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Dr. J. (Jitte) Waagen

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen

  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Kamernummer: F1.11A
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Digital Archaeologist at Amsterdam Centre of Ancient Studies and Archaeology
    Coordinator of the 4D Research Lab (4DRL)

    My research engages with archaeological prospection, (UAS) remote sensing, Geo-ICT, statistics, 3D modeling, eXtended Reality and Blended Learning. My working area is the whole of Europe, with a specific focus on Mediterranean Archaeology. In the 4DRL I examine the application of 3D technology for research and educational purposes, ranging from 3D Scanning to Virtual Reconstruction, from both applied technological- as well as theoretical perspectives.

  • Fieldwork projects

    Archaeological fieldwork experience

    Present fieldwork projects: Satricum (Italy, led by dr. M. Gnade), Halos and Zakynthos (Greece, led respectively by prof. dr. R. Reinders/prof. dr. V.V. Stissi and dr. G.-J. van Wijngaarden), Troy (Turkey, led by dr. G.-J. van Wijngaarden), Tappino Valley Survey, Molise, Italy (together with Dr. T.D. Stek).

    San Pancrazio - Li Castelli (projectleader, GIS-specialist) for the FirmA.Conti VivaiPiante S.r.l. (Rome) under supervision of dr. G.-J. Burgers of the Royal Dutch Institute at Rome.

    The Nemrud Dag Project (Site Information System, 2005-2008, GIS-specialist); collaboration with the Amsterdam Archaeological Center,UvA, led by prof. dr. Herman Brijder.

    The Sacred Landscapes Project (archaeological surveys, landscape reconstruction and spatial analyses, 2004-2008, organisation); collaboration with drs. Jeremia Pelgrom (RUL, VU) and drs. Tesse Stek (UvA, RUN).

    The L'Amastuola Project (archaeological survey and spatial analyses of the necropoleis, 2005/2006); collaboration with the Archaeological Institute of the Free University of Amsterdam, in 2006 with a fund from the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO); led by dr. G.-J. Burgers and dr. J.P. Crielaard.

    Muro Tenente (large scale excavations,1997-2000, trench leader, 2001, field technician, 2002, research); San Pancrazio (small scale excavations, 1999, trench leader); both led by prof. dr. D. Yntema and dr. G.-J. Burgers

  • Publicaties


    • Waagen, J., & van Wijngaarden, G. J. (2024). Understanding Archaeological Site Topography: 3D Archaeology of Archaeology. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 7(1), 237-243. https://doi.org/10.5334/jcaa.157 [details]
    • Waagen, J., Lanjouw, T. J. R., & Huurdeman, H. C. (2024). Virtual Past Places: Reinventing the Classroom using Virtual Reality in Humanities Education. History, Culture, and Heritage, AHM Conference 2024: 'Heritage, Memory and Material Culture', 3. https://doi.org/10.5117/9789048567638/AHM.2024.014


    • Krijnen, A. L., Waagen, J., & Hilditch, J. R. (2023). Survey, ceramics and statistics: The potential for technological traits as chronological markers. In A. Meens, M. Nazou, & W. van de Put (Eds.), Fields, Sherds and Scholars: Recording and Interpreting Survey Ceramics (pp. 69-80). Sidestone Press. https://doi.org/10.59641/m11443py
    • Waagen, J., Lanjouw, T., & de Kleijn, M. (2023). A virtual place of memory: Virtual reality as a method for communicating conflicted heritage at Camp Westerbork. Heritage, Memory and Conflict Journal (HMC), 3, 87-93. https://doi.org/10.3897/ijhmc.3.71198 [details]
    • de Haas, T., Leppard, T., Waagen, J., & Wilkinson, T. (2023). Myopic Misunderstandings? A Reply to Meyer (JMA 35(2), 2022). Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 36(1), 127-137. https://doi.org/10.1558/jma.27148



    • García Sánchez, J., & Waagen, J. (2021). Built environment in Satricum: Tracing technology and Archaic society using Remote Sensing tools. In M. Gnade, & M. Revello Lami (Eds.), Tracing Technology: Forty Years of Archaeological Research at Satricum (pp. 213-226). (Babesch. Supplement; Vol. 42). Peeters. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv28bqkxp.18 [details]
    • Watkins, A., Kensche, S., Stigter, S., Waagen, J., & Lanjouw, T. (2021). The use of photogrammetry in the conservation of painted outdoor sculpture: Adressing Jean Dubutffet’s Jardin d'Email. In T. Bechthold (Ed.), Future Talks 019: Surfaces : lectures and workshops on technology and conservation of the modern (pp. 38-47). Die Neue Sammlung, The Design Museum. [details]




    • van Wijngaarden, G. J., Merkouri, C., Ligkovanlis, S., Spegi, M., van Puijenbroek, F., Versloot, A., Waagen, J., & Avramidis, P. (2017). Zakynthos Archaeology Project: The 2015 survey at Skoulikado-Kalimachos. Pharos: journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, 23(2), 1-31. https://doi.org/10.2143/PHA.23.2.3287557 [details]


