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On 24 February, 2022, Russia initiated a full-fledged invasion of Ukraine causing death and suffering to millions of Ukrainian citizens. With a benefit concert on 24 February 2023 featuring various Ukrainian musicians, including the SonCe Trio, percussionist Konstantyn Napolov, singer Maryana Golovchenko and young students from the Davidsbündler Music Academy, we contribute to the Ukrainian fight for freedom, sustained solidarity for Ukrainian people, and stand together against injustice. The evening is organised by the University of Amsterdam, Davidsbündler Music Academy, University of Europe and the Ukrainian Embassy of the Netherlands, with the support of TRIDA Foundation, the Amsterdam University Fund and Alumni Association AUV.
Event details of Solidarity & Benefit Concert for Ukraine
24 February 2023
Image: "May That Nuclear War Be Cursed!", Maria Primachenko, 1978. Several of Primachenko’s works were destroyed during the bombing of The Ivankiv Historical and Local History Museum by the Russian army.
Aula - Lutherse kerk

Singel 411
1012 WN Amsterdam