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Dr. M. (Marija) Maric

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programme group: Developmental psychopathology
Fotograaf: studioenblanco

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    Marija Maric works as an Associate Professor at the Research Institute of Child Development and Education. She studies how and for whom interventions for youth internalizing problems work. In doing so, she bridges the gap between research questions emerging from the clinical practice, and within-subject research methods to study personalized treatment effects and personalized treatment mechanisms. Dr. Maric's interests lay in the area of single-case experimental designs, both with regard to the development of these methods to study youth treatment effects as well as for education of researchers and clinicians in using these methods.

    Marija Maric received her MA (2003) and her PhD (2010) from Leiden University. She completed postdoctoral program for cognitive behavioral therapist at the Dutch Association for Behavioral and Cognitive therapies (VGCt). Throughout the years she combined research work, clinical work, and teaching at the university and in the postdoctoral courses for therapists. For her work on bridging the gap between research and clinical practice she received a Wim Truijsburg award from the Dutch Association for Psychotherapy (2015).

    •    2023 - ongoing: Director of the Graduate School of Child Development and Education

    •    2022: Chair of Exam Comittee Child Development and Education
    •    2020: Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO)

    •    2019-2021: Chair of Exam Comittee Psychology

    •    2014: Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO)
    •    2017: Cognitive behavioral therapist degree. Dutch Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (VGCt).



    • Maric, M., Prins, P.J.M., & Ollendick, T.H. (Eds.) (2015). Moderators and Mediators of Youth Treatment Outcomes. New York: Oxford University Press.

    Chapters in books

    • Kuin, M., Maric, M., Peters, P. & van Steensel, F.J.A. (2020). Competitive memory training (COMET): behandelprotocol voor negatief zelfbeeld bij kinderen en jongeren. Nieuwe editie Braet & Bögels, Protocollaire behandelingen voor kinderen en jongeren met psychische klachten. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers.
    • Maric, M.& van der Werff, V. (2019). Single-case experimental designs in clinical intervention research. Chapter in van de Schoot, R. & Miocevic, M. European Association of Methodology book series. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.
    • Maric, M., Willard, C., Wrzesien, M., & Bögels, S.M. (2019). Innovations in the treatment of childhood anxiety disorders: Mindfulness and self-compassion approaches.In Farell, L., Muris, P. & Olendick, T.H. Innovations in CBT for Childhood Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD: Improving Access & Outcomes. Cambridge University Press.
    • Prins, P.J.M., Ollendick, T.H, Maric, M., & MacKinnon, D.P. (2015). Moderators and Mediators in Treatment Outcome Studies of Childhood Disorders: The What, Why, and How. In Maric, M., Prins, P.J.M., & Ollendick, T.H. (Eds.) (2015). Moderators and Mediators of Youth Treatment Outcomes. New York: Oxford University Press.

    International publications

    • Maric, M., Schumacher, L., Van den Noortgate, W., Bettelli, L., Engelbertink, W. & Stikkelbroek, Y. (accepted for publication). A multilevel meta-analysis of single-case research on interventions for internalizing disorders in children and adolescents. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.

