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Dr. R. (Rosanne) van Alebeek

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
Internationaal Publiekrecht

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Kamernummer: 10.02
  • Postbus 15859
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
  • Profiel


    Rosanne van Alebeek is Associate Professor of International Law at the Department of International and European Law and Research Fellow at the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL). She is the Academic Coordinator of the Master IEL - Public International Law, and Coordinator International Programmes of the Amsterdam Law School.

    Van Alebeek is a member and vice-chair of the Advisory Committee on issues of Public International Law of the Netherlands Government.

    She holds a master degree in Public International Law and in Civil Law from Leiden University (cum laude), a master in International and European Law from Oxford University (cum laude), as well as a research master from Oxford University (cum laude). In 2006, she obtained her doctoral degree from Leiden University (cum laude).

    Research focus

    Rosanne van Alebeek is currently working on a range of research topics, including:

    -        General issues of immunity law

    -        The immunity of state officials for international crimes

    -        The immunity of international organizations

    -        The role of domestic courts in the development of international law

    -        The relation between the international legal order and national legal orders

    -        Hierarchy in international law

    Selected publications


    • 'Prosecuting Corruption Crimes before an International Court: Whither Immunity Rules?', Transnational Criminal Law Review 2023, p. 35-58

    • 'Prosecuting Russian Officials for the Crime of Aggression: What About Immunities?', European Convention on Human Rights Law Review 2023, p. 115-132, with C. Ryngaert and L. van den Herik

    • ‘Functional immunity of State officials from the criminal jurisdiction of foreign national courts’, in T. Ruys, N. Angelet & L. Ferro (eds), The Cambridge Handbook Immunities and International Law (CUP 2019), 496-524 

    • ‘Netherlands’, in F.M. Palombino (ed), Duelling for Supremacy: International Law vs. National Fundamental Principles (CUP 2019) , 255-276, with A. Nollkaemper

    • ‘The “International Crime” Exception in the ILC Draft Articles on the Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction: Two Steps Back?’, AJIL Unbound 2018

    • ‘Immunities of States and their Officials’ in A. Nollkaemper, A. Reinish, R. Janik & F. Simlinger (eds) International Law in Domestic Courts, A Casebook (OUP 2018), 100-169, with R. Pavoni

    • 'Domestic Courts as Agents of Development of International Immunity Rules', LJIL 26 (2013), 559-578

    • 'Introduction to Part III' , in R. O'Keefe & C. Tams (eds.), The United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property: A Commentary (OUP 2013) , 153-166

    • 'Privileges and Immunities of International Organizations in the case law of Dutch Courts', in Reinisch, A. (ed.), Transnational Judicial Conversations on the Personality, Privileges and Immunities of International Organizations (OUP 2013), 179-207, with A. Nollkaemper

    • 'Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v Italy): On Right Outcomes and Wrong Terms', German Yearbook of International Law 55 (2012) 281-318

    • 'National Courts, International Crimes and the Functional Immunity of State Officials', Netherlands International Law Review 59 (2012) 5-41

    • 'The Judicial Dialogue between the ICJ and International Criminal Courts on the Question of Immunity', in L. Van den Herik & C. Stahn (eds.), The Diversification and Fragmentation in International Criminal Law (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2012) 93-116

    • 'The Legal Status of Decisions by Human Rights Treaty Bodies in National Law', in: Keller, H. & Ulfstein, G. (eds.), Human Rights Treaty Bodies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) 356-413, with A. Nollkaemper

    • 'Immunity and Human Rights׃ a Bifurcated Approach', Proceedings of the 104 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law 104 (2010), 67-72 

    • The Immunity of States and their Officials inInternational Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law (OUP 2008) 488 pages 

    • 'Diplomatic immunity', Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) (2008) ( www.mpepil.com ) 

    • 'Staatsimmuniteit', in: Horbach, N.L.J.T. , Lefeber, R.J.M. & Ribbelink, O.M.   (eds.), Handboek internationaal recht (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2007) 231-273

