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Marien Baerveldt

Entry requirements 

This course is accessible for 2nd and 3rd year honoursstudents.


Dutch, but we will switch to English when we have non-Dutch students or speakers.

Class contents

The student is able to:

  • To design your own learning plan
  • To execute a self-designed learning event
  • To integrate critical pedagogy theory and personal experience
  • To read and engage with literature on critical pedagogy and liberatory learning
  • To reflect upon ones own learning experiences and a ‘hidden curriculum’ at our university


The aim of this course is to ‘unflatten’ the way you look at learning and enable you to take initiative in your own learning activities.

During our time together we will discover what the unintended ‘hidden’ learning outcomes in the university curriculum have been. You will design your own future learning plan and we will facilitate learning activities for each other.

As a tribe we will read literature on critical pedagogy and engage in dialogue with guest speakers to broaden our concepts of learning. With fellow students you will investigate your learning edges, gather real-life experiences and get a fresh perspective on what learning looks like and how to turn what we want to learn into a project.

You will be invited to bring your full selves to this course and take your learning outside the traditional classroom setting. Among other things we will:

-read an academic comic on the limitations of text (Unflattening).

-design and step into a personal learning ‘activity’.

-take part in a Theatre of the Oppressed of workshop.

-engage in deep dialogue with guest speakers and each other.

-facilitate a learning activity for others in a group

Join our learning tribe, learn about learning, design your own learning plan and become a self-directed learner.

This honours course is convened by Marien Baerveldt and inspired by his work in the Open Master's community.

Aanbevolen voorkennis

1-2 years of study experience


Registration is possible from 7 December 201710.00h till 11 December 2017 23.00h for students participating in an Honours programme via the online registration form on http://iis.uva.nl/en/interdisciplinary-education/honours-modules/honours-modules.html.

Placement will be at random. If there are still spots open after the application deadline, students will still be able to register.

Teaching method

The ‘classes’ will be organized as workshops or working groups, depending on what our topic and learning needs are. Methods we use include Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space, World Café and Theater of the Oppressed.

I intend to get inspiring speakers and/or workshop facilitators to have us join and work with us. Also I will keep my eyes out for an inspiring conference to visit. If not we might organize our own.

This is a global overview of the programme:

1. Kick-off, Setting expectations & Wayfinder workshop2. Theater of the Oppressed workshop3.Oppression & Freedom

  1. Engage with Pedagogy of the Oppressed 

4. Quality

  1. showcase Wayfinder outcomes and learning plans
  2. Dialogue with a guest speaker

5. Flatland

  1. Engage with Unflattening chapter 1-5

Open up

  1. Engage with Unflattening chapter 6-10

7. Showcase your Learning Statement

  1. Presentations
  2. Open Space

8. Spaciousness

  1.  Co-design en intentional learning event 

Exam week

9.  Co-create

  1. Time to work on your ‘event’
  2. Inspire and be inspired
  3. Challenge and be challenged

10. Final presentations 1/2

11. Final presentations 2/2

12. How to stay a self-directed learner?!


On Wednesday, 4 April 2018 - 27 June 2018, room P.C. Hoofthuis 5.02

Study materials

  • Unflattening by Nick Sousanis (2015) 
  • Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire


  • Self Determination Theory by Deci & Ryan
  • T., Stringer, Ernest. Action research (Fourth ed.). Thousand Oaks, California. ISBN 9781452205083OCLC 842322985.
  • Torbert, William R. (1981). "Why Educational Research Has Been So Uneducational: The Case for a New Model of Social Science Based on Collaborative Inquiry". In Reason, P.; Rowan, J. Human Inquiry. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. pp. 141–151. ISBN 978-0471279365.
  • Benson R. Snyder (1971). The Hidden Curriculum. Alfred A. Knopf. ISBN 0-394-42842-0.


Max. 23


  • Presence and preparation of course materials (V/NV)
  • A Personal Learning Statement. (10%)
  • Manifestation of an own intentional learning experience. (15%)
  • Presentation about your own intentional learning experience. (10%)
  • Essay in which theory and personal experience are integrated. 2000-2500 words.(50%)
  • A collective inquiry into our hidden curriculum (in teams?) (V/NV)


Feiten & cijfers
6 EC, 12 weken
Nederlands, Engels