases, which served as a valuable baseline for the participants. The possibility to network with sustainability professionals alike was also very valuable.'

'I would recommend my colleagues in risk management to follow this masterclass in order to get a more theoretical background on sustainability and to get a better view on how to incorporate sustainability in strategy and risk management.'