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Prof. dr. N.M. (Nachoem) Wijnberg

Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Sectie Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Fotograaf: FEB

  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Kamernummer: M1.27
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Research interests

    Creative industries, strategy, marketing, organization theory, entrepreneurship & innovation 

    International ties

    Honorary Senior Visiting Fellow - Cass (now Bayes) School of Business - 1999-2003.

    Visiting Professor - Institute for Innovation - Hitotsubashi University - 2003

    Visiting Professor, European Graduate School Saas-Fee, 2011-12

    Visiting Professor University of Johannesburg 2016-

  • Teaching
  • Other activities
  • Links
  • Publicaties


    • Boersma, M., Manoorkar, K., Palmigiano, A., Panettiere, M., Tzimoulis, A., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2024). Outlier detection using flexible categorisation and interrogative agendas. Decision Sciences, 180, Article 114196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2024.114196
    • Esposito, C. D., Szatmari, B., Sitruk, J. M. C., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2024). Getting off to a good start: emerging academic fields and early‑stage equity financing. Small Business Economics, 62, 1591–1613. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-023-00816-9
    • Wang, S., Shen, J., Efthymiou, A., Rudinac, S., Kackovic, M., Wijnberg, N., & Worring, M. (2024). Prototype-Enhanced Hypergraph Learning for Heterogeneous Information Networks. In S. Rudinac, A. Hanjalic, C. Liem, M. Worring, B. Þ. Jónsson, B. Liu, & Y. Yamakata (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling: 30th International Conference, MMM 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 29–February 2, 2024 : proceedings (Vol. III, pp. 462-476). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14556). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-53311-2_34 [details]



    • Buengeler, C., Situmeang, F. B. I., van Eerde, W., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2021). Fluidity in project management teams across projects. International Journal of Project Management, 39(3), 282-294. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2020.12.001 [details]
    • Conradie, W., Frittella, S., Manoorkar, K., Nazari, S., Palmigiano, A., Tzimoulis, A., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2021). Rough concepts. Information Sciences, 561, 371-413. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2020.05.074 [details]
    • Conradie, W., Palmigiano, A., Robinson, C., Tzimoulis, A., & Wijnberg, N. (2021). Modelling socio-political competition. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 407, 115-141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2020.02.005 [details]
    • Efthymiou, A., Rudinac, S., Kackovic, M., Worring, M., & Wijnberg, N. (2021). Graph Neural Networks for Knowledge Enhanced Visual Representation of Paintings. In MM '21: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia : October 20-24, 2021, Virtual Event, China (pp. 3710-3719). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3474085.3475586 [details]



    • Conradie, W., Craig, A., Palmigiano, A., & Wijnberg, N. (2019). Modelling competing theories. In M. Stepnicka (Ed.), 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2019): Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 September 2019 (pp. 721-739). (Atlantis Studies in Uncertainty Modelling; Vol. 1). Atlantis Press. https://doi.org/10.2991/eusflat-19.2019.100 [details]
    • Conradie, W., Craig, A., Palmigiano, A., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2019). Modelling Informational Entropy. In R. Iemhoff, M. Moortgat, & R. de Queiroz (Eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 26th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 2-5, 2019 : proceedings (pp. 140-160). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11541), (FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language and Information). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-59533-6_9 [details]
    • Conradie, W., Frittella, S., Palmigiano, A., Tzimoulis, A., & Wijnberg, N. (2019). Probabilistic epistemic updates on algebras. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 20(4), Article 24. https://doi.org/10.1145/3341725 [details]
    • Ebbers, J. J., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2019). The co-evolution of social networks and selection system orientations as core constituents of institutional logics of future entrepreneurs at school. Journal of Business Venturing, 34(3), 558-577. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusvent.2018.12.005 [details]
    • Piazzai, M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2019). Product proliferation, complexity, and deterrence to imitation in differentiated-product oligopolies. Strategic Management Journal, 40(6), 945-958. https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3002 [details]