    • 'The proliferation of law-making organs: a new role for the International Law Commission?', in N.M. Blokker & H.G. Schermers (eds.), Proliferation of international organizations: legal issues (Kluwer Law International, 2001), 219-24, with J. Dugard

    • 'The Pinochet Case: International Human Rights Law on Trial', British Yearbook of International Law 71 (2000), 29-70

    • 'From Rome to the Hague: Recent Developments on Immunity Issues in the ICC Statute', Leiden Journal of International Law 13 (2000), 485-493



    Currently taught courses include:

    European Human Rights Law (MA)

    Principles and Foundations of International Law (MA)




  • Publicaties



    • Nollkaemper, A., & van Alebeek, R. (2019). Netherlands. In F. M. Palombino (Ed.), Duelling for Supremacy: International Law vs. National Fundamental Principles (pp. 255-276). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108601245.014 [details]
    • van Alebeek, R. (2019). Functional immunity of state officials from the criminal jurisdiction of foreign national courts. In T. Ruys, N. Angelet, & L. Ferro (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Immunities and International Law (pp. 496-524). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108283632.025 [details]



    • van Alebeek, R. (2013). Domestic courts as agents of development of international immunity rules. Leiden Journal of International Law, 26(3), 559-578. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0922156513000241 [details]
    • van Alebeek, R. (2013). Introduction to Part III. In R. O'Keefe, & C. Tams (Eds.), The United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property: a commentary (pp. 153-166). (Oxford commentaries on international law). Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press. [details]
    • van Alebeek, R., & Nollkaemper, A. (2013). The Netherlands. In A. Reinisch (Ed.), The privileges and immunities of international organizations in domestic courts (pp. 179-207). (International law in domestic legal orders). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199679409.001.0001 [details]


    • van Alebeek, R. (2012). Jurisdictional immunities of the state (Germany v. Italy): on right outcomes and wrong terms. German Yearbook of International Law, 55, 281-318. [details]
    • van Alebeek, R. (2012). National courts, international crimes and the functional immunity of state officials. Netherlands International Law Review, 59(1), 5-41. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0165070X12000022 [details]
    • van Alebeek, R. (2012). The judicial dialogue between the ICJ and international criminal courts on the question of immunity. In L. van den Herik, & C. Stahn (Eds.), The diversification and fragmentation of international criminal law (pp. 93-116). (Leiden studies on the frontiers of international law; No. 1). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004236912_004 [details]
    • van Alebeek, R., & Nollkaemper, A. (2012). The legal status of decisions by human rights treaty bodies in national law. In H. Keller, & G. Ulfstein (Eds.), UN human rights treaty bodies: law and legitimacy (pp. 356-413). (Studies on human rights conventions). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139047593.009 [details]


    • van Alebeek, R. (2008). The immunity of states and their officials in international criminal law and international human rights law. (Oxford monographs in international law). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [details]



    • Brölmann, C., van Alebeek, R., Nollkaemper, P. A., & Nedeski, N. (Eds.) (2019). Jurisprudentie en documentatie Internationaal publiekrecht. (8e ed.) (Boom jurisprudentie en documentatie). Boom Juridisch. [details]
    • van Alebeek, R. (2019). Ndayegamiye-Mporamazina t. Zwitserland. 110. Case note on: EHRM, 5/02/29, 16874/12 , ECLI:CE:ECHR:2019:0205JUD001687412 (Ndayegamiye-Mporamazina t. Zwitserland). EHRC. European Human Right Cases, 20(6), 324-328. [details]


    • Brölmann, C., van Alebeek, R., & Nollkaemper, A. (Eds.) (2017). Jurisprudentie en documentatie internationaal publiekrecht. (7e ed.) (Boom jurisprudentie en documentatie). Boom Juridisch. [details]


    • Brölmann, C., van Alebeek, R., den Heijer, M., & Nollkaemper, A. (Eds.) (2014). Jurisprudentie en documentatie internationaal publiekrecht. (6e ed.) (Boom jurisprudentie en documentatie). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]


