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Are you looking to reflect on how you can best present your ideas? Are you a student or researcher and do you want to improve how you present your research to others? Or are you an entrepreneur in the humanities and want to think about the best way to pitch your ideas and communicate within your network? Do you often work in collaborative team projects? Join us for this workshop on the Japanese concept of Ba.
Event details of Japanese Ba for entrepreneurs
10 May 2023
15:00 -17:00
Emiko Tsuyuki

The Japanese concept of Ba is the context shared by those interacting with each other. Through such interactions, the context itself evolves to create knowledge. To connect with ‘Ba’ and use the knowledge that is present in the field, we need to develop a skill of ‘passive listening’, also referred to as ‘reading air.’

We are corporeal beings, in a physical environment, and are related to each other as well as to our history and culture. We usually communicate with other people through words, but we often communicate what we feel as well (through body language, tone etc.). Ba contains verbal communication (visible Ba) and emotional communication (invisible Ba). If we are aware of this field (Ba) we can consciously use it in our interaction with each other, get access to all knowledge available in the group and facilitate a process of creative thinking.

In this workshop Professor Emiko Tsuyuki shares her work on Ba and tacit knowledge and her experience to apply this concept to help teams in European organizations to use the potential of Ba. We learn by experience.

Renate Schepen

On the trainers

Emiko Tsuyuki is Professor in Chuo Business School, Chuo University, Tokyo Japan. M.A. in Sociology, M.Sc and Ph.D. in Knowledge Science. She is specialised in Organization theory and Organization Behavior, especially, team work and collective creativity. In May 2023 she is in The Netherlands for a week to share her knowledge with knowledge creating organizations in The Netherlands.

The workshop is facilitated by Renate Schepen, an independent philosopher. Her research focuses on intercultural philosophy and dialogues, and she contributes to the academic, public and private sectors with advice, research, education and publications. She has published/ edited books on intercultural philosophy, dialogue and diversity. See www.doordacht.net


Room E0.05
Oudemanhuispoort 4-6
1012 CN Amsterdam