    • Sepers, A. J., Maric, M., Boelen, P. A., & Mooren, T. T. (2022). Working with denial in families dealing with child abuse: A scoping review of the resolutions approach. Journal of Family Therapy.
    • Telman, L.G.E., van Steensel, F.J.A., Maric, M., & Bögels, S.M. (2022). Modular CBT for Childhood Anxiety Disorders: Evaluating Clinical Outcomes and its Predictors. Child Psychiatry & Human Development.
    • Telman, L., van Steensel, B., Verveen, A., Bögels, S., & Maric, M. (2020). Modular CBT for Social Anxiety in Youth. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 5, 16-27. 
    • Miočević, M., Klaassen, F., Geuke, G., Moeyaert, M., & Maric, M. (2020). Using Bayesian Methods to test Mediators of Intervention Outcomes in Single Case Experimental Designs (SCEDs). Special issue Journal of Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 14, 52-68.
    • Geuke, G., Maric, M., Miocevic, M., Wolters, L.H., & de Haan, E. (2019). Testing mediators of youth intervention outcomes using single-subject experimental designs. Special issue Journal of New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 167, 39–64.
    • Lancee, J., Maric, M., & Kamphuis, J.H. (2019). Sleep restriction therapy may be effective for people with insomnia and depressive complaints: Evidence from a case series. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 11, 1-6.
    • Dovis, S., Maric, M., Prins, P.J.M., & van der Oord, S. (2019). Does Executive Function Capacity Moderate the Outcome of Executive Function Training in Children with ADHD? ADHD Attention Deficit and hyperactivity Disorders.doi: 10.1007/s12402-019-00310-x
    • Sepers, A., van der Werff, V., Mooren, T., de Roos, C., & Maric, M.(2019). The effectiveness of the RA, a multidisciplinary treatment of child abuse: A Single Case Experimental Design study protocol. Journal of Family Violence, 1-10.
    • Maric, M. & Bögels, S.M. (2019). Parenting behaviors associated with youth AD diagnosis vs. youth ADHD diagnosis. The European Journal of Psychiatry. DOI:10.1016/j.ejpsy.2018.07.003.
    • Maric, M., Bexkens, A., & Bögels, S.M.  (2018). Is clinical anxiety a risk or a protective factor for executive functioning in youth with ADHD? A meta-regression analysis. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.
    • Telman, L.G.E., van Steensel, F.J.A., Maric, M., & Bögels, S.M. (2017). What are the odds of anxiety disorders running in families? A Family Study of Anxiety Disorders in Mothers, Fathers, and Siblings of Children with Anxiety Disorders. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1007/s00787-017-1076-x. 
    • Telman, L. G. E., van Steensel, F. J. A., Maric, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2017). Are Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents Less Impairing Than ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders? Associations with Child Quality of Life and Parental Stress and Psychopathology. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. DOI: 10.1007/s10578-017-0712-5
    • Verkleij, M., Maric, M., Colland, V., Nagelkerke, A. F., & Geenen, R. (2017). Cognitive-behavioral therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in an adolescent with difficult-to-control asthma. Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology, 30, 103-112.
    • op den Kelder, R., Ensink, J. B. M., Overbeek, G., Maric, M., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2017). Executive function as a mediator in the link between single or complex trauma and posttraumatic stress in children and adolescents. Quality of Life Research, 26(7), 1687-1696.
    • Heyne D., Vreeke L.J., Maric M., Boelens H., & Van Widenfelt B.M. (2017), Functional assessment of school attendance problems: An adapted version of the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 25(3): 178-192.
    • Koning, I., Maric, M., MacKinnon, D. P, & Vollebergh, W. (2015). Effects of a combined parent-student alcohol prevention program on intermediate factors and adolescents’ drinking behavior: A sequential mediation model. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83, 719-727.
    • Maric, M., van Steensel, F.J.A., & Bögels, S. M. (2015). Parental Involvement in CBT for Anxiety-Disordered Youth Revisited: Family CBT outperforms child CBT in the long term for children with comorbid ADHD symptoms. Journal of Attention Disorders, 1-9.
    • Maric, M., de Haan, E., Hogendoorn, S. M., Wolters, L. H., & Huizenga, H. M. (2014). Evaluating Statistical and Clinical Significance of Intervention Effects in Single-Case Experimental Designs: An SPSS Method to Analyse Univariate Data. Behavior Therapy, 46. 230-241.
    • Maric, M. & Schwartz, J. S. (2014). Negative Cognitive Errors in Youth: Specificity to Anxious and Depressive Symptoms and Developmental Differences. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 43, 526-537.  
    • Maric, M., Wiers, R.W., & Prins, P.J.M. (2012). Ten Ways to Improve the Use of Statistical Mediation Analysis in the Practice of Child and Adolescent Treatment Research. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 15 , 177-191.  
    • Maric, M., Heyne, D.A., MacKinnon, D.P., van Widenfelt, B.M., & Westenberg, P.M. (2012). Cognitive mediation of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy outcomes for anxiety-based school refusal. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 28, 1-16. 
    • Maric, M., Heyne, D. A., de Heus, P., van Widenfelt, B. M., & Westenberg, P. M. (2011). The Role of Cognition in School Refusal: An Investigation of Automatic Thoughts and Cognitive Errors. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29 , 1-15 .  
    • Maric, M., Heyne, D. A., van Widenfelt, B. M., & Westenberg, P. M. ( 2011 ). Distorted Cognitive Processing in Youth: The Structure of Negative Cognitive Errors and Their Associations with Anxiety. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 35, 11-20.  
    • Verschuur, M. J., Maric, M., & Spinhoven, P. (2010). Differences in Changes in Health-Related Anxiety Between Western and Non-Western Participants in a Trauma-Focused Study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 23 , 300-303.