    • Brölmann, C., van Alebeek, R., den Heijer, M., Nollkaemper, A., & Vermeer, A. (Eds.) (2013). Jurisprudentie en documentatie internationaal publiekrecht. (5e ed.) (Boom jurisprudentie en documentatie). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]



    • Brölmann, C., van Alebeek, R., Nollkaemper, A., & Vermeer, A. (Eds.) (2010). Jurisprudentie en documentatie internationaal publiekrecht. (4e ed.) (Boom jurisprudentie en documentatie). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]





    • Brölmann, C. M., Dam-de Jong, D., van Alebeek, R., Den Dekker, G., van Ginkel, B., van den Herik, L. J., De Hoogh, A., Lammers, J., Ryngaert, C., & Rosenboom, A. (2020). Advies inzake de ontwerpbeginselen van de International Law Commission over bescherming van het milieu in relatie tot gewapend conflict. (Reports of the The Advisory Committee on Public International Law (CAVV); No. 36).
    • Brölmann, C. M., van Alebeek, R., Den Dekker, G., van Ginkel, B., van den Herik, L. J., De Hoogh, A., Lammers, J., Ryngaert, C., & Rosenboom, A. (2020). Advies inzake de ontwerpconclusies van de International Law Commission over dwingende regels van algemeen internationaal recht. (Reports of the The Advisory Committee on Public International Law (CAVV) ); No. 37). Minsterie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
    • Brölmann, C. M., van Alebeek, R., Den Dekker, G., van Ginkel, B., van den Herik, L. J., De Hoogh, A., Lammers, J., Ryngaert, C., & Rosenboom, A. (2020). Het leveren en financieren van niet-letale steun aan niet-statelijke, gewapende groepen in het buitenland. (CAVV Advies No. 35 ed.) (Reports of the The Advisory Committee on Public International Law (CAVV) ). Minsterie van Buitenlandse Zaken. https://www.adviescommissievolkenrecht.nl/publicaties/adviezen/2020/06/25/niet-letale-steun-aan-niet-statelijke-gewapende-groepen-in-het-buitenland


    • van Alebeek, R. (2012). EHRM (156/04: Wallishauser / Oostenrijk). 219. Case note on: EHRM, 17/07/12 EHRC. European Human Right Cases, 2012(12), 2636-2648. [details]
    • van Alebeek, R. (2012). Supreme Court (Netherlands) [HR] (Stichting Mothers of Srebrenica and ors v Netherlands and United Nations, Final appeal judgment: LJN: BW1999). 1760 (NL 2012). Case note on: Supreme Court, 13/04/12 International Law in Domestic Courts, 2012. [details]


    • van Alebeek, R. (2010). EHRM (15869/02: Cudak / Litouwen). 62. Case note on: EHRM, 23/03/10 EHRC. European Human Right Cases, 2010(6), 751-763. [details]



    • Brölmann, C., van Alebeek, R., Kleffner, J., & Nollkaemper, A. (2008). Jurisprudentie en documentatie internationaal publiekrecht. (3e ed.) (Boom juridische studieboeken). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]
    • van Alebeek, R. (2008). Hof Den Haag (X v Morocco, Appeal judgment, 676984 CV EXPL 05-36544). 548. Case note on: Hof Den Haag, 27/07/07 International Law in Domestic Courts, 2008(07/08). [details]
    • van Alebeek, R. (2008). Rb. Den Haag (Vzr.) (The Hague City Party and ors v Netherlands and ors, Interlocutory proceedings, KG 05/432). 849. Case note on: Rb. Den Haag, 4/05/05 International Law in Domestic Courts, 2008(04/07). [details]
    • van Alebeek, R. (2008). Rb. Haarlem (JSP and ors v Spain, Interlocutory proceedings, KG ZA 06-107). 545. Case note on: Rb. Haarlem, 19/04/06 International Law in Domestic Courts, 2008(07/08). [details]



    • Vleugel, V. W. (2020). Culture in the state reporting procedure of the UN human rights treaty bodies: How the HRC, the CESCR and the CEDAWCee use human rights as a sword to protect and promote culture, and as a shield to protect against harmful culture. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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