    • Bhansing, P. V., Leenders, M. A. A. M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2016). Selection system orientations as an explanation for the differences between dual leaders of the same organization in their perception of organizational performance. The Journal of Management and Governance, 20(4), 907-933. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10997-015-9330-4 [details]
    • Conradie, W., Fritella, S., Palmigiano, A., Piazzai, M., Tzimoulis, A., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2016). Categories: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Two Sorts. In J. Väänänen, Å. Hirvonen, & R. de Queiroz (Eds.), Logic, Language, Information and Computation: 23rd International Workshop, WoLLIC 2016, Puebla, Mexico, August 16–19th, 2016 : proceedings (pp. 145-164). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9803), (FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language and Information). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-52921-8_10 [details]
    • Kuijken, B., Leenders, M. A. A. M., Wijnberg, N. M., & Gemser, G. (2016). The producer-consumer classification gap and its effects on music festival success. European Journal of Marketing, 50(9/10), 1726-1745. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-04-2015-0204 [details]
    • Situmeang, F. B., Gemser, G., Wijnberg, N. M., & Leenders, M. A. A. M. (2016). Risk-Taking Behavior of Technology Firms: The Role of Performance Feedback in the Video Game Industry. Technovation, 54, 22-34. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2016.03.002 [details]


    • Situmeang, F. B., Leenders, M. A. A. M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2014). The good, the bad and the variable: how evaluations of past editions influence the success of sequels. European Journal of Marketing, 48(7/8), 1466-1486. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-08-2012-0493 [details]


    • Ebbers, J. J., Wijnberg, N. M., & Bhansing, P. V. (2013). The Producer-Director Dyad: Managing the Faultline between Art and Commerce. In J. C. Kaufman, & D. K. Simonton (Eds.), The social science of cinema (pp. 157-184). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199797813.003.0007 [details]
    • Situmeang, F. B. I., Leenders, M. A. A. M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2013). History matters: The impact of reviews and sales of earlier versions of a product on consumer and expert reviews of new editions. European Management Journal, 32(1), 73-83. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2013.11.001 [details]







    • Mol, J. M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2007). Competition, selection and rock and roll: The economics of Payola and authenticity. Journal of Economic Issues, 16(3), 701-714. [details]


    • Orosa Paleo, I., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2006). Popular Music Festivals and Classifications: A Typology of Festivals and an Inquiry into their Role in the Formation of Musical Genres. International Journal of Arts Management, 8(2), 50-61.



    • Hermans, J., Wijnberg, N., de Wit, O., & van den Ende, J. (2004). Vertical Integration as a Remedy to Imbalances in the 'Porterian' Value System: The Dutch Financial Securities Industry at the Beginning of the 20th Century. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 20(4), 357-374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scaman.2004.10.001 [details]
    • Wijnberg, N. M. (2004). Innovation and Organization: Value and Competition in Selection Systems. Organization Studies, 25(8), 1469-1490. https://doi.org/10.1177/0170840604046350
    • van den Ende, J. C. M., Wijnberg, N. M., & Meijer, A. (2004). The Influence of Dutch and EU Government Policy on Philips’ IT Activities. In M. C-K. R. Coopey (Ed.), Information Technology Policy. Global Perspectives. (pp. 187-208). Oxford University Press.


    • Wijnberg, N. M. (2003). Awards. In R. Towse (Ed.), Handbook of Cultural Economics (pp. 81-85). Edward Elgar.
    • van den Ende, J. C. M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2003). The Organization of Innovation and Market Dynamics: Managing Increasing Returns in Software Firms. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50(3), 374-382. https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2003.817286
    • van den Ende, J. C. M., Wijnberg, N. M., Vogels, R., & Kerstens, M. (2003). Organizing Innovative Projects to Interact with Market Dynamics: A Coevolutionary Approach. European Management Journal, 21(3), 273-284. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0263-2373(03)00051-3


    • Gemser, G., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2002). The Economic Significance of Design Awards: a conceptual framework. Academic review, 2(1), 61-71. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1948-7177.2002.tb00012.x
    • Wijnberg, N. M., van den Ende, J. C. M., & de Wit, O. (2002). Decision-making at Different Levels of the Organization and the Impact of New Information Technology. Two Cases from the Financial Sector. Group & Organization Management, 27(3), 408-429. https://doi.org/10.1177/1059601102027003005


    • Gemser, G., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2001). Effects of Reputational Sanctions and Inter-Firm Linkages on Competitive Imitation. Organization Studies, 22(4), 563-591. https://doi.org/10.1177/0170840601224002
    • van den Ende, J. C. M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2001). Innovation Management in the Presence of Networks and Bandwagons. International Studies of Management and Organization, 31(1), 30-45. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40397490
    • van den Ende, J. C. M., Toonders, M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2001). De Organisatie van Innovatie in Internet Dienstverlening. Bedrijfskunde: Tijdschrift voor Modern Management, 73(4), 65-70.
    • van den Ende, J., Wijnberg, N. M., & Meijer, A. (2001). Public Policy and Innovative Capabilities. The Case of Philips’ IT Activities. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 13(3), 389-405. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537320120088192