    • Stissi, V., Waagen, J., Efstathiou, D., Reinders, R., Rondiri, V., Mamaloudi, I., & Stamelou, E. (2015). Halos: Preliminary report of the 2011-2013 field survey campaigns. Pharos: journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, 21(2), 63-84. https://doi.org/10.2143/PHA.21.2.3206295 [details]



    • Waagen, J., de Reus, N., & Kalkers, R. (2013). OpenArchaeoSurvey, or ‘Being Educated by the Digital Fieldwork Assistant’. In G. Earl, T. Sly, A. Chrysanthi, P. Murrieta-Flores, C. Papadopoulos, I. Romanowska, & D. Wheatley (Eds.), Archeaology in the Digital Era. -vol. II: e-Papers from the 40th Conference on Computer Apllications and Quantitative Methods in Archealogy, Southampton, 26-30 March 2012 (pp. 37-47). (Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Burgers, G.-J., & Waagen, J. (2010). Excavations at I Castiedd’ di San Pancrazio Salentino, Southern Italy. Babesch, 85, 59-75. https://doi.org/10.2143/BAB.85.0.2059890 [details]
    • Waagen, J. (2010). Appendix I: Digital modeling and data processing. Journal of Ancient Topography, 20, 54. [details]


    • Waagen, J., & Feiken, R. (2024). Drone remote sensing over a late Iron Age/Roman period landscape in Lionserpolder, Friesland. 4D Research Lab report series, 5.


    • Jayasena, R., de Jong-Lambregts, N., van den Oever, F., & Waagen, J. (2023). Het verdwenen kasteel van Weesp: Een archeologische verkenning naar het dertiende-eeuwse Huis ten Bosch. Amstelodamum, 110(3), 133-147. [details]
    • Waagen, J. (2023). In search of a castle: Multisensor UAS research at the Medieval site of ‘t Huijs ten Bosch, Weesp. 4D Research Lab report series, 4. https://doi.org/10.21942/uva.23375486.v2 [details]


    • Hilditch, J., Waagen, J., Huurdeman, H., Lanjouw, T., Opgenhaffen, L., & van Wissen, L. (2022). 3DWorkSpace - an open science/interactive tool for 3D datasets. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 34(67), 49. https://www.academia.edu/96226414 [details]
    • van Doesburg, J., van der Heiden, M., Waagen, J., van Os, B., & van der Meer, W. (2022). Op zoek naar lijnen: De waarde van elektromagnetische inductie en optische en thermische infraroodbeelden in Siegerswoude (Friesland). (Rapportage Archeologische Monumentenzorg; Vol. 273).



    • van der Laarse, R., Waagen, J., Lanjouw, T., Lucas, C., de Kleijn, M., Dolghin, D. F., van Zummeren, E., & Kortholt, B. (2020). Westerbork Viewer: Commander's House App (Accessing Campscapes). Web publication or website, University of Amsterdam. https://data.campscapes.org/westerbork/




    • Waagen, J., & Kok-Merlino, R. A. E. (2015). [Review of: J.C. Carter, A. Prieto (2011) The Chora of Metaponto 3: Archaeological Field Survey - Bradano to Basento (4 vols.).]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review.


    • Stek, T. D., Thiermann, E., & Waagen, J. (2014). The Site Information System. In H. A. G. Brijder (Ed.), Nemrud Dagi: recent archaeological research and conservation activities in the tomb sanctuary on mount Nemrud (pp. 458-465). De Gruyter. [details]


    • Stissi, V., Waagen, J., & Pieters, N. (2013). From the sorting table to the web: The NPAP research data portal for ceramics. CSA Newsletter, XXV(3). http://csanet.org/newsletter/winter13/nlw1301.html [details]
    • Waagen, J., Kalkers, R., & Kruijer, L. (2013). Het OpenArchaeoSurvey project. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 25(49), 72. [details]


    • Waagen, J., Kalkers, R., & Kruijer, L. (2012). De Survey Archaeology website. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 24(48), 46. [details]


    • Waagen, J. (2011). La necropoli arcaica de L’Amastuola. In G. J. Burgers, & J. P. Crielaard (Eds.), Greci e indigeni a L'Amastuola (pp. 105-115). Stampasud.


    • Tetteroo, C., & Waagen, J. (2010). Le sepolture di Muro Tenente 1993-2002. In G.-J. Burgers, & C. Napolitano (Eds.), L'insediamento messapico di Muro Tenente: scavi e ricerche 1998-2009 (pp. 85-140). Reale Istituto Neerlandese a Roma. [details]
    • Waagen, J. (2010). Le sepolture di Muro Tenente: alcune rifflesioni ed interpretazioni. In G.-J. Burgers, & C. Napolitano (Eds.), L'insediamento Messapico di Muro Tenente, Scavi e Ricerche 1998-2009 (pp. 141-150). Reale Istituto Neerlandese a Roma. [details]


    • Waagen, J. (2005). Het grafritueel in Muro Tenente. Een analyse van sociale structuur. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 17(33), 19-30. https://www.academia.edu/4441235






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