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Prof. dr. P.J. (Peter) van Baalen

Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Sectie Business Analytics

  • Roetersstraat 11
  • Kamernummer: E.2.22
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Publicaties



    • Wessels, C., Schippers, M. C., Stegman, S., Bakker, A. B., van Baalen, P. J., & Proper, K. I. (2019). Fostering flexibility in the New World of Work: a model of time-spatial Job Crafting. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 505. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00505 [details]
    • van der Meulen, N., van Baalen, P., van Heck, E., & Mülder, S. (2019). No teleworker is an island: The impact of temporal and spatial separation along with media use on knowledge sharing networks. Journal of information technology: JIT, 34(3), 243-262. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/0268396218816531 [details]



    • van Fenema, P. C., Rietjens, S., & van Baalen, P. J. (2016). Stability & reconstruction operations as mega projects: Drivers of temporary network effectiveness. International Journal of Project Management, 34(5), 839-861. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2016.03.006 [details]


    • van Baalen, P. J., & Karsten, L. (2012). The evolution of management as an interdisciplinary field. Journal of Management History, 12(2), 219-237.
    • van Heck, E., van Baalen, P., van der Meulen, N., & van Oosterhout, M. (2012). Achieving High Performance in a Mobile and Green Workplace: Lessons from Microsoft Netherlands. MIS Quarterly Executive, 11(4), 175-188. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bah&AN=83863561&site=ehost-live&scope=site
    • van der Meulen, N., van Baalen, P., & van Heck, E. (2012). Please, Do Not Disturb. Telework, Distractions and the Productivity of the Knowledge Worker. In Proceedings of the Thirty Third International Conference on Information Systems Orlando.


    • Boer, N-I., Berends, H., & van Baalen, P. J. (2011). Relational Models for Knowledge Sharing. European Management Journal, 29, 85-96.
    • van Baalen, P. J., van Dalen, J., Smit, R., & Veenhof, W. (2011). Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivations in the Acceptance of Web Casts in Higher Education. In C. Wankel, & J. S. Law (Eds.), Streaming Media Delivery in Higher Education: Methods and Outcomes (pp. 247-268). IGI Global.
    • van Hooff, B., Swart, J., & van Baalen, P. J. (2011). Connecting Worlds. Management Learning, 42(4), 371-377.


    • Bijlsma, T., Bogenrieder, I., & van Baalen, P. (2010). Learning military organizations and Organizational Change. In J. Soeters, & P. van Fenema (Eds.), Managing Military Organizations. Theory and Practice (pp. 228-239). London, New York: Routledge.
    • van Baalen, P. J., & Karsten, L. (2010). The social shaping of the early management schools in the Netherlands. Journal of Management History, 16(2), 153-173.


    • van Baalen, P. (2009). U.S. Ideology and the Founding of Business Schools in the Netherlands. In H. Krabbendam, C. A. van Minnen, & G. Scott-Smith (Eds.), Four Centuries of Dutch-American NL USA  (pp. 896-907). Amsterdam: Boom.
    • van Baalen, P. J., & Irma, B. (2009). Historical approaches in organizational research. Editorial. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 22(1), 4-7.
    • van Baalen, P. J., & van Fenema, P. (2009). Instantiating global crisis networks: The case of SARS. Decision support systems, 47, 277–286.
    • van Baalen, P., & van Fenema, P. (2009). Fighting Sars with a Hastily Formed Network. In P. H. M. Vervest, D. W. van Liere, & L. Zheng (Eds.), The Network Experience. New Value from Smart Business Networks (pp. 165-178). SpringerVerlag.


    • Fioole, W., van Baalen, P., & van Driel, H. (2008). Europeanisation and Americanisation? Converging backgrounds of German and Dutch top managers, 1990-2005. In H. G. Schröter (Ed.), The European Enterprise. Historical Investigation into a Future Species (pp. 155-167). Springer.


    • Li, L., & van Baalen, P. J. (2007). Indigenization of management education in China. Higher Education Policy, 23(3), 584-598.
    • van Baalen, P. J., & Bogenrieder, I. (2007). Contested Practice: Multiple Inclusion in Double-Knit Organizations. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20(4), 579-595.
    • van Fenema, P., & van Baalen, P. J. (2007). Collective Meaning in E-Collaborating Groups. In N. F. Kock (Ed.), Encyclopedia of E-Collaboration (pp. 87-94). Information Science Reference.
    • van Fenema, P., Koppius, O., & van Baalen, P. J. (2007). Implementing packaged enterprise software in multi-site firms: intensification of organizing and learning. European Journal of Information Systems, 16, 584–598.


    • van Baalen, P. J., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J., & van Heck, E. (2005). Knowledge Sharing in an Emerging Network of Practice: The Role of a Knowledge Portal. European Management Journal, 23(3), 300–314.


    • Boer, N-I., van Baalen, P. J., & Kumar, K. (2004). The Implications of Different Models of Social Relations for Understanding Knowledge Sharing. In H. Tsoukas, & Mylonopoulos (Eds.), Organizations as Knowledge Systems: Knowledge, Learning and Dynamic Capabilities (pp. 130-153). Palgrave Macmillan.


    • van Oranje, F., & van Baalen, P. J. (2003). De Toegevoegde Waarde van de Venture Capitalist. Bedrijfskunde. Bedrijfskunde: Tijdschrift voor Modern Management, 75(2), 54-63.


    • van Baalen, P. J., & Karsten, L. (2002). Interdisciplinariteit, Professies en Amerikanisering. Een geschiedenis van het ontstaan van de Nederlandse bedrijfskunde. NEHA-Jaarboek voor economische, bedrijfs- en technische geschiedenis, 256-304.
    • van Baalen, P. J., Oosterhout, M., Tan, Y-H., & van Heck, E. (2002). Dynamics in setting up an EDI Community: Experiences from the port of Rotterdam. Delft: Eburon.
    • van Baalen, P. J., van Oosterhout, M., Tan, Y-H., & van Heck, E. (2002). Dynamics in setting up an EDI Community - Experiences from the port of Rotterdam. Delft: Eburon.


    • Huysman, M., & van Baalen, P. (2001). Knowledge Sharing, Communities, and Social Capital. A Relational Base of Knowledge Management. TIC : trends in communication, 8, 77-91.
    • Huysman, M., & van Baalen, P. J. (2001). Knowledge Sharing, Communities, and Social Capital: A relational Base of Knowledge Management. TIC : trends in communication, 8, 77-91.
    • van Baalen, P. J., & Moratis, L. (2001). Management Education in the Network Economy. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publischers.


    • van Baalen, P. J. (1999). Kennis als Pre-fix. Filosofie in bedrijf, 34(9), 4-6.
    • van Baalen, P., & Hoogendoorn, J. (1999). Training and Development in the Dutch context: An overture to the knowledge society. Industrial and commercial training, 31(3), 61-71.


    • van Baalen, P. J., & Hoogendoorn, J. (1998). Training and development in the Dutch context: an overture to the knowledge society? Journal of European Industrial Training, 22(4-5), 171-179.


    • van Baalen, P., Kirschner, P., & Volman, M. (2021). Thema's in de digitalisering van het hoger onderwijs. Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]



    • van Baalen, P. J., van Zuidwijk, R., & van Nunen, J. (2010). Port Inter-Organizational Information Systems. Capabilities to service Global Supply Chains. Boston-Delft: Now Publishers Inc.


    • Geerling-Eiff, F., van Baalen, P. J., & Hubeek (2004). Kennis en Gedrag. Een studie binnen het kader van de Eindevaluatie Actieplan Nitraatprojecten. (Extern rapport). Den Haag: LEI.


    • van Baalen, P. J., & Beije, P. (1998). IT in het MKB; Een Onderzoek naar de Invoering van Informatietechnologie in het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf tijdens het MISTER-Advies-project. Kluwer Bedrijfsinformatie.


    • van Baalen, P. J. (1996). European Entrepreneurs in higher Education: a short History of the European and Dutch Movement of Management Education. Delft: Eburon.


    • van Baalen, P. (1995). Facing the Challenges: an Introduction. In P. J. van Baalen (Ed.), New Challenges for Business Schools (pp. 1-6). Uitgeverij Eburon.
    • van Baalen, P. J. (1995). New Challenges for the Business Schools. Delft: Eburon.



    • Rozentale, I., Deichman, D., & van Baalen, P. J. (2019). Niet 'of', maar 'en'! DUDE : Dutch designers magazine, 1, 38-40.





    • van Baalen, P. J. (2011). Het Nieuwe Werken in de High Performance Workplace. Een kwestie van vertrouwen en empowerment. Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkeling in Organisaties, 3, 52-57.


    • Burgers, S., van Baalen, P. J., & van Dalen, J. (2008). Is Open Source beter dan gesloten? TIEM: Tijdschrift voor informatie en management, 27(September-Oktober), 28-30.
    • Hove, J., & van Baalen, P. J. (2008). Kennis(en) Delen: een case studie. TIEM: Tijdschrift voor informatie en management, 24(Maart/April), 38-41.


    • Geerling-Eiff, F., Hubeek, F., & van Baalen, P. J. (2005). Naar nieuwe kennisarrangementen: aanbevelingen voor de inrichting van kennisnetwerken. .
    • van Baalen, P. J. (2005). Tribialiserende Organisaties. Holland Management Review, 21(104), 53-58.
    • van Baalen, P. J., & Verhaegen, P. H. A. M. (2005). The Netherlands. In A Global Guide to Management Education (pp. 139-145). Emerald.


    • van de Ven, H. W. M., & van Baalen, P. J. (2003). Blended Learning: Trends in ICT en Onderwijs.


    • van Baalen, P. J., Moratis, L. T., & Massier, E. (2002).  Een bestuurlijke crisis in het onderwijs?
    • van Baalen, P. J., Weggeman, M., & Witteveen, A. (2002). Kennis en Management. Schiedam: Scriptum Management.


    • Rozentale, I., & van Baalen, P. J. (2018). Organizational Commitments to Conflicting Logics, Business Model Heterogeneity, and Performance: A Configurational Perspective. Paper presented at EGOS , Tallinn, Estonia.


    • Wessels, C., Schippers, M., van Baalen, P. J., & Proper, K. (2017). Daily time-spatial job crafting and media job crafting as means to exploit time-spatial flexibility.. Paper presented at European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP 2017), Dublin, Ireland.
    • van Fenema, P., van Baalen, P. J., & Bas, R. (2017). Organizational Probing for Civil-Military Network Formation. Paper presented at EGOS 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.


    • Wessels, C., Schippers, M., van Baalen, P. J., & Proper, K. (2016). A process evaluation of an office redesign intervention aimed to improve work engagement. Paper presented at International Well-being at Work Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Wessels, C., Schippers, M., van Baalen, P. J., & Proper, K. (2016). Office Redesign and Work Outcomes: An Effect and Process Evaluation. Paper presented at Academy of Management, Anaheim, United States.
    • Wessels, C., Schippers, M., van Baalen, P. J., & Proper, K. (2016). Proactively coping with flexible work practices: Testing a context-specific model of job crafting. Paper presented at Academy of Management, Anaheim, United States.
    • Zuidwijk, R., Romochkina, I., & van Baalen, P. J. (2016). Adoption of Collaborative Container Logistics Information Systems Under Benefits Redistribution. Abstract from Production and operation Management Society, Seattle, United States.
    • van Baalen, P., van Fenema, P., & Loebbecke, C. (2016). Extending the Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) Framework to the Digital World. Paper presented at International Conference Information Systems (ICIS, 2016), Dublin, Ireland.
    • van Fenema, P., & van Baalen, P. J. (2016). Digital Innovation and Ecosystems: Heterogeneous Stakeholders and Their Strategic Value Creation Processes. Paper presented at Organizing for Digital Innovation, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    • Wessels, C., Schippers, M., van Baalen, P. J., & Proper, K. (2015). Work engagement and office redesign: a process and effect evaluation of an office redesign intervention. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Dutch association for Work and Organizational Psychology (WAOP, 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    • Wessels, C., Schippers, M., van Baalen, P. J., & Proper, K. (2014). Make or Break: spatial job crafting as a means of staying engaged in the new world of work. Paper presented at Association for Work and Organizational Psychology, utrecht, Netherlands.
    • Wessels, C., Schippers, M., van Baalen, P. J., & Proper, K. (2014). On being a workplace trotter: Unravelling the link between workplace flexibility, well-being, and productivity. Paper presented at German Association for Psychology, Staufen, Germany.
    • Wessels, C., van Baalen, P. J., & Proper, K. (2014). Staying Engaged in the New World of Work. Paper presented at Academy of Management, Philadelphia, United States.
    • van der Meulen, N., van Baalen, P., & Legerstee, M. (2014). Do As We Do. Social Network Influences on Communication Media Repertoire Mirroring. Paper presented at International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, Oslo, Norway.


    • Wessels, C., Schippers, M., & van Baalen, P. J. (2013). Getting engaged: It is more than saying yes. Paper presented at European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology, Münster, Germany.


    • van Baalen, P. (2012). Reflexive Moderrnization and the Hybrid Workspace.. Paper presented at 7th Organization Studies Workshop, Greece.
    • van Baalen, P. J. (2012). Risk Junctions: Reflexive Modernization and the Hybrid Workspace. 1-18. Paper presented at Organisations as Spaces of Work
      Organization Studies, Rhodos, Greece.
    • van Baalen, P. J., Romochkina, I., & Zuidwijk, R. (2012). Digital Platforms in Ports: towards the third generation of port community systems. Paper presented at EURAM 2012, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


    • van't Klooster, E., Go, F., & van Baalen, P. J. (2004). Exploring Destination Brand Communities: A Business Model For Collaboration In The Extremely Fragmented Tourism Industry. 1-17. Paper presented at Bled eCommerce Conference
      eGlobal, Bled, Slovenia.


    • van Baalen, P. J., & Huysman, M. (2003). LOOKING INTO THE BLACK BOX OF STRATEGIC ACTIVITIES: AN ACTIVITY THEORETI CAL PERSPECTIVE. 1-17. Paper presented at Organizational Learning and Knowledge Conference , Barcelona, Spain.

    Prijs / subsidie

    • van Baalen, P. & van der Meulen, N. (2010). ERIM Impact Award.


    • van der Meulen, N. (2016). The Distance Dilemma: The effect of flexible working practices on performance in the digital workplace.





    • van Baalen, P. J., & Irma, B. (2004). Multiple Inclusion and Community Network. (pp. 1-20).


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