    • Wijnberg, N. M. (2000). Het Geval en het Applaus: Het Onbenut Potentieel van de Bedrijfskundige Gevalstudie. In M. V. M. J. Th. Leersen M. Spiering (Ed.), De Weerspannigheid van de Feiten (pp. 249-255). Verloren.
    • Wijnberg, N. M. (2000). Normative Stakeholders Theory and Aristotle: the Link between Ethics and Politics. Journal of Business Ethics, 25(4), 329-342. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1006086226794
    • Wijnberg, N. M., & Gemser, G. (2000). Adding Value to Innovation: Impressionism and the transformation of the Selection System in Visual Arts. Organization Science, 11(3), 323-329. https://doi.org/10.1287/orsc.11.3.323.12499


    • Wijnberg, N. M. (1995). Selection Processes and Appropriability in Art, Science and Technology. Journal of Cultural Economics, 19(3), 221-235. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01074051 [details]
    • Wijnberg, N. M. (1995). Technological Paradigms and Strategic Groups: Putting Competition into the Definitions. Journal of Economic Issues, maart, 254-258. [details]



    • Esposito, C. D., Wijnberg, N., Szatmari, B., & Sitruk, J. (2022). Getting off to a Good Start: Emerging Scientific Fields and External Financing. Academy of Management proceedings, 2022, Article 10710. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.10710abstract



    • Kackovic, M., Ebbers, J. J., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2015). The effects of source credibility and salience on sales performance: a study of corporate art collectors. In K. Kubacki (Ed.), Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old: Proceedings of the 2013 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 710-713). (Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science; Vol. 36). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-10951-0_262 [details]


    • Wijnberg, N. M. (2006). [Review of: J. English (2006) The economics of Prestige: Prizes, awards and the circulation of cultural value]. Journal of Cultural Economics, 30(2), 161-163. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10824-006-9003-x


    • Wijnberg, N. M., & de Graaff, V. C. (1995). Netwerkvorming door Certificatie als Aanvulling van Europese Industriepolitiek. MAB, jul/aug., 446-452. [details]
    • Wijnberg, N. M., de Graaff, V. C., & Waszink, A. W. (1995). De Noodzaak voor Certificatie van het Verbetervermogen. Sigma, 1, 16-19. [details]


    • Wijnberg, N. M. (1994). Art and Technology: A Comparative Study of Policy Legitimation. Journal of Cultural Economics, 18(1), 3-13. [details]


    • Eijsbouts, W. T., van Montfrans-van Oers, M. A. E., Roobol, W. H., Spiering, M. E., & Wijnberg, N. M. (1993). De onrust van Europa. Amsterdam University Press.


    • Buengeler, C. K., Situmeang, F. B. I., van Eerde, W., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2016). Never change a winning team? How management team experience affects project performance, and the moderating role of project innovativeness.
    • de Groot, J. F. E., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2016). Corporate art collections and organizational history. Paper presented at 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 08: (SWG) History and Organization Studies: The Ways Forward.


    • Bhansing, P. V., Leenders, M. A. A. M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2011). Performance effects of cognitive heterogeneity in dual leadership structures in arts: The role of selection system orientations. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bhansing, P. V., Leenders, M. A. A. M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2011). Scheduling decisions in the high arts: The role of product innovation and the legitimacy and reputation of the production company. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Situmeang, F. B., Leenders, M. A. A. M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2011). The differerential effects of expert versus consumer community dynamics on the sales of video games sequels. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Ebbers, J. J., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2008). Evolution of social networks in the Dutch film industry: Selection and influence dynamics. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • Ebbers, J. J., Wijnberg, N. M., Cattani, G., & Ferriani, S. (2008). Legitimacy and reputation in the film industry: Comparing the US and Dutch institutional environments. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.


    • Ebbers, J. J., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2007). Great expectations: Memories are made of this. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. [details]
    • Ebbers, J. J., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2007). Latent organizations in the Dutch film industry: A study of the ties that know. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. [details]
    • Ebbers, J. J., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2007). Latent organizations in the film industry: Long term relations in a short-term project industry. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. [details]


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