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Hartog, J., & Zorlu, A. (2009). How important is homeland education for refugees' economic position in the Netherlands? Journal of Population Economics, 22(1), 219-246. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00148-007-0142-y[details]
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Zorlu, A., & van Gaalen, R. (2011). Verschillen in loonontwikkeling van allochtone en autochtone academici. In R. van Gaalen, J. Sanders, W. Smits, & J. F. Ybema (Eds.), Dynamiek op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt: de focus op kwetsbare groepen (pp. 183-203). Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/publicatie/2011/08/dynamiek-op-de-nederlandse-arbeidsmarkt[details]
Zorlu, A. (2008). Who leaves the city? The influence of ethnic segregation and family ties. (Discussion Paper; No. 3343). IZA. http://ftp.iza.org/dp3343.pdf[details]
Zorlu, A., & Hartog, J. (2008). Employment assimilation of immigrants in the Netherlands: catching up and the irrelevance of education. (Discussion Paper; No. 3534). IZA. http://ftp.iza.org/dp3534.pdf[details]
Lidmaatschap / relevante positie
Zorlu, A. (2015-2016). member, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Demografie.
Zorlu, A. (2012). member, European Association for Population Studies.
Zorlu, A. (2012). member, European Association for Population Studies.
Zorlu, A. (2011). research fellow, Applied Microeconomics Research Unit (NIMA), Univerty of Minho, Portugal.
Zorlu, A. (04-04-2011). Radio 1 over : Uit huisgaan allochtone jongeren [Radio]. Radio 1 over : Uit huisgaan allochtone jongeren.
Zorlu, A. (editor) (2018). Frontiers in Sociology (Journal).
Zorlu, A. (editor) (2015). Population Space and Place (Journal).
Zorlu, A. (invited speaker) (11-6-2015). Register-based demographic research in the Netherlands, Workshop on New Developments in Register-based Demographic Research.
Zorlu, A. (invited speaker) (2-4-2015). The impact of 9/11 on Well-Being of Muslims in Europe, Seminar at Life Course Centre, Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland.
Zorlu, A. (invited speaker) (2015). Houdingen ten aanzien van Asielzoekerscentra, presentatie, Gemeente Tytsjerksteradiel, Burgum.
Zorlu, A. (participant) (26-6-2018 - 29-6-2018). ENHR annual conference 2018, Uppsala, Uppsala (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zorlu, A. (participant) (6-6-2018 - 9-6-2018). European Population Conference 2018 (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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