    National publications

    • Addink, A., Abrahamse, S., Maric, M., Spreen, M., van der Veldt, M., Aussems, K., Muntinga, M., & Dedding, C. (2022). Maatwerk voor meiden. Eindrapport onderzoek naar de hulp aan slachtoffers van seksuele uitbuiting. Utrecht: Nji.
    • van Steensel, F.J.A., Telman, L.G.E., Maric, M., & Bögels, S.M. (accepted). Draagt ervaren steun bij aan de vermindering in angstklachten van kinderen na CGT? Een exploratieve studie. Tijdschrift Gedragstherapie en Cognitieve Therapie.
    • Maric, M., Smit, J., & van Steensel, B. (2019). Gepersonaliseerde therapie bij jeugd: hoe moet dat? Tijdschrift Vereniging Kinder en Jeugdpsychotherapie (VKJP).
    • Maric, M. (2018). Single-Case Experimental Designs in CBT. Special issue Gedragstherapie, 2, 158-170.
    • Van der Werff, V., Sepers, A., Dijkhuizen, C., Mooren, T., & Maric, M. (2018). Een effectiviteitsstudie naar de Resolutions Approach. Kind en Adolescent Praktijk.
    • Maric, M. (2017). Het overbruggen van de kloof tussen klinisch onderzoek en praktijk van kinder en jeugd psychotherapie. Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 204-205.
    • Koning, I., Maric, M., MacKinnon, D. P, & Vollebergh, W. (2017). Effecten van een gecombineerd alcoholpreventieprogramma voor ouders en leerlingen op mediërende factoren en alcoholgebruik van adolescenten: een sequentieel mediatiemodel. Gezinstherapie Wereldwijd, DOI 10.1007/s12440-016-0026-0.
    • Telman, L., van Steensel, F.J.A., Maric, M., & Bögels, S.M. (2015). Denken, doen, durven. Werkzame factoren in de angstbehandeling. Kind & Adolescent Praktijk.
    • Versluis, A., Maric, M., & Peute, L. (2014). N=1 studies in onderzoek en praktijk. De Psycholoog, 3, 10-20.
    • Maric, M. & Heyne, D.A. (2008). Educational-Support Therapy for Anxiety-Based School Refusal in Adolescence: Therapist and Teacher version. Unpublished treatment manual, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Research

    Research projects

    • Mechanisms of personalized treatment for youth anxiety. Close collaborators: Dr. Bonny van Steensel (UvA), Liesbeth Telman, PhD student (UvA), Prof. Dr. Susan Bögels (UvA), Dr. Germie van de Berg (Municipality Amsterdam). 
    • Single-case experimental designs in youth clinical practice. Close collaborators: Lea Schumacher (junior researcher), Wim van den Noortgate (KU Leuven), Dr. Yvonne Stikkelbroek (UU).
    • The effectiveness of a multidisciplinary treatment of child abuse. Close collaborators: Annemariek Sepers, PhD student (Centrum ’45), Dr. Trudy Mooren (Centrum ’45), Vera van der Werff, junior researcher (UvA), Rivierduinen Leiden, Family Supporters, Altra.
    • The effectiveness of treatment for girls who are victims of loverboys. Close collaborators: Nederlandse Jeugdinstituut (Anne Addink, Stefanie Abrahamse), Marinus Spreen (nhl stenden).
  • Teaching and supervision
    • Interventions for children and adolescents: theory, research, clinical practice
    • Single-case experimental designs in youth clinical practice
    • Supervision (research) master theses and internships
    • Supervision clinical internship
    • PhD students
    • Therapists in training 
  • Publicaties


    • van Steensel, F. J. A., Telman, L. G. E., Maric, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2024). Modular CBT for Childhood Anxiety Disorders: Evaluating Clinical Outcomes and its Predictors. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 55(3), 790–801. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-022-01437-1




    • Dovis, S., Maric, M., Prins, P. J. M., & Van der Oord, S. (2019). Correction to: Does executive function capacity moderate the outcome of executive function training in children with ADHD? ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 11(4), 461-462. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12402-019-00310-x
    • Dovis, S., Maric, M., Prins, P. J. M., & Van der Oord, S. (2019). Does executive function capacity moderate the outcome of executive function training in children with ADHD? ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 11(4), 445-460. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12402-019-00308-5 [details]
    • Geuke, G. G. M., Maric, M., Miočević, M., Wolters, L. H., & de Haan, E. (2019). Testing Mediators of Youth Intervention Outcomes Using Single-Case Experimental Designs. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 167, 39-64. https://doi.org/10.1002/cad.20310 [details]
    • Maric, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2019). Parenting behaviors associated with youth AD diagnosis vs. youth ADHD diagnosis. European Journal of Psychiatry, 33(1), 17-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpsy.2018.07.003 [details]
    • Maric, M., Willard, C., Wrzesien, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2019). Innovations in the Treatment of Childhood Anxiety Disorders: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Approaches. In L. J. Farrell, T. H. Ollendick, & P. Muris (Eds.), Innovations in CBT for Childhood Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD: Improving Access and Outcomes (pp. 265-286). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108235655.013 [details]


    • Maric, M., Bexkens, A., & Bögels, S. M. (2018). Is Clinical Anxiety a Risk or a Protective Factor for Executive Functioning in Youth with ADHD? A Meta-regression Analysis. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 21(3), 340-353. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10567-018-0255-8 [details]
    • Maric, M., van Steensel, F. J. A., & Bögels, S. M. (2018). Parental involvement in CBT for anxiety-disordered youth revisited: Family CBT outperforms child CBT in the long term for children with comorbid ADHD symptoms. Journal of Attention Disorders, 22(5), 506-514. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/1087054715573991 [details]
    • Telman, L. G. E., van Steensel, F. J. A., Maric, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2018). What are the odds of anxiety disorders running in families? A family study of anxiety disorders in mothers, fathers, and siblings of children with anxiety disorders. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 27(5), 615-624. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-017-1076-x [details]


    • Telman, L. G. E., van Steensel, F. J. A., Maric, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2017). Are anxiety disorders in children and adolescents less impairing than ADHD and autism spectrum disorders? Associations with child quality of life and parental stress and psychopathology. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 48(6), 891–902. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-017-0712-5 [details]
    • Verkleij, M., Maric, M., Colland, V., Nagelkerke, A. F., & Geenen, R. (2017). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing in an Adolescent with Difficult-to-Control Asthma. PEDIATRIC ALLERGY IMMUNOLOGY AND PULMONOLOGY, 30(2), 103-112. https://doi.org/10.1089/ped.2016.0725 [details]
    • op den Kelder, R., Ensink, J. B. M., Overbeek, G., Maric, M., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2017). Executive function as a mediator in the link between single or complex trauma and posttraumatic stress in children and adolescents. Quality of Life Research, 26(7), 1687-1696. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-017-1535-3 [details]


    • Koning, I. M., Maric, M., MacKinnon, D., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2015). Effects of a combined parent-student alcohol prevention program on intermediate factors and adolescents’ drinking behavior: a sequential mediation model. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 83(4), 719-727. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0039197 [details]
    • Maric, M., de Haan, M., Hogendoorn, S. M., Wolters, L. H., & Huizenga, H. M. (2015). Evaluating statistical and clinical significance of intervention effects in single-case experimental designs: An SPSS method to analyze univariate data. Behavior Therapy, 46(2), 230-241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beth.2014.09.005 [details]
    • Prins, P. J. M., Ollendick, T. H., Maric, M., & MacKinnon, D. P. (2015). Moderators and Mediators in Treatment Outcome Studies of Childhood Disorders: The What, Why, and How. In M. Maric, P. J. M. Prins, & T. H. Ollendick (Eds.), Moderators and Mediators of Youth Treatment Outcomes (pp. 1-19). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/med:psych/9780199360345.003.0001 [details]
    • Schwartz, J. S., & Maric, M. (2015). Negative cognitive errors in youth: specificity to anxious and depressive symptoms and age differences. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 43(5), 526-537. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1352465814000228 [details]


    • Maric, M., Wiers, R. W., & Prins, P. J. M. (2012). Ten ways to improve the use of statistical mediation analysis in the practice of child and adolescent treatment research. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 15(3), 177-191. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10567-012-0114-y [details]





    • Koning, I. M., Maric, M., MacKinnon, D., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2017). Effecten van een gecombineerd alcoholpreventieprogramma voor ouders en leerlingen op mediërende factoren en alcoholgebruik van adolescenten: een sequentieel mediatiemodel. Gezinstherapie Wereldwijd, 28(1), 44-62. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12440-016-0026-0 [details]
    • Maric, M. (2017). Het overbruggen van de kloof tussen klinisch onderzoek en de praktijk van kinder- en jeugdpsychotherapie: Hoe nu verder? Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 43(3), 204-215. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12485-017-0191-y [details]


    • Telman, L., van Steensel, B., Maric, M., & Bögels, S. (2015). Denken, doen, durven: werkzame factoren in de angstbehandeling. Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 14(3), 39-41. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12454-015-0034-3 [details]


    • Versluis, A., Maric, M., & Peute, L. (2014). N=1 studies in onderzoek en praktijk: (hoe) heeft de behandeling gewerkt? De Psycholoog, 49(3), 10-20. [details]


    • Telman, G. E., van Steensel, F. J. A., Maric, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2017). Feedback informed cognitive behavioural therapy for children with anxiety disorders. Paper presented at 47th Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
    • Telman, G. E., van Steensel, F. J. A., Maric, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2017). What are the odds? Anxiety disorders running in families. Poster session presented at ISRCAP 18th Biennial Scientific Meeting, Amsterdam, .
    • Telman, G. E., van Steensel, F. J. A., Verveen, A., Bögels, S. M., & Maric, M. (2017). Therapist flexibility and treatment efficacy in CBT for childhood social anxiety disorder. Paper presented at British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies 45th Annual Conference & Workshops (BABCP) 2017, Manchester, United Kingdom.
    • Wen, S., Larsen, H., Cao, M. L., Kong, P., Maric, M., Tang, Y. L., & Wiers, R. W. H. J. (2017). Combining Cognitive Bias Modification with Motivational Interviewing to Increase Smoking Cessation in Chinese Smokers: A Pilot Study using A Single-Case Experimental Design. Poster session presented at SRNT 23rd Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy.


    • Telman, G. E., van Steensel, F. J. A., Maric, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2016). Developmental psychopathology in families of children with anxiety disorders: Different from Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder?. Poster session presented at 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT) 2016, Melbourne, Australia.
    • Telman, G. E., van Steensel, F. J. A., Maric, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2016). Feedback informed CBT for children with anxiety disorders. Paper presented at 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT) 2016, Melbourne, Australia.

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Maric, M. (2015). Winner of Wim Truijsburgprize for best junior-scientist for her work on bridging the gap between research laboratory and clinical practice.


    • Telman, G. E. (2020). But I am scared…: Impact, transmission, and effectiveness of treatment of childhood anxiety disorders